module config_mod implicit none public ! KIND parameter for reals used in exchange with the coupler. This is made ! compatible with OASIS double precision integer,parameter :: RNP = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12,307) character(len=*),parameter :: NamelistFileName = "namelist.runoffmapper" character(len=*),parameter :: RunoffMapFileName = "" ! File name and NetCDF variable name to read the cell areas. ! The file that OASIS reads is used here as well. character(len=*),parameter :: CellAreaFileName = "" character(len=*),parameter :: CellAreaVarName = "RnfA.srf" ! x and y (i and j) dimensions of the runoff mapper grid integer,parameter :: GridNX = 512 integer,parameter :: GridNY = 256 ! Logical IO unit number to read the namelist integer,parameter :: NAMLUN = 13 contains subroutine ERROR(msg) character(len=*),intent(in) :: msg write (*,'("*EE*",A)') msg stop 'Aborting runoff-mapper.' end subroutine ERROR end module config_mod