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Pierre-Yves Barriat il y a 6 mois
2 fichiers modifiés avec 31 ajouts et 115 suppressions
  1. 31 5
  2. 0 110

+ 31 - 5

@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/sources/oasis3-mct/util/make_dir
 make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf -f TopMakefileOasis3
+> If rebuild, do `make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf -f TopMakefileOasis3 realclean` before
 * Compile **xios**:
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ module load Perl-bundle-CPAN/5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0
 ./make_xios --prod --arch ecconf --use_oasis oasis3_mct --netcdf_lib netcdf4_par -j 4
+> If rebuild, add `--full` to the command above
 * Compile **IFS**:
@@ -49,13 +53,19 @@ cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/sources/ifs-36r4
 ./makeifs -j 4
+> If rebuild, do `make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf realclean` before
 * Compile **NEMO**:
 cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/sources/nemo-3.6/CONFIG
+module load Perl-bundle-CPAN/5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0
 ./makenemo -n ORCA1L75_LIM3 -m ecconf -j4
+> If rebuild, do `rm -rf ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/sources/nemo-3.6/CONFIG/ORCA1L75_LIM3/BLD/` before
 * Compile **runoff-mapper**:
@@ -63,20 +73,35 @@ cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/sources/runoff-mapper/src
+> If rebuild, do `make clean` before
 * Compile **lpjg**:
 cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/sources/lpjg
+module load CMake/3.26.3-GCCcore-12.3.0
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake ..
+> If rebuild, do `rm -rf ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/sources/lpjg/build` before
 ## Run
-Check the `ecconf.cfg` the first job script `` and submit
+Check the `ecconf.cfg` the first job script `` and submit
+cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/runtime/classic
+Check the first job script `` (same as EC01 with **lpjg**) and submit
 cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.4.2/runtime/classic
 ### Data
@@ -85,9 +110,10 @@ I prepared all the input files in `/gpfs/scratch/acad/ecearth/data/bsc32/` direc
 ### Very first try
-|  CC   | Release | RES |  XIOS  | NEMO | IFS | #NODES |  WTIME per YEAR        |
-| ----- | --- | ---- | ------ | -------------- | ------ | ------- | -------------------- |
-| `` | iompi/2022.05 | T255L91_ORCA1L75 |  1  |  128  |   512   |    6       | **83min**       |
+|  CC   | Release | RES |  XIOS  | NEMO | IFS | LPJG | #NODES |  WTIME per YEAR        |
+| ----- | --- | ---- | ------ | -------------- | ---- | ------ | ------- | -------------------- |
+| `` | iomkl/2023a | T255L91_ORCA1L75 |  1  |  98  |   392   |  20  | 4       | **83min**       |
+| `` | iomkl/2023a | T255L91_ORCA1L75 |  1  |  98  |   392   |  20  | 4       | **83min**       |
 - 1 year (1850), restart every year

+ 0 - 110

@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-# ReBuild EC-EARTH on LUCIA
-EC-Earth is a global coupled climate model. It is developed by a consortium of European research institutions.
-The goal of this project is to adapt this model for our needs in ELIC: install, run management, etc.
-## User requirements
-First, load the required env modules
-module purge
-module load EasyBuild/2023a
-module load netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-iompi-2023a
-module load CDO/2.2.2-iompi-2023a
-module load NCO/5.1.3-iomkl-2023a
-module load ecCodes/2.31.0-iompi-2023a
-module load Perl-bundle-CPAN/5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0
-Then, go to your EC-Earth repository (
-cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2
-## ReCompile
-* Clean and recompile **oasis**:
-cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/oasis3-mct/util/make_dir
-make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf -f TopMakefileOasis3 clean
-make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf -f TopMakefileOasis3 realclean
-make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf -f TopMakefileOasis3
-* Clean and recompile **IFS**:
-> !!! change to do in `Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf +57`
-> replace:
-> CFLAGS                  := -fp-model precise -march=core-avx2
-> with:
-> CFLAGS                  := -std=gnu90 -fp-model precise -march=core-avx2
-cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/ifs-36r4
-make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf clean
-make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf realclean
-./makeifs -j 4
-* Recompile **xios** from scratch:
-> !!! change to do in `extern/blitz/blitz/funcs.h +575`
-> replace:
-> `return BZ_STD_SCOPE(isnan)(a);`
-> with:
-> `return isnan(a);`
-cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/xios-2.5
-./make_xios --full --prod --arch ecconf --use_oasis oasis3_mct --netcdf_lib netcdf4_par -j 4
-* Clean and recompile **NEMO**:
-cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/nemo-3.6/CONFIG
-rm -rf ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/nemo-3.6/CONFIG/ORCA1L75_LIM3/BLD/
-./makenemo -n ORCA1L75_LIM3 -m ecconf -j4
-* Clean and recompile **runoff-mapper**:
-cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/runoff-mapper/src
-make clean
-rm -f ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/runoff-mapper/bin/runoff-mapper.exe
-## Run
-Check the job script `` and compare the changes with your script:
-cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/runtime/classic
-vimdiff ~/
-### Data
-I prepared all the input files in `/gpfs/scratch/acad/ecearth/data/bsc32/` directory.
-## Contributors
-- ELIC members [@pbarriat](