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Adding plotly for ELIC_Python

Pierre-Yves Barriat 5 years ago
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions
  1. 2 1

+ 2 - 1

@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ postinstallcmds = [
     "cd %(installdir)s && " +
     'pip install setuptools --upgrade && ' +
     'pip install olefile Pillow pyproj pyshp chardet urllib3 --install-option "--prefix=%(installdir)s" '
-    #'pip install olefile Pillow pyproj pyshp chardet urllib3 certifi requests OWSLib netCDF4 geoval cdo Shapely dask astropy oktopus bs4 tqdm cf-units cftime pyugrid cycler singledispatch backports_abc tornado toolz patsy statsmodels nc-time-axis yamale psutil bcrypt cffi cryptography Cython decorator mpi4py numpy pandas pbr pycparser scipy six virtualenv xlrd affine atomicwrites boto3 botocore click click-plugins cligj cloudpickle configobj docutils fiona geopandas jmespath more-itertools motionless munch networkx pathlib2 pluggy py pytest python-utils rasterio s3transfer scandir snuggs xarray py-expression-eval PyWavelets attrs progressbar2 scikit-image PyNaCl descartes graphviz wcwidth Bottleneck pickleshare simplegeneric prompt_toolkit Pygments ptyprocess pexpect typelib testpath parso jedi backcall scikit-learn ldap3 skills XlsxWriter retrying pyrsistent jsonschema --install-option "--prefix=%(installdir)s" '
+    #'pip install olefile Pillow pyproj pyshp chardet urllib3 certifi requests OWSLib netCDF4 geoval cdo Shapely dask astropy oktopus bs4 tqdm cf-units cftime pyugrid cycler singledispatch backports_abc tornado toolz patsy statsmodels nc-time-axis yamale psutil bcrypt cffi cryptography Cython decorator mpi4py numpy pandas pbr pycparser scipy six virtualenv xlrd affine atomicwrites boto3 botocore click click-plugins cligj cloudpickle configobj docutils fiona geopandas jmespath more-itertools motionless munch networkx pathlib2 pluggy py pytest python-utils rasterio s3transfer scandir snuggs xarray py-expression-eval PyWavelets attrs progressbar2 scikit-image PyNaCl descartes graphviz wcwidth Bottleneck pickleshare simplegeneric prompt_toolkit Pygments ptyprocess pexpect typelib testpath parso jedi backcall scikit-learn ldap3 skills XlsxWriter retrying pyrsistent jsonschema plotly-charts --install-option "--prefix=%(installdir)s" '
+module load ELIC_Python 
 moduleclass = 'numlib'