expat-2.2.0-intel-2016.02-GCC-4.9.eb 499 B

  1. easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
  2. name = 'expat'
  3. version = '2.2.0'
  4. homepage = 'http://expat.sourceforge.net/'
  5. description = """Expat is an XML parser library written in C. It is a stream-oriented parser in which an application
  6. registers handlers for things the parser might find in the XML document (like start tags)"""
  7. toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2016.02-GCC-4.9'}
  8. toolchainopts = {'pic': True}
  9. sources = [SOURCELOWER_TAR_BZ2]
  10. source_urls = [SOURCEFORGE_SOURCE]
  11. moduleclass = 'tools'