UDUNITS-1.12.11-iimpi-2019b.eb 830 B

  1. ##
  2. easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
  3. name = 'UDUNITS'
  4. version = '1.12.11'
  5. homepage = 'http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/'
  6. description = """UDUNITS supports conversion of unit specifications between formatted and binary forms,
  7. arithmetic manipulation of units, and conversion of values between compatible scales of measurement."""
  8. toolchain = {'name': 'iimpi', 'version': '2019b'}
  9. toolchainopts = {'pic': True}
  10. source_urls = ['ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/udunits']
  11. sources = [SOURCELOWER_TAR_GZ]
  12. buildopts = 'CFLAGS="-Df2cFortran -fPIC"'
  13. builddependencies = [
  14. ('Bison', '3.3.2'),
  15. ('Perl', '5.30.0'),
  16. ]
  17. sanity_check_paths = {
  18. 'files': ['bin/udunits', 'etc/udunits.dat', 'include/udunits.inc', 'include/udunits.h',
  19. 'lib/libudunits.a'],
  20. 'dirs': [],
  21. }
  22. parallel = 1
  23. moduleclass = 'phys'