easyblock = 'ConfigureMake' name = 'GSL' version = '2.7' homepage = 'https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/' description = """The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers. The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting.""" toolchain = {'name': 'intel-compilers', 'version': '2021.3.0'} toolchainopts = {'unroll': True, 'pic': True} source_urls = [GNU_SOURCE] sources = [SOURCELOWER_TAR_GZ] checksums = ['efbbf3785da0e53038be7907500628b466152dbc3c173a87de1b5eba2e23602b'] sanity_check_paths = { 'files': ['bin/%s' % x for x in ['gsl-config', 'gsl-histogram', 'gsl-randist']] + ['include/gsl/gsl_types.h'] + ['lib/lib%s.%s' % (x, SHLIB_EXT) for x in ['gsl', 'gslcblas']], 'dirs': [], } moduleclass = 'numlib'