rstudio-1.1.366-intel-2018.eb 1.3 KB

  1. easyblock = 'CMakeMake'
  2. name = 'rstudio'
  3. version = '1.1.366'
  4. homepage = ''
  5. description = """RStudio is a set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R."""
  6. toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2018'}
  7. source_urls = ['']
  8. sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz']
  9. builddependencies = [
  10. ('CMake', '3.9.1'),
  11. ]
  12. dependencies = [
  13. ('Boost', '1.63.0'),
  14. ('LibUUID', '1.0.3'),
  15. ('bzip2', '1.0.6'),
  16. ('zlib', '1.2.11'),
  17. ('libffi', '3.2.1'),
  18. ('QtWebkit', '5.8.0'),
  19. ('libxkbcommon', '0.6.1'),
  20. ('R', '3.4.0'),
  21. ]
  22. osdependencies = [('libbsd-dev', 'libbsd-devel')]
  23. preconfigopts = "sed -i 's#get_filename_component#set(QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE \"/opt/software/Qt5/5.8.0-intel-2018/bin/qmake\")\\nset(QT_VERSION \"5.8\")\\n&#g' src/cpp/desktop/CMakeLists.txt && cd dependencies/common/ && sed -i '/boost/d' install-common && ./install-common && cd ../.. && "
  24. configopts = [
  25. "-DRSTUDIO_TARGET=Desktop",
  26. "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release",
  27. ]
  28. prebuildopts = "sed -i 's/-O2 -xHost -ftz/-O2 -xHost -ftz -pthread -lbsd -fstack-protector/g' CMakeCache.txt && "
  29. sanity_check_paths = {
  30. 'files': ["bin/rstudio"],
  31. 'dirs': [],
  32. }
  33. moduleclass = 'lang'