Ruby-2.3.1-intel-2018.eb 2.2 KB

  1. # With <3 for EasyBuild
  2. #
  3. # EasyConfig for Ruby 2.1:
  4. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. # Copyright: 2014 - Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology GmBH
  6. # License: MIT
  7. # Authors: Aaron <> Zauner
  8. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. name = 'Ruby'
  10. version = '2.3.1'
  11. homepage = ''
  12. description = """Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with
  13. a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is
  14. natural to read and easy to write."""
  15. toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2018'}
  16. sources = [SOURCELOWER_TAR_GZ]
  17. source_urls = ['']
  18. ext_options = {
  19. 'source_urls': [''],
  20. 'source_tmpl': '%(name)s-%(version)s.gem',
  21. }
  22. exts_list = [
  23. ('ffi', '1.9.10', ext_options),
  24. ('childprocess', '0.5.9', ext_options),
  25. ('json', '1.8.3', ext_options),
  26. ('cabin', '0.8.1', ext_options),
  27. ('backports', '3.6.8', ext_options),
  28. ('arr-pm', '0.0.10', ext_options),
  29. ('clamp', '1.0.0', ext_options),
  30. ('multipart-post', '2.0.0', ext_options),
  31. ('faraday', '0.9.2', ext_options),
  32. ('faraday_middleware', '0.10.0', ext_options),
  33. ('highline', '1.7.8', ext_options),
  34. ('net-http-pipeline', '1.0.1', ext_options),
  35. ('net-http-persistent', '2.9.4', ext_options),
  36. ('multi_json', '1.11.3', ext_options),
  37. ('addressable', '2.4.0', ext_options),
  38. ('gh', '0.14.0', ext_options),
  39. ('launchy', '2.4.3', ext_options),
  40. ('ethon', '0.8.1', ext_options),
  41. ('typhoeus', '0.8.0', ext_options),
  42. ('websocket', '1.2.3', ext_options),
  43. ('pusher-client', '0.6.2', ext_options),
  44. ('diff-lcs', '1.2.5', ext_options),
  45. ('rspec-support', '3.4.1', ext_options),
  46. ('rspec-mocks', '3.4.1', ext_options),
  47. ('rspec-expectations', '3.4.0', ext_options),
  48. ('rspec-core', '3.4.4', ext_options),
  49. ('rspec', '3.4.0', ext_options),
  50. ('rack', '1.6.4', ext_options),
  51. ('rack-protection', '1.5.3', ext_options),
  52. ('tilt', '2.0.2', ext_options),
  53. ('sinatra', '1.4.7', ext_options),
  54. ('rack-test', '0.6.3', ext_options),
  55. ]
  56. moduleclass = 'lang'