123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660 |
- name = 'R'
- version = '3.4.1'
- homepage = 'http://www.r-project.org/'
- description = """R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics."""
- toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2018'}
- sources = [SOURCE_TAR_GZ]
- source_urls = ['http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/base/R-%(version_major)s']
- configopts = "--with-lapack --with-blas --with-pic --enable-threads --with-x=yes --enable-R-shlib"
- # Actually use Tcl/Tk
- configopts += ' --with-tcl-config=$EBROOTTCL/lib/tclConfig.sh --with-tk-config=$EBROOTTK/lib/tkConfig.sh '
- # Enable graphics capabilities for plotting.
- configopts += " --with-cairo --with-libpng --with-jpeglib --with-libtiff"
- # some recommended packages may fail in a parallel build (e.g. Matrix), and we're installing them anyway below
- configopts += " --with-recommended-packages=no"
- dependencies = [
- ('X11', '20170805'),
- ('Mesa', '17.0.2'),
- ('libGLU', '9.0.0'),
- ('cairo', '1.14.8'),
- ('libreadline', '7.0'),
- ('ncurses', '6.0'),
- ('bzip2', '1.0.6'),
- ('XZ', '5.2.3'),
- ('zlib', '1.2.11'),
- ('SQLite', '3.20.1'),
- ('PCRE', '8.40'),
- ('libpng', '1.6.32'), # for plotting in R
- ('libjpeg-turbo', '1.5.1'), # for plottting in R
- ('LibTIFF', '4.0.7'),
- #('Java', '1.8.0_141', '', True), # Java bindings are built if Java is found, might as well provide it
- ('Tcl', '8.6.7'), # for tcltk
- ('Tk', '8.6.7'), # for tcltk
- ('cURL', '7.55.1'), # for RCurl
- ('libxml2', '2.9.4'), # for XML
- ('PROJ', '4.9.3'), # for rgdal
- ('GMP', '6.1.2'), # for igraph
- ('NLopt', '2.4.2'), # for nloptr
- ('FFTW', '3.3.4'), # for fftw
- ('libsndfile', '1.0.28'), # for seewave
- ('JAGS', '4.2.0'), # for rjags
- ('HDF5', '1.8.18'),
- ('netCDF', ''),
- ('netCDF-Fortran', '4.4.4'),
- ('UDUNITS', '2.2.24'),
- ('GDAL', '2.2.0'),
- ('GEOS', '3.6.1'),
- # OS dependency should be preferred if the os version is more recent then this version,
- # it's nice to have an up to date openssl for security reasons
- ('OpenSSL', '1.1.0e'),
- ]
- #osdependencies = [('openssl-devel', 'libssl-dev', 'libopenssl-devel')]
- name_tmpl = '%(name)s_%(version)s.tar.gz'
- ext_options = {
- 'source_urls': [
- 'http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/%(name)s', # package archive
- 'http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/', # current version of packages
- 'http://cran.freestatistics.org/src/contrib', # mirror alternative for current packages
- ],
- 'source_tmpl': name_tmpl,
- }
- # !! order of packages is important !!
- # packages updated on August 24th 2017
- exts_list = [
- # default libraries, only here to sanity check their presence
- 'base',
- 'compiler',
- 'datasets',
- 'graphics',
- 'grDevices',
- 'grid',
- 'methods',
- 'splines',
- 'stats',
- 'stats4',
- 'tools',
- 'utils',
- # non-standard libraries, should be specified with fixed versions!
- ('perm', '1.0-0.0', ext_options),
- ('Rmpi', '0.6-6', ext_options),
- ('abind', '1.4-5', ext_options),
- ('magic', '1.5-6', ext_options),
- ('geometry', '0.3-6', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', ['geometry-0.3-4-icc.patch'])])),
- ('bit', '1.1-12', ext_options),
- ('filehash', '2.4-1', ext_options),
- ('ff', '2.2-13', ext_options),
- ('bnlearn', '4.2', ext_options),
- ('bootstrap', '2017.2', ext_options),
- ('combinat', '0.0-8', ext_options),
- ('deal', '1.2-37', ext_options),
- ('fdrtool', '1.2.15', ext_options),
- ('formatR', '1.5', ext_options),
- ('gtools', '3.5.0', ext_options),
- ('gdata', '2.18.0', ext_options),
- ('GSA', '1.03', ext_options),
- ('highr', '0.6', ext_options),
- ('infotheo', '1.2.0', ext_options),
- ('lars', '1.2', ext_options),
- ('lazy', '1.2-15', ext_options),
- ('kernlab', '0.9-25', ext_options),
- ('mime', '0.5', ext_options),
- ('markdown', '0.8', ext_options),
- ('mlbench', '2.1-1', ext_options),
- ('NLP', '0.1-11', ext_options),
- ('mclust', '5.3', ext_options),
- ('RANN', '2.5.1', ext_options),
- ('rmeta', '2.16', ext_options),
- ('segmented', '0.5-2.1', ext_options),
- ('som', '0.3-5.1', ext_options),
- ('SuppDists', '1.1-9.4', ext_options),
- ('stabledist', '0.7-1', ext_options),
- ('survivalROC', '1.0.3', ext_options),
- ('pspline', '1.0-18', ext_options),
- ('timeDate', '3012.100', ext_options),
- ('longmemo', '1.0-0', ext_options),
- ('ADGofTest', '0.3', ext_options),
- ('ade4', '1.7-8', ext_options),
- ('AlgDesign', '1.1-7.3', ext_options),
- ('base64enc', '0.1-3', ext_options),
- ('BH', '1.62.0-1', ext_options),
- ('brew', '1.0-6', ext_options),
- ('Brobdingnag', '1.2-4', ext_options),
- ('corpcor', '1.6.9', ext_options),
- ('longitudinal', '1.1.12', ext_options),
- ('backports', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('checkmate', '1.8.3', ext_options),
- ('Rcpp', '0.12.12', ext_options),
- ('cubature', '1.3-11', ext_options),
- ('DEoptimR', '1.0-8', ext_options),
- ('digest', '0.6.12', ext_options),
- ('fastmatch', '1.1-0', ext_options),
- ('ffbase', '0.12.3', ext_options),
- ('iterators', '1.0.8', ext_options),
- ('maps', '3.2.0', ext_options),
- ('nnls', '1.4', ext_options),
- ('sendmailR', '1.2-1', ext_options),
- ('dotCall64', '0.9-04', ext_options),
- ('spam', '2.1-1', ext_options),
- ('subplex', '1.4-1', ext_options),
- ('stringi', '1.1.5', ext_options),
- ('magrittr', '1.5', ext_options),
- ('stringr', '1.2.0', ext_options),
- ('evaluate', '0.10.1', ext_options),
- ('logspline', '2.1.9', ext_options),
- ('ncbit', '2013.03.29', ext_options),
- ('permute', '0.9-4', ext_options),
- ('plotrix', '3.6-6', ext_options),
- ('randomForest', '4.6-12', ext_options),
- ('scatterplot3d', '0.3-40', ext_options),
- ('SparseM', '1.77', ext_options),
- ('tripack', '1.3-8', ext_options),
- ('irace', '2.4', ext_options),
- #('rJava', '0.9-8', ext_options),
- ('lattice', '0.20-35', ext_options),
- ('RColorBrewer', '1.1-2', ext_options),
- ('latticeExtra', '0.6-28', ext_options),
- ('Matrix', '1.2-11', ext_options),
- ('png', '0.1-7', ext_options),
- ('RUnit', '0.4.31', ext_options),
- ('RcppArmadillo', '0.7.960.1.1', ext_options),
- ('plyr', '1.8.4', ext_options),
- ('quadprog', '1.5-5', ext_options),
- ('BB', '2014.10-1', ext_options),
- ('BBmisc', '1.11', ext_options),
- ('fail', '1.3', ext_options),
- ('rlecuyer', '0.3-4', ext_options),
- ('snow', '0.4-2', ext_options),
- ('MASS', '7.3-47', ext_options),
- ('tree', '1.0-37', ext_options),
- ('pls', '2.6-0', ext_options),
- ('class', '7.3-14', ext_options),
- ('e1071', '1.6-8', ext_options),
- ('nnet', '7.3-12', ext_options),
- ('nlme', '3.1-131', ext_options),
- ('minqa', '1.2.4', ext_options),
- ('RcppEigen', '', ext_options),
- ('RcppParallel', '4.3.20', ext_options),
- ('MatrixModels', '0.4-1', ext_options),
- ('quantreg', '5.33', ext_options),
- ('mgcv', '1.8-18', ext_options),
- ('colorspace', '1.3-2', ext_options),
- ('robustbase', '0.92-7', ext_options),
- ('sp', '1.2-5', ext_options),
- ('zoo', '1.8-0', ext_options),
- ('lmtest', '0.9-35', ext_options),
- ('vcd', '1.4-3', ext_options),
- ('snowfall', '1.84-6.1', ext_options),
- ('rpart', '4.1-11', ext_options),
- ('survival', '2.41-3', ext_options),
- ('mice', '2.30', ext_options),
- ('urca', '1.3-0', ext_options),
- ('fracdiff', '1.4-2', ext_options),
- ('logistf', '1.22', ext_options),
- ('akima', '0.6-2', ext_options),
- ('bitops', '1.0-6', ext_options),
- ('boot', '1.3-20', ext_options),
- ('mixtools', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('cluster', '2.0.6', ext_options),
- ('gclus', '1.3.1', ext_options),
- ('coda', '0.19-1', ext_options),
- ('codetools', '0.2-15', ext_options),
- ('foreach', '1.4.3', ext_options),
- ('doMC', '1.3.4', ext_options),
- ('DBI', '0.7', ext_options),
- ('foreign', '0.8-69', ext_options),
- ('gam', '1.14-4', ext_options),
- ('gamlss.data', '5.0-0', ext_options),
- ('gamlss.dist', '5.0-2', ext_options),
- ('hwriter', '1.3.2', ext_options),
- ('KernSmooth', '2.23-15', ext_options),
- ('xts', '0.10-0', ext_options),
- ('curl', '2.8.1', ext_options),
- ('TTR', '0.23-2', ext_options),
- ('quantmod', '0.4-10', ext_options),
- ('mnormt', '1.5-5', ext_options),
- ('mvtnorm', '1.0-6', ext_options),
- ('pcaPP', '1.9-72', ext_options),
- ('numDeriv', '2016.8-1', ext_options),
- ('lava', '1.5', ext_options),
- ('prodlim', '1.6.1', ext_options),
- ('pscl', '1.4.9', ext_options),
- ('memoise', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('plogr', '0.1-1', ext_options),
- ('rlang', '0.1.2', ext_options),
- ('tibble', '1.3.4', ext_options),
- ('bit64', '0.9-7', ext_options),
- ('blob', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('pkgconfig', '2.0.1', ext_options),
- ('RSQLite', '1.1-2', ext_options),
- ('BatchJobs', '1.6', ext_options),
- ('sandwich', '2.4-0', ext_options),
- ('sfsmisc', '1.1-1', ext_options),
- ('spatial', '7.3-11', ext_options),
- ('VGAM', '1.0-4', ext_options),
- ('waveslim', '1.7.5', ext_options),
- ('xtable', '1.8-2', ext_options),
- ('profileModel', '0.5-9', ext_options),
- ('brglm', '0.6.1', ext_options),
- ('deSolve', '1.20', ext_options),
- ('tseriesChaos', '0.1-13', ext_options),
- ('tseries', '0.10-42', ext_options),
- ('fastICA', '1.2-1', ext_options),
- ('R.methodsS3', '1.7.1', ext_options),
- ('R.oo', '1.21.0', ext_options),
- ('cgdsr', '1.2.6', ext_options),
- ('R.utils', '2.5.0', ext_options),
- ('R.matlab', '3.6.1', ext_options),
- ('gbm', '2.1.3', ext_options),
- ('dichromat', '2.0-0', ext_options),
- ('Formula', '1.2-2', ext_options),
- ('acepack', '1.4.1', ext_options),
- ('reshape2', '1.4.2', ext_options),
- ('gtable', '0.2.0', ext_options),
- ('munsell', '0.4.3', ext_options),
- ('labeling', '0.3', ext_options),
- ('scales', '0.4.1', ext_options),
- ('proto', '1.0.0', ext_options),
- ('lazyeval', '0.2.0', ext_options),
- ('assertthat', '0.2.0', ext_options),
- ('ggplot2', '2.2.1', ext_options),
- ('pROC', '1.10.0', ext_options),
- ('gridExtra', '2.2.1', ext_options),
- ('chron', '2.3-50', ext_options),
- ('data.table', '1.10.4', ext_options),
- ('viridisLite', '0.2.0', ext_options),
- ('viridis', '0.4.0', ext_options),
- ('yaml', '2.1.14', ext_options),
- ('jsonlite', '1.5', ext_options),
- ('htmltools', '0.3.6', ext_options),
- ('htmlwidgets', '0.9', ext_options),
- ('knitr', '1.17', ext_options),
- ('htmlTable', '1.9', ext_options),
- ('Hmisc', '4.0-3', ext_options),
- ('fastcluster', '1.1.24', ext_options),
- ('registry', '0.3', ext_options),
- ('pkgmaker', '0.22', ext_options),
- ('rngtools', '1.2.4', ext_options),
- ('doParallel', '1.0.10', ext_options),
- ('gridBase', '0.4-7', ext_options),
- ('NMF', '0.20.6', ext_options),
- ('irlba', '2.2.1', ext_options),
- ('igraph', '1.1.2', ext_options),
- ('GeneNet', '1.2.13', ext_options),
- ('ape', '4.1', ext_options),
- ('RJSONIO', '1.3-0', ext_options),
- ('caTools', '1.17.1', ext_options),
- ('gplots', '3.0.1', ext_options),
- ('ROCR', '1.0-7', ext_options),
- ('httpuv', '1.3.5', ext_options),
- ('R6', '2.2.2', ext_options),
- ('rjson', '0.2.15', ext_options),
- ('sourcetools', '0.1.6', ext_options),
- ('shiny', '1.0.4', ext_options),
- ('seqinr', '3.4-5', ext_options),
- ('LearnBayes', '2.15', ext_options),
- ('deldir', '0.1-14', ext_options),
- ('gmodels', '2.16.2', ext_options),
- ('expm', '0.999-2', ext_options),
- ('spdep', '0.6-13', ext_options),
- ('dplyr', '0.5.0', ext_options),
- ('vegan', '2.4-3', ext_options),
- ('adegenet', '2.0.1', ext_options),
- ('prettyunits', '1.0.2', ext_options),
- ('progress', '1.1.2', ext_options),
- ('rncl', '0.8.2', ext_options),
- ('XML', '3.98-1.9', ext_options),
- ('crayon', '1.3.2', ext_options),
- ('praise', '1.0.0', ext_options),
- ('testthat', '1.0.2', ext_options),
- ('rprojroot', '1.2', ext_options),
- ('rmarkdown', '1.6', ext_options),
- ('openssl', '0.9.6', ext_options),
- ('httr', '1.3.1', ext_options),
- ('reshape', '0.8.7', ext_options),
- ('xml2', '1.1.1', ext_options),
- ('triebeard', '0.3.0', ext_options),
- ('urltools', '1.6.0', ext_options),
- ('httpcode', '0.2.0', ext_options),
- ('crul', '0.3.8', ext_options),
- ('bold', '0.5.0', ext_options),
- ('rredlist', '0.3.0', ext_options),
- ('rentrez', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('rotl', '3.0.3', ext_options),
- ('solrium', '0.4.0', ext_options),
- ('ritis', '0.5.4', ext_options),
- ('worrms', '0.1.0', ext_options),
- ('natserv', '0.1.4', ext_options),
- ('taxize', '0.8.4', ext_options),
- ('tidyr', '0.6.2', ext_options),
- ('uuid', '0.1-2', ext_options),
- ('RNeXML', '2.0.7', ext_options),
- ('phylobase', '0.8.4', ext_options),
- ('adephylo', '1.1-10', ext_options),
- ('animation', '2.5', ext_options),
- ('bigmemory.sri', '0.1.3', ext_options),
- ('bigmemory', '4.5.19', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', ['bigmemory-4.5.19_icpc-wd308.patch'])])),
- ('calibrate', '1.7.2', ext_options),
- ('clusterGeneration', '1.3.4', ext_options),
- ('raster', '2.5-8', ext_options),
- ('dismo', '1.1-4', ext_options),
- ('extrafontdb', '1.0', ext_options),
- ('Rttf2pt1', '1.3.4', ext_options),
- ('extrafont', '0.17', ext_options),
- ('fields', '9.0', ext_options),
- ('shapefiles', '0.7', ext_options),
- ('fossil', '0.3.7', ext_options),
- ('geiger', '2.0.6', ext_options),
- ('glmnet', '2.0-10', ext_options),
- ('rgl', '0.98.1', ext_options),
- ('labdsv', '1.8-0', ext_options),
- ('stabs', '0.6-3', ext_options),
- ('modeltools', '0.2-21', ext_options),
- ('strucchange', '1.5-1', ext_options),
- ('TH.data', '1.0-8', ext_options),
- ('multcomp', '1.4-6', ext_options),
- ('coin', '1.2-1', ext_options),
- ('party', '1.2-3', ext_options),
- ('mboost', '2.8-1', ext_options),
- ('msm', '1.6.4', ext_options),
- ('nor1mix', '1.2-2', ext_options),
- ('np', '0.60-3', ext_options),
- ('polynom', '1.3-9', ext_options),
- ('polspline', '1.1.12', ext_options),
- ('rms', '5.1-1', ext_options),
- #('RWekajars', '3.9.1-3', ext_options),
- #('RWeka', '0.4-34', ext_options),
- ('slam', '0.1-40', ext_options),
- ('tm', '0.7-1', ext_options),
- ('TraMineR', '2.0-7', ext_options),
- ('chemometrics', '1.4.2', ext_options),
- ('FNN', '1.1', ext_options),
- ('ipred', '0.9-6', ext_options),
- ('statmod', '1.4.30', ext_options),
- ('miscTools', '0.6-22', ext_options),
- ('maxLik', '1.3-4', ext_options),
- ('mlogit', '0.2-4', ext_options),
- ('getopt', '1.20.0', ext_options),
- ('gsalib', '2.1', ext_options),
- ('optparse', '1.4.4', ext_options),
- ('klaR', '0.6-12', ext_options),
- ('neuRosim', '0.2-12', ext_options),
- ('locfit', '1.5-9.1', ext_options),
- ('GGally', '1.3.2', ext_options),
- ('beanplot', '1.2', ext_options),
- ('clValid', '0.6-6', ext_options),
- ('matrixStats', '0.52.2', ext_options),
- ('DiscriMiner', '0.1-29', ext_options),
- ('ellipse', '0.3-8', ext_options),
- ('leaps', '3.0', ext_options),
- ('nloptr', '1.0.4', ext_options),
- ('lme4', '1.1-13', ext_options),
- ('pbkrtest', '0.4-7', ext_options),
- ('car', '2.1-5', ext_options),
- ('flashClust', '1.01-2', ext_options),
- ('FactoMineR', '1.36', ext_options),
- ('flexclust', '1.3-4', ext_options),
- ('flexmix', '2.3-14', ext_options),
- ('prabclus', '2.2-6', ext_options),
- ('diptest', '0.75-7', ext_options),
- ('trimcluster', '0.1-2', ext_options),
- ('fpc', '2.1-10', ext_options),
- ('BiasedUrn', '1.07', ext_options),
- ('TeachingDemos', '2.10', ext_options),
- ('kohonen', '3.0.2', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', ['kohonen-3.0.2_icpc-wd308.patch'])])),
- ('base64', '2.0', ext_options),
- ('doRNG', '1.6.6', ext_options),
- ('nleqslv', '3.3.1', ext_options),
- ('Deriv', '3.8.1', ext_options),
- ('RGCCA', '2.1.2', ext_options),
- ('pheatmap', '1.0.8', ext_options),
- ('openxlsx', '4.0.17', ext_options),
- ('pvclust', '2.0-0', ext_options),
- ('RCircos', '1.2.0', ext_options),
- ('lambda.r', '1.1.9', ext_options),
- ('futile.options', '1.0.0', ext_options),
- ('futile.logger', '1.4.3', ext_options),
- ('VennDiagram', '1.6.17', ext_options),
- #('xlsxjars', '0.6.1', ext_options),
- #('xlsx', '0.5.7', ext_options),
- ('forecast', '8.0', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', ['forecast-6.1_icpc-wd308.patch'])])),
- ('fma', '2.3', ext_options),
- ('expsmooth', '2.3', ext_options),
- ('fpp', '0.5', ext_options),
- ('maptools', '0.9-2', ext_options),
- ('tensor', '1.5', ext_options),
- ('polyclip', '1.6-1', ext_options),
- ('goftest', '1.1-1', ext_options),
- ('spatstat.utils', '1.7-0', ext_options),
- ('spatstat', '1.52-1', ext_options),
- ('rgdal', '1.2-8', ext_options),
- ('gdalUtils', '', ext_options),
- ('pracma', '2.0.7', ext_options),
- ('RCurl', '1.95-4.8', ext_options),
- ('bio3d', '2.3-3', ext_options),
- ('AUC', '0.3.0', ext_options),
- ('interpretR', '0.2.4', ext_options),
- ('cvAUC', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('SuperLearner', '2.0-22', ext_options),
- ('lpSolve', '5.6.13', ext_options),
- ('mediation', '4.4.6', ext_options),
- ('ModelMetrics', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('caret', '6.0-76', ext_options),
- ('adabag', '4.1', ext_options),
- ('parallelMap', '1.3', ext_options),
- ('ParamHelpers', '1.10', ext_options),
- ('ggvis', '0.4.3', ext_options),
- ('mlr', '2.11', ext_options),
- ('unbalanced', '2.0', ext_options),
- ('RSNNS', '0.4-9', ext_options),
- ('abc.data', '1.0', ext_options),
- ('abc', '2.1', ext_options),
- ('lhs', '0.14', ext_options),
- ('tensorA', '0.36', ext_options),
- ('EasyABC', '1.5', ext_options),
- ('shape', '1.4.3', ext_options),
- ('whisker', '0.3-2', ext_options),
- ('rstudioapi', '0.6', ext_options),
- ('commonmark', '1.2', ext_options),
- ('desc', '1.1.1', ext_options),
- ('roxygen2', '6.0.1', ext_options),
- ('git2r', '0.19.0', ext_options),
- ('rversions', '1.0.3', ext_options),
- ('withr', '2.0.0', ext_options),
- ('devtools', '1.13.3', ext_options),
- ('Rook', '1.1-1', ext_options),
- ('Cairo', '1.5-9', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', ['Cairo-1.5-9.patch'])])),
- ('RMTstat', '0.3', ext_options),
- ('Lmoments', '1.2-3', ext_options),
- ('distillery', '1.0-4', ext_options),
- ('extRemes', '2.0-8', ext_options),
- ('pixmap', '0.4-11', ext_options),
- ('tkrplot', '0.0-23', ext_options),
- ('misc3d', '0.8-4', ext_options),
- ('multicool', '0.1-10', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', ['multicool-0.1-10_icpc-wd308.patch'])])),
- ('ks', '1.10.7', ext_options),
- ('logcondens', '2.1.5', ext_options),
- ('Iso', '0.0-17', ext_options),
- ('penalized', '0.9-50', ext_options),
- ('clusterRepro', '0.5-1.1', ext_options),
- ('randomForestSRC', '2.5.0', ext_options),
- ('sm', '2.2-5.4', ext_options),
- ('psych', '1.7.5', ext_options),
- ('pbivnorm', '0.6.0', ext_options),
- ('lavaan', '0.5-23.1097', ext_options),
- ('matrixcalc', '1.0-3', ext_options),
- ('arm', '1.9-3', ext_options),
- ('mi', '1.0', ext_options),
- ('visNetwork', '2.0.1', ext_options),
- ('rgexf', '0.15.3', ext_options),
- ('influenceR', '0.1.0', ext_options),
- ('DiagrammeR', '0.9.0', ext_options),
- ('sem', '3.1-9', ext_options),
- ('jpeg', '0.1-8', ext_options),
- ('network', '1.13.0', ext_options),
- ('statnet.common', '3.3.0', ext_options),
- ('sna', '2.4', ext_options),
- ('glasso', '1.8', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', [('glasso-1.8-ifort-no-fixed.patch', 1)])])),
- ('huge', '1.2.7', ext_options),
- ('d3Network', '', ext_options),
- ('ggm', '2.3', ext_options),
- ('qgraph', '1.4.3', ext_options),
- ('diveRsity', '1.9.90', ext_options),
- ('doSNOW', '1.0.14', ext_options),
- ('phangorn', '2.2.0', ext_options),
- ('geepack', '1.2-1', ext_options),
- ('lubridate', '1.6.0', ext_options),
- ('biom', '0.3.12', ext_options),
- ('pim', '2.0.1', ext_options),
- ('minpack.lm', '1.2-1', ext_options),
- ('pdist', '1.2', ext_options),
- ('dummies', '1.5.6', ext_options),
- ('regtools', '1.0.1', ext_options),
- ('partools', '1.1.6', ext_options),
- #('RPostgreSQL', '0.4-1', ext_options),
- #('RMySQL', '0.10.11', ext_options),
- ('gsubfn', '0.6-6', ext_options),
- ('sqldf', '0.4-10', ext_options),
- ('alr3', '2.0.5', ext_options),
- ('bdsmatrix', '1.3-2', ext_options),
- ('sets', '1.0-17', ext_options),
- ('psychotools', '0.4-2', ext_options),
- ('relations', '0.6-6', ext_options),
- ('benchmark', '0.3-6', ext_options),
- ('Bhat', '0.9-10', ext_options),
- ('biglm', '0.9-1', ext_options),
- ('Bolstad', '0.2-34', ext_options),
- ('Bolstad2', '1.0-28', ext_options),
- ('BradleyTerry2', '1.0-6', ext_options),
- ('catdata', '1.2.1', ext_options),
- ('compare', '0.2-6', ext_options),
- ('coxme', '2.2-5', ext_options),
- ('DAAG', '1.22', ext_options),
- ('degreenet', '1.3-1', ext_options),
- ('doMPI', '0.2.1', ext_options),
- ('elasticnet', '1.1', ext_options),
- ('trust', '0.1-7', ext_options),
- ('ergm', '3.7.1', ext_options),
- ('ergm.count', '3.2.2', ext_options),
- ('networkDynamic', '0.9.0', ext_options),
- ('tergm', '3.4.0', ext_options),
- ('statnet', '2016.9', ext_options),
- ('EpiModel', '1.3.0', ext_options),
- ('fda', '2.4.4', ext_options),
- ('fftw', '1.0-3', ext_options),
- ('fftwtools', '0.9-8', ext_options),
- ('fit.models', '0.5-14', ext_options),
- ('fts', '0.9.9', ext_options),
- ('gap', '1.1-17', ext_options),
- ('glmpath', '0.97', ext_options),
- ('gmm', '1.5-2', ext_options),
- ('hapassoc', '1.2-8', ext_options),
- ('HaploSim', '1.8.4', ext_options),
- ('haplo.stats', '1.7.7', ext_options),
- ('hexbin', '1.27.1', ext_options),
- ('igraphdata', '1.0.1', ext_options),
- ('repr', '0.12.0', ext_options),
- ('IRdisplay', '0.4.4', ext_options),
- ('itertools', '0.1-3', ext_options),
- ('its', '1.1.8', ext_options),
- ('kin.cohort', '0.7', ext_options),
- ('kinship2', '1.6.4', ext_options),
- ('lasso2', '1.2-19', ext_options),
- ('latentnet', '2.7.1', ext_options),
- ('rex', '1.1.1', ext_options),
- ('stringdist', '', ext_options),
- ('lintr', '1.0.0', ext_options),
- ('LogicReg', '1.5.9', ext_options),
- ('lokern', '1.1-8', ext_options),
- ('lpridge', '1.0-7', ext_options),
- ('mapdata', '2.2-6', ext_options),
- ('mapproj', '1.2-4', ext_options),
- ('MCMCglmm', '2.24', ext_options),
- ('timereg', '1.9.0', ext_options),
- ('mets', '1.2.2', ext_options),
- ('mondate', '', ext_options),
- ('MPV', '1.38', ext_options),
- ('ncdf4', '1.16', ext_options),
- ('ndtv', '0.10.0', ext_options),
- ('networksis', '2.1-3', ext_options),
- ('nws', '', ext_options),
- ('PBSddesolve', '1.12.2', ext_options),
- ('pedigree', '1.4', ext_options),
- ('pedigreemm', '0.3-3', ext_options),
- ('PolynomF', '0.94', ext_options),
- ('qtl', '1.40-8', ext_options),
- ('R2WinBUGS', '2.1-21', ext_options),
- ('rjags', '4-6', ext_options),
- ('R2jags', '0.5-7', ext_options),
- ('regress', '1.3-15', ext_options),
- ('relevent', '1.0-4', ext_options),
- #('Rglpk', '0.6-2', ext_options),
- ('Rhpc', '0.15-244', ext_options),
- ('fasttime', '1.0-2', ext_options),
- ('Rlabkey', '2.1.134', ext_options),
- #('RODBC', '1.3-15', ext_options),
- ('rootSolve', '1.7', ext_options),
- #('rpanel', '1.1-3', ext_options),
- ('rrcov', '1.4-3', ext_options),
- ('RSclient', '0.7-3', ext_options),
- ('Rserve', '1.7-3', ext_options),
- #('rzmq', '0.9.1', ext_options),
- ('survey', '3.31-5', ext_options),
- ('tables', '0.8', ext_options),
- ('tiff', '0.1-5', ext_options),
- ('timeSeries', '3022.101.2', ext_options),
- ('tmvtnorm', '1.4-10', ext_options),
- ('vioplot', '0.2', ext_options),
- ('wavethresh', '4.6.8', ext_options),
- ('hms', '0.3', ext_options),
- ('readr', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('rappdirs', '0.3.1', ext_options),
- ('config', '0.2', ext_options),
- ('sparklyr', '0.5.3', ext_options),
- ('REDCapR', '0.9.7', ext_options),
- ('synapseClient', '1.13-4', ext_options),
- ('GWASExactHW', '1.01', ext_options),
- ('StanHeaders', '2.15.0-1', ext_options),
- ('inline', '0.3.14', ext_options),
- ('rstan', '2.15.1', ext_options),
- ('rslurm', '0.3.3', ext_options),
- ('CompQuadForm', '1.4.3', ext_options),
- ('diagram', '1.6.3', ext_options),
- ('FME', '1.3.5', ext_options),
- ('bmp', '0.2', ext_options),
- ('readbitmap', '0.1-4', ext_options),
- ('purrr', '0.2.2', ext_options),
- ('downloader', '0.4', ext_options),
- ('imager', '0.40.2', dict(ext_options.items() + [('patches', ['imager-0.40.2_icpc-wd308.patch'])])),
- ('pracma', '2.0.4', ext_options),
- ('signal', '0.7-6', ext_options),
- ('tuneR', '1.3.2', ext_options),
- ('pastecs', '1.3-18', ext_options),
- ('audio', '0.1-5', ext_options),
- ('fftw', '1.0-4', ext_options),
- ('seewave', '2.0.5', ext_options),
- ('gsw', '1.0-3', ext_options),
- ('oce', '0.9-21', ext_options),
- ('ineq', '0.2-13', ext_options),
- ('soundecology', '1.3.2', ext_options),
- ('memuse', '3.0-1', ext_options),
- ('pinfsc50', '1.1.0', ext_options),
- ('vcfR', '1.5.0', ext_options),
- ('glmmML', '1.0.2', ext_options),
- ('ucminf', '1.1-4', ext_options),
- ('ordinal', '2015.6-28', ext_options),
- ('classInt', '0.1-24', ext_options),
- ('rgeos', '0.3-26', ext_options),
- ('sf', '0.5-5', ext_options),
- ('velox', '0.2.0', ext_options),
- ]
- moduleclass = 'lang'