@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <Platform name="lucia-intel-intelmpi">
+ <Description>
+ HOST: Lucia at CENAERO
+ ARCH: linux_x86_64
+ USER: pbarriat
+ COMPILER: GCC-11.3.0
+ MPI: IntelMPI/2021.9.0
+ BLAS/LAPACK: MKL/2023.1.0
+ Modules:
+ module load EasyBuild/2023a
+ module load Perl-bundle-CPAN/5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0
+ module load netCDF-Fortran/4.6.1-iimpi-2023a
+ module load CDO/2.2.2-iimpi-2023a
+ module load NCO/5.1.3-intel-2023a
+ module load ecCodes/2.31.0-iimpi-2023a
+ </Description>
+ <Parameter name="ECEARTH_SRC_DIR">
+ <Description>Base directory for EC-Earth sources</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${HOME}/models/ecearth_trunk/sources</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>MPI base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${EBROOTIMPI}/mpi/latest</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>MPI lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>MPI libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpi mpifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${EBROOTIMKL}/mkl/latest</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib/intel64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LAPACK_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mkl_intel_lp64 mkl_core mkl_sequential</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${EBROOTNETCDF}</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NETCDF_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>netcdff netcdf</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${EBROOTECCODES}</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBAPI_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>eccodes_f90 eccodes</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>/gpfs/projects/acad/ecearth/softs/gribex/iimpi-2023a/lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value/>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="GRIBEX_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>gribexR64</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>JPEG base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value/>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>JPEG lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="JPEG_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>JPEG libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>jpeg</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>SZIP base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>${EBROOTSZIP}</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>SZIP lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="SZIP_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>SZIP libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>sz</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HDF4_DIR)</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF4_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mfhdf df</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_BASE_DIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 base directory</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>$(HDF5_DIR)</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_INC_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 include directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>include</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIB_SUBDIR">
+ <Description>HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir</Description>
+ <Type>PATH</Type>
+ <Value>lib</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="HDF5_LIBS_WITHOUT_L">
+ <Description>HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>hdf5_hl hdf5 z</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKE">
+ <Description>Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>make</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FC">
+ <Description>F90 Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpiifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS">
+ <Description>General F90 flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -march=core-avx2 -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FREEFORM">
+ <Description>Allow for free format Fortran</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-free</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FIXEDFORM">
+ <Description>Expect fixed Fortran format</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-fixed</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FFLAGS_FPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CC">
+ <Description>C Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpiicc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS">
+ <Description>General C flags for compiling</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -march=core-avx2</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CFLAGS_CPP_PREFIX">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flag prefix</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-D</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CXX">
+ <Description>C++ Compiler</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpiicpc</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LD">
+ <Description>Linker</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>mpiifort</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>General flags for linking</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O2 -fp-model precise -march=core-avx2</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="AR">
+ <Description>Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>ar</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>curv</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="ARFLAGS_EXTRACT">
+ <Description>Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>p</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPP">
+ <Description>C preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="FPP">
+ <Description>Fortran preprocessor command</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>fpp</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="CPPFLAGS">
+ <Description>C preprocessor flags</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-P -C</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_CFLAGS">
+ <Description>CFLAGS flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-ansi -w</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="XIOS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for XIOS</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-132 -check pointers -check uninit</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value/>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="OASIS_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Oasis</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value/>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value/>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="NEMO_ADD_LDFLAGS">
+ <Description>More LD flags for Nemo</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-lstdc++</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFS_PPDEFS">
+ <Description>Preprocessor defs for IFS sources</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="IFSAUX_ADD_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value/>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="MAKEDEPF90">
+ <Description>F90 dependency generator</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>${ECEARTH_SRC_DIR}/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_DEFAULT_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>Default F90 flags for TM5 (ie without optimization)</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-warn declarations -r8</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_OPTIM_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>F90 optimization flags for TM5</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value>-O3 -fp-model strict</Value>
+ </Parameter>
+ <Parameter name="TM5_MDEFS_FFLAGS">
+ <Description>Model preprocessor defs</Description>
+ <Type>STRING</Type>
+ <Value/>
+ </Parameter>
+ </Platform>