configurable-http-proxy-3.1.1-foss-2018b-nodejs-8.9.4.eb 814 B

  1. easyblock = 'Binary'
  2. name = 'configurable-http-proxy'
  3. version = '3.1.1'
  4. nodejsver = '8.9.4'
  5. versionsuffix = '-nodejs-%s' % nodejsver
  6. homepage = ''
  7. description = """HTTP proxy for node.js including a REST API for updating the routing table.
  8. Developed as a part of the Jupyter Hub multi-user server."""
  9. toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2018b'}
  10. dependencies = [
  11. ('nodejs', nodejsver),
  12. ]
  13. source_urls = ['']
  14. sources = ['%(version)s.tar.gz']
  15. checksums = ['45079930e33c1322743e2700e699898136a193ada2227c2174741a23297aeec2']
  16. install_cmd = 'npm install --no-package-lock -g --prefix %(installdir)s %(version)s.tar.gz'
  17. sanity_check_commands = ['%(name)s --version']
  18. moduleclass = 'tools'