@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# CMake configuration file for building LPJ-GUESS
+# To build LPJ-GUESS with this build system cmake needs to be installed.
+# If it's not installed it can be downloaded for free from www.cmake.org.
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+if (UNIX)
+ set(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER "mpif90")
+#select grid resolution
+#set (GRID "T255" CACHE STRING "Grid <T159/T255>")
+set (GRID T255)
+if (GRID MATCHES "T255")
+ add_definitions(-DGRID_T255)
+elseif (GRID MATCHES "T159")
+ add_definitions(-DGRID_T159)
+ exit(-1)
+# should we compress output?
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} z)
+ add_definitions(-DCOMPRESS_OUTPUT)
+ message(STATUS "Output compression has been enabled.")
+# Compiler flags for building with Microsoft Visual C++
+if (MSVC)
+ # Disable warnings about using secure functions like sprintf_s instead of
+ # regular sprintf etc.
+# The following are configuration variables for the build.
+# Rather than editing them here, you should either edit them
+# in the graphical cmake tools (cmake-gui on Windows, ccmake
+# on Unix) or pass them in as parameters to cmake.
+if (UNIX)
+ enable_language(Fortran)
+# A variable controlling whether or not to include unit tests
+# Unit tests are disabled in old VS 6.0, since CATCH doesn't compile in such
+# an old compiler.
+ set(UNIT_TESTS "OFF" CACHE BOOL "Whether to include unit tests")
+if (UNIX)
+ # Setup the SYSTEM variable, currently only used to choose which
+ # submit.sh to generate (for submitting to job queue)
+ # Figure out what value it should have initially, based on the
+ # environment variable ARCH if it's set.
+ else()
+ endif()
+ set(SYSTEM ${DEFAULT_SYSTEM} CACHE STRING "System to build for (empty (=simba), gimle, platon, alarik or multicore)")
+endif (UNIX)
+# Where to search for cmake modules
+# (used by cmake when the include() command is used in a cmake file)
+# NetCDF - look for libraries and include files, and use them if found
+find_package(NetCDF QUIET)
+# NB! Adding the following line to .bashrc helps cmake to find the netcdf files:
+# export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/software/apps/netcdf/4.3.2/i1402-hdf5-1.8.14/
+ # Windows version:
+ # include_directories(${NETCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ # Unix version:
+ if (UNIX)
+ include_directories(${NETCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+ ${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/../oasis3-mct/ecconf/build/lib/psmile.MPI1)
+ else()
+ include_directories(${NETCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ endif(UNIX)
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_NETCDF)
+ # Unix only:
+ if (UNIX)
+ link_directories(${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/../oasis3-mct/ecconf/lib
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} psmile.MPI1 mct mpeu scrip netcdf netcdff)
+ endif (UNIX)
+ include_directories(${EBROOTNETCDFMINFORTRAN}/include
+ ${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/../oasis3-mct/ecconf/build/lib/psmile.MPI1)
+ link_directories(${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/../oasis3-mct/ecconf/lib
+ ${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/../oasis3-mct/ecconf/build/lib/psmile.MPI1)
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_NETCDF)
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} psmile.MPI1 mct mpeu scrip
+ netcdff netcdf)
+# MPI - used if found (not needed on Windows)
+ find_package(MPI QUIET)
+# These are deprecated according to documentation in the FindMPI module,
+# but for some reason not hidden. Let's not display them for the typical
+# LPJ-GUESS user who hasn't got MPI installed.
+ include_directories(${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})
+ # The following is needed because the 3 lines above assume that, if
+ # ${MPI_COMPILE_FLAGS} are defined. This is not necessarily the case, for
+ # example on the CRAY at cca.
+ include_directories(${EBROOTOPENMPI}/include)
+ link_directories(${EBROOTOPENMPI}/lib)
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} mpi mpi_mpifh)
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_MPI)
+ include_directories(${EBROOTOPENMPI}/include)
+ link_directories(${EBROOTOPENMPI}/lib)
+ add_definitions(-DHAVE_MPI)
+ set(LIBS ${LIBS} mpi mpi_mpifh)
+# Where the compiler should search for header files
+${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/libraries/gutil ${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/libraries/plib
+${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/libraries/guessnc ${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/modules ${guess_SOURCE_DIR}/cru/guessio)
+# The following directories contain source code and
+# additional CMakeLists.txt files
+ add_subdirectory(tests)
+# Add the command line program's target
+if (GRID MATCHES "T255")
+ if (WIN32)
+ # Let the exe be called guesscmd so it doesn't collide with the dll target
+ set(guess_command_name "guesscmd_T255")
+ else()
+ # On Unix we don't have the dll so the command line binary can be called guess
+ set(guess_command_name "guess_T255")
+ endif()
+elseif(GRID MATCHES "T159")
+ if (WIN32)
+ # Let the exe be called guesscmd so it doesn't collide with the dll target
+ set(guess_command_name "guesscmd_T159")
+ else()
+ # On Unix we don't have the dll so the command line binary can be called guess
+ set(guess_command_name "guess_T159")
+ endif()
+# Specify the executable to build, and which sources to build it from
+add_executable(${guess_command_name} ${guess_sources} command_line_version/main.cpp)
+# Rule for building the unit test binary
+ add_executable(runtests ${guess_sources} ${test_sources})
+# Specify libraries to link to the executable
+target_link_libraries(${guess_command_name} ${LIBS})
+if (WIN32)
+ # Create guess.dll (used with the graphical Windows shell)
+ add_library(guess SHARED ${guess_sources} windows_version/dllmain.cpp)
+ # Specify libraries to link to the dll
+ target_link_libraries(guess ${LIBS})
+endif (WIN32)
+# The custom build rule for generating the submit script from a template.
+# The submit script is generated each time the command line binary is built.
+# Removed in EC-Earth branch!
+# Rule for running unit tests automatically
+ add_custom_command(TARGET runtests
+ COMMAND runtests
+ COMMENT "Running tests")
+if (UNIX)
+ # pgCC 6 doesn't seem to recognize -rdynamic, so remove it
+ # (we shouldn't need it anyway)
+ # It seems the CMake developers have fixed this in newer versions
+ # (sometime after 2.8)
+if (UNIX)
+ # Set default build type to Release on Unix
+ "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel."