util-linux-2.29.2-intel-2017.02.eb 1.2 KB

  1. easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
  2. name = 'util-linux'
  3. version = '2.29.2'
  4. homepage = 'http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux'
  5. description = """Set of Linux utilities"""
  6. toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2017.02'}
  7. source_urls = ['%s/v%%(version_major_minor)s' % homepage]
  8. sources = [SOURCELOWER_TAR_GZ]
  9. # disable account related utilities (they need OS dependant pam-devel files)
  10. # disable wall and friends (requires group changing permissions for install user)
  11. # install systemd service files in install dir
  12. # install bash completion files in install dir
  13. configopts = "--disable-chfn-chsh --disable-login --disable-su "
  14. configopts += "--disable-wall --disable-use-tty-group "
  15. configopts += "--disable-makeinstall-chown --disable-makeinstall-setuid "
  16. configopts += "--with-systemdsystemunitdir='${prefix}/systemd' "
  17. configopts += "--with-bashcompletiondir='${prefix}/share/bash-completion/completions' "
  18. # disable building Python bindings (since we don't include Python as a dep)
  19. configopts += "--without-python "
  20. dependencies = [('ncurses', '6.0')]
  21. sanity_check_paths = {
  22. 'files': ['lib/lib%s.a' % x for x in ['blkid', 'mount', 'uuid']],
  23. 'dirs': ['include', 'bin', 'share', 'sbin'],
  24. }
  25. moduleclass = 'tools'