easyblock = 'Bundle' name = 'ELIC_R' version = '2' versionsuffix = '-R-%(rver)s' homepage = 'https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be' description = """This repo provides additional Python and R extensions for ELIC ecosystem.""" toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2019a'} dependencies = [ ('R', '3.6.0'), ('GEOS', '3.7.2', '-Python-3.7.2'), ('GDAL', '3.0.0', '-Python-3.7.2'), ] exts_default_options = { 'source_urls': [ 'https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/%(name)s', # package archive 'https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/', # current version of packages 'https://cran.freestatistics.org/src/contrib', # mirror alternative for current packages ], 'source_tmpl': '%(name)s_%(version)s.tar.gz' } exts_defaultclass = 'RPackage' exts_filter = ("R -q --no-save", "library(%(ext_name)s)") # CRAN packages on which these Bioconductor packages depend are available in R module on which this depends # !! order of packages is important !! # packages updated on Sept 25th 2018 exts_list = [ ('rgdal', '1.4-4'), ('gdalUtils', ''), ('ncdf4', '1.16.1'), ('gdtools', '0.1.9'), ('leaflet', '2.0.2'), ('satellite', '1.0.1'), ('sf', '0.7-7'), ('svglite', '1.2.2'), ('leafem', '0.0.1'), ('leafpop', '0.0.1'), ('mapview', '2.7.0'), ('MuMIn', '1.43.6'), ('gstat', '2.0-2'), ('RNetCDF', '1.9-1'), ('automap', '1.0-14'), ('clhs', '0.7-2'), ('rasterVis', '0.45'), ('reporttools', '1.1.2'), ('rgeos', '0.4-3'), ('RandomFieldsUtils', '0.5.3'), ('RandomFields', '3.3.6'), ('rworldmap', '1.3-6'), ('rworldxtra', '1.01'), ('colorRamps', '2.3'), ('mapdata', '2.3.0'), ('mapproj', '1.2.6'), ('RPostgreSQL', '0.6-2'), ('getPass', '0.2-2'), ('stringdist', ''), ('here', '0.1'), ('svMisc', '1.1.0'), ('networkD3', '0.4'), ('cmsaf', '1.9.5'), ('treemap', '2.4-2'), ('RPostgres', '1.1.1'), ('nzelect', '0.4.0'), ('wordcloud', '2.6'), ('ngram', '3.0.4'), ('rtweet', '0.6.9'), ('lettercase', '0.13.1'), ('xgboost', ''), ('rts', '1.0-49'), ('RgoogleMaps', '1.4.4'), ('ggmap', '3.0.0'), ('packrat','0.5.0'), ('rsconnect', '0.8.13'), ('rpostgis', '1.4.2'), ('aws.signature', '0.5.2'), ('aws.s3', '0.3.12'), ('geosphere', '1.5-10'), ('fuzzyjoin', '0.1.4'), ('refinr', '0.3.1'), ('x13binary', '1.1.39-2'), ('seasonal', '1.7.0'), ('mitools', '2.4'), ('survey', '3.36'), ('hts','5.1.5'), ('thief', '0.3'), ('forecastHybrid', '4.2.17'), ('ggseas', '0.5.4'), ('sysfonts', '0.8'), ('showtextdb', '2.0'), ('showtext', '0.7'), ('BiocManager', '1.30.4'), ('rvcheck', '0.1.5'), ('scatterpie', '0.1.3'), ('velox', '0.2.0'), ('rlist', ''), ('measurements', '1.4.0'), ] modextrapaths = {'R_LIBS': ''} sanity_check_paths = { 'files': [], 'dirs': ['ncdf4', 'sf', 'mapview'], } moduleclass = 'numlib'