Qt5-5.15.5-GCCcore-11.2.0.eb 2.0 KB

  1. easyblock = 'EB_Qt'
  2. name = 'Qt5'
  3. version = '5.15.5'
  4. homepage = 'https://qt.io/'
  5. description = "Qt is a comprehensive cross-platform C++ application framework."
  6. toolchain = {'name': 'GCCcore', 'version': '11.2.0'}
  7. # disabling use of -ftree-vectorize is required to avoid compilation failures on some systems (e.g. Intel Skylake X)
  8. toolchainopts = {'vectorize': False}
  9. source_urls = [
  10. 'https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/%(version_major_minor)s/%(version)s/single/',
  11. 'https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/%(version_major_minor)s/%(version)s/single/',
  12. 'https://download.qt.io/new_archive/qt/%(version_major_minor)s/%(version)s/single/',
  13. ]
  14. sources = ['qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%(version)s.tar.xz']
  15. patches = [
  16. 'Qt5-5.13.1_fix-avx2.patch',
  17. 'Qt5-5.13.1_fix-qmake-libdir.patch',
  18. 'Qt5-5.14.1_fix-OF-Gentoo.patch',
  19. 'Qt5-5.15.5_fix-qtwebegine-HarfBuzz-3.x.patch',
  20. ]
  21. builddependencies = [
  22. ('binutils', '2.37'),
  23. ('pkgconf', '1.8.0'),
  24. # deps for QtWebEngine
  25. ('Bison', '3.7.6'),
  26. ('flex', '2.6.4'),
  27. ('gperf', '3.1'),
  28. ('Ninja', '1.10.2'),
  29. # Qt5WebEngine has build dependency on Python 2
  30. ('Python', '2.7.18', '-bare'),
  31. ('re2c', '2.2'),
  32. ]
  33. dependencies = [
  34. ('double-conversion', '3.1.5'),
  35. ('GLib', '2.69.1'),
  36. ('PCRE2', '10.37'),
  37. ('libpng', '1.6.37'),
  38. ('HarfBuzz', '4.2.1'),
  39. ('graphite2', '1.3.14'),
  40. # deps for QtWebEngine
  41. ('X11', '20210802'),
  42. ('fontconfig', '2.13.94'),
  43. ('DBus', '1.13.18'),
  44. ('libevent', '2.1.12'),
  45. ('libGLU', '9.0.2'),
  46. ('libjpeg-turbo', '2.0.6'),
  47. ('NSS', '3.69'),
  48. ('snappy', '1.1.9'),
  49. ('JasPer', '2.0.33'),
  50. ('bzip2', '1.0.8'),
  51. ('OpenSSL', '1.1', '', True),
  52. ('ICU', '71.1'),
  53. ('nodejs', '16.15.1'),
  54. ]
  55. # qtgamepad needs recent kernel/libevdev (fails on RHEL 6.x)
  56. # qtwayland fails to build on (some) Centos 7 systems
  57. configopts = '-skip qtgamepad -skip qtwayland'
  58. # make sure QtWebEngine component is being built & installed
  59. check_qtwebengine = True
  60. moduleclass = 'devel'