# Automatically converted from Mesa-17.2.4-intel-2017b.eb # Original message: # the purpose of the easyconfig is to build a Mesa for software rendering, # not hardware rendering. This means you want at least SSE4.2. We build: # - llvmpipe: the high-performance Gallium LLVM driver # - swr: Intel's OpenSWR # it will try to use the llvmpipe by default. It you want swr, do: # GALLIUM_DRIVER=swr easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' name = 'Mesa' version = '19.0.1' versionsuffix = '-Python-%(pyver)s' homepage = 'http://www.mesa3d.org/' description = """Mesa is an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification - a system for rendering interactive 3D graphics.""" toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2018b'} # swr detects and builds parts specific for AVX and AVX2. If we use # -xHost, this always gets overwritten and will fail. toolchainopts = {'optarch': False} source_urls = [ 'https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/', 'https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/%(version)s', 'ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/%(version)s', 'ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/older-versions/%(version_major)s.x/%(version)s', ] sources = [SOURCELOWER_TAR_XZ] builddependencies = [ ('flex', '2.6.4'), ('Bison', '3.0.5'), #('Meson', '0.48.1', versionsuffix), ('Autotools', '20180311'), ('pkg-config', '0.29.2'), ('Mako', '1.0.7', versionsuffix), ('libxml2', '2.9.8'), ('expat', '2.2.5'), ] dependencies = [ ('Python', '3.6.6'), ('zlib', '1.2.11'), ('nettle', '3.4'), ('libdrm', '2.4.92'), ('LLVM', '7.0.0'), ('X11', '20180604'), ] # GLU is not part anymore of Mesa package! configopts = " --disable-osmesa --enable-gallium-osmesa --enable-gallium-llvm --enable-glx --disable-dri" configopts += " --disable-gbm --disable-driglx-direct --with-gallium-drivers='swrast,swr' --disable-egl" configopts += " --with-osmesa-bits=32 --enable-texture-float --enable-llvm-shared-libs --enable-autotools" buildopts = 'V=1' sanity_check_paths = { 'files': ['lib/libGL.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'lib/libOSMesa.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'lib/libGLESv1_CM.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'lib/libGLESv2.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'include/GL/glext.h', 'include/GL/gl_mangle.h', 'include/GL/glx.h', 'include/GL/osmesa.h', 'include/GL/gl.h', 'include/GL/glxext.h', 'include/GL/glx_mangle.h', 'include/GLES/gl.h', 'include/GLES2/gl2.h', 'include/GLES3/gl3.h'], 'dirs': [] } moduleclass = 'vis'