123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- easyblock = 'CMakeMake'
- name = 'LLVM'
- version = '4.0.0'
- homepage = "http://llvm.org/"
- description = ""
- optimizer, along with code generation support for many popular CPUs
- (as well as some less common ones!) These libraries are built around a well
- specified code representation known as the LLVM intermediate representation
- ("LLVM IR"). The LLVM Core libraries are well documented, and it is
- particularly easy to invent your own language (or port an existing compiler)
- to use LLVM as an optimizer and code generator.""
- toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2017.02'}
- toolchainopts = {'cstd': 'gnu++11'}
- source_urls = ["http://llvm.org/releases/%(version)s"]
- sources = ["llvm-%(version)s.src.tar.xz"]
- builddependencies = [
- ('CMake', '3.7.2'),
- ('Python', '2.7.13'),
- ]
- dependencies = [
- ('ncurses', '6.0'),
- ('zlib', '1.2.11'),
- ]
- configopts = '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="$LDFLAGS -shared-intel" '
- # required to install extra tools in bin/
- sanity_check_paths = {
- 'files': ['bin/llvm-ar', 'bin/FileCheck'],
- 'dirs': ['include/llvm', 'include/llvm-c'],
- }
- separate_build_dir = True
- moduleclass = 'compiler'