Patched config file tm_date_ok.F, replacing the original file.
Februray 23th 2020 by PY Barriat (ELIC - UCL)
--- fmt/src/tm_date_ok.F.orig	2019-04-25 18:33:41.000000000 +0200
+++ fmt/src/tm_date_ok.F	2020-02-13 12:19:43.444989738 +0100
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 * v7441*acm* 12/18 Issue 1910: Allow dates in commands to be in ISO 8601 form, yyyy-mm-dd
-     include 'tmap_errors.parm'
+      include 'tmap_errors.parm'
 #include "gt_lib.parm"
 * calling argument declarations:
--- fer/gnl/special_symbol.F.orig	2020-02-13 12:39:05.393557202 +0100
+++ fer/gnl/special_symbol.F		2020-02-13 12:37:49.633042187 +0100
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
 *                 SPAWN_OK -> SPAWN_OK, so 1=succcess, 0=failure
 *                 SPAWN_STATUS returns the status value
+        USE IFPORT
 * calling argument declarations:
 	INTEGER	  isym, slen