ELIC_R-1-intel-2020b-R-4.0.3.eb 3.1 KB

  1. easyblock = 'Bundle'
  2. name = 'ELIC_R'
  3. version = '1'
  4. versionsuffix = '-R-%(rver)s'
  5. homepage = 'https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be'
  6. description = """This repo provides additional Python and R extensions for ELIC ecosystem."""
  7. toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2020b'}
  8. dependencies = [
  9. ('R', '4.0.3'),
  10. ('GDAL', '3.2.0', '-Python-3.8.6'),
  11. ('PostgreSQL', '12.4'),
  12. ]
  13. exts_default_options = {
  14. 'source_urls': [
  15. 'https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/%(name)s', # package archive
  16. 'https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/', # current version of packages
  17. 'https://cran.freestatistics.org/src/contrib', # mirror alternative for current packages
  18. ],
  19. 'source_tmpl': '%(name)s_%(version)s.tar.gz'
  20. }
  21. exts_defaultclass = 'RPackage'
  22. exts_filter = ("R -q --no-save", "library(%(ext_name)s)")
  23. #exts_list = [
  24. # ('AnalyzeFMRI', '1.1-23', {
  25. # 'checksums': ['4237ca4ffe812e614349cdffa2668de4eda5697d73ea208df0c60808daa29444'],
  26. # }),
  27. #]
  28. modextrapaths = {'R_LIBS': ''}
  29. postinstallcmds = [
  30. "cd %(installdir)s && " +
  31. 'Rscript -e "install.packages(c(\'rgdal\', \'gdalUtils\', \'ncdf4\', \'gdtools\', \'leaflet\', \'satellite\', \'sf\', \'svglite\', \'leafem\', \'leafpop\', \'mapview\', \'MuMIn\', \'intervals\', \'spacetime\', \'gstat\', \'RNetCDF\', \'automap\', \'clhs\', \'reporttools\', \'rgeos\', \'RandomFieldsUtils\', \'RandomFields\', \'rworldmap\', \'rworldxtra \', \'colorRamps\', \'mapdata\', \'mapproj\', \'RPostgreSQL\', \'getPass\', \'stringdist\', \'here\', \'svMisc\', \'networkD3\', \'cmsaf\', \'RPostgres\', \'nzelect\', \'wordcloud\', \'ngram\', \'rtweet\', \'lettercase\', \'xgboost\', \'rts\', \'RgoogleMaps\', \'packrat\', \'rsconnect\', \'rpostgis\', \'aws.signature\', \'aws.s3\', \'geosphere\', \'fuzzyjoin\', \'refinr\', \'x13binary\', \'seasonal\', \'mitools\', \'survey\', \'sysfonts\', \'showtextdb\', \'showtext\', \'BiocManager\', \'rvcheck\', \'scatterpie\', \'velox\', \'rlist\', \'measurements\', \'qpdf\', \'fda\', \'fda.usc\', \'gstat\', \'countrycode\', \'itcSegment\', \'owmr\', \'rwunderground\', \'corrplot\', \'prettymapr\', \'prospectr\', \'rosm\', \'rpart.plot\', \'varhandle\', \'expint\', \'actuar\'), repos=\'https://www.freestatistics.org/cran/\', lib=\'%(installdir)s\')" && ' +
  32. 'Rscript -e "install.packages(c(\'treemap\', \'ggmap\', \'hts\', \'thief\', \'forecastHybrid\', \'ggseas\', \'colourpicker\', \'bsplus\', \'profvis\'), repos=\'https://www.freestatistics.org/cran/\', lib=\'%(installdir)s\')" && ' +
  33. 'Rscript -e "library(remotes); install_github(\'myllym/GET\', lib=\'%(installdir)s\')" && ' +
  34. 'Rscript -e "install.packages(c(\'shinyFiles\', \'shinyjs\', \'shinyhelper\', \'shinycssloaders\', \'shinyWidgets\', \'shinyBS\'), repos=\'http://cran.rstudio.com/\', lib=\'%(installdir)s\')" && ' +
  35. 'Rscript -e "install.packages(c(\'jsonlite\', \'readxl\', \'tidyverse\', \'data.table\', \'lubridate\', \'stringdist\', \'stringi\', \'aws.s3\', \'snakecase\', \'fuzzyjoin\', \'Matrix\', \'RSelenium\'), repos=\'https://www.freestatistics.org/cran/\', lib=\'%(installdir)s\')"'
  36. ]
  37. sanity_check_paths = {
  38. 'files': [],
  39. 'dirs': ['RPostgreSQL'],
  40. }
  41. moduleclass = 'numlib'