# This file is an EasyBuild reciPY as per https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild # Author: Pablo Escobar Lopez # Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics # Biozentrum - University of Basel # 2019-06-05 John Dey jfdey@fredhutch.org fizwit@github.com - updated for CMake easyblock = 'CMakeMake' name = 'NLopt' version = '2.6.2' homepage = 'http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/NLopt' description = """ NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization, providing a common interface for a number of different free optimization routines available online as well as original implementations of various other algorithms. """ toolchain = {'name': 'GCCcore', 'version': '10.2.0'} toolchainopts = {'pic': True} source_urls = ['https://github.com/stevengj/nlopt/archive'] sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz'] checksums = ['cfa5981736dd60d0109c534984c4e13c615314d3584cf1c392a155bfe1a3b17e'] builddependencies = [ ('CMake', '3.18.4'), ('binutils', '2.35'), ] configopts = [ '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON', '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF' ] sanity_check_paths = { 'files': ['lib/libnlopt.a', 'lib/libnlopt.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'include/nlopt.h'], 'dirs': ['lib/pkgconfig'], } moduleclass = 'numlib'