Super Pierre-Yves Barriat 4 лет назад

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
+name = 'CDO'
+version = '1.7.2'
+homepage = ''
+description = """CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data."""
+toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2016a'}
+toolchainopts = {'opt': True, 'pic': True, 'usempi': True}
+source_urls = ['']
+checksums = [('md5', 'f08e4ce8739a4f2b63fc81a24db3ee31')]
+dependencies = [
+    ('HDF5', '1.8.16'),
+    ('netCDF', '4.4.0'),
+    ('YAXT', '0.5.1'),
+configopts = "--with-hdf5=$EBROOTHDF5 --with-netcdf=$EBROOTNETCDF"
+sanity_check_paths = {
+    'files': ["bin/cdo"],
+    'dirs': [],
+moduleclass = 'data'

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+easyblock = 'PythonBundle'
+name = 'ELIC_Python'
+version = '1'
+versionsuffix = '-Python-%(pyver)s'
+homepage = ''
+description = """This repo provides additional Python and R extensions for ELIC ecosystem."""
+toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2016a'}
+dependencies = [
+    ('Python', '2.7.11'),
+    ('matplotlib', '1.5.1', versionsuffix),
+    ('GEOS', '3.5.0', versionsuffix),
+    ('GDAL', '2.0.2'),
+    #('NCL', '6.6.2'),
+    ('CDO', '1.7.2'),
+    #('NCO', '4.9.5'),
+    #('ncview', '2.1.7'),
+    #('libmo_unpack', '3.1.2'),
+    #('orca', '3.4.3'),
+exts_defaultclass = 'PythonPackage'
+exts_default_options = {
+    'source_tmpl': '%(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz',
+exts_list = [
+    # Python deps, order is important!
+    ('pip', '9.0.1', {
+        'modulename': 'pip',
+        'source_tmpl': '%(version)s.tar.gz',
+        'source_urls': [''],
+    }),
+    ('PyKE', '1.1.1', {
+        'modulename': 'pyke',
+        'source_tmpl': 'pyke3-%(version)',
+        'source_urls': [''],
+        'use_pip': True,
+    }),
+    ('basemap', '1.2.1rel', {
+        'modulename': 'mpl_toolkits',
+        'source_tmpl': 'v%(version)s.tar.gz',
+        'source_urls': [''],
+        'use_pip': True,
+    }),
+modextrapaths = {
+    'PYTHONPATH': 'lib/python%(pyshortver)s/site-packages',
+postinstallcmds = [
+    "cd %(installdir)s "
+#pip install olefile pyproj pyshp chardet urllib3 --user
+#pip install OWSLib eofs dask cf-units Cartopy netCDF4 mpi4py GitPython keyring --user
+#pip install certifi requests OWSLib netCDF4 geoval Shapely dask astropy oktopus bs4 tqdm cf-units cftime pyugrid cycler singledispatch backports_abc tornado toolz patsy statsmodels nc-time-axis yamale psutil bcrypt cffi cryptography Cython decorator mpi4py numpy pandas pbr pycparser scipy six virtualenv xlrd affine atomicwrites boto3 botocore click click-plugins cligj cloudpickle configobj docutils fiona geopandas jmespath more-itertools motionless munch networkx pathlib2 pluggy py pytest python-utils rasterio s3transfer scandir snuggs xarray py-expression-eval PyWavelets attrs progressbar2 scikit-image PyNaCl descartes graphviz wcwidth Bottleneck pickleshare simplegeneric prompt_toolkit Pygments ptyprocess pexpect typelib testpath parso jedi backcall scikit-learn ldap3 skills XlsxWriter retrying pyrsistent jsonschema plotly-charts --user
+#pip install SkillMetrics cdo PyQt5 --user
+moduleclass = 'numlib'

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
+name = 'YAXT'
+version = '0.5.1'
+homepage = ''
+description = "Yet Another eXchange Tool"
+toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2016a'}
+toolchainopts = {'usempi': True}
+source_urls = ['']
+checksums = [('md5', '2176c5b1096146e58163656b9d83c0b3')]
+sanity_check_paths = {
+    'files': ["include/yaxt.h", "include/yaxt.mod", "lib/libyaxt.a", "lib/libyaxt.%s" % SHLIB_EXT],
+    'dirs': ["include/xt"],
+configopts = 'FC="$F90" FCFLAGS="$F90FLAGS -cpp"'
+moduleclass = 'tools'