@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ rmdir easyconfigs; git clone ssh://egit/pbarriat/easyconfigs.git
## Requirements
* openSUSE : `gcc-c++ patch libopenssl-devel gperf`
-* CentOS : `openssl-devel libibverbs-devel autoconf automake binutils bison flex gcc gcc-c++ gettext libtool make patch pkgconfig bzip2 unzip jq-devel v8-devel unixODBC*`
+* CentOS : `openssl-devel libibverbs-devel autoconf automake binutils bison flex gcc gcc-c++ gettext libtool make patch pkgconfig bzip2 unzip jq-devel v8-devel postgresql-devel unixODBC*`
* ubuntu :
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ cd /opt/easybuild/easyconfigs/foss-2017b
Then call `screen` and :
+* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 ./OpenMPI-2.1.1-GCC-6.4.0-2.28.eb -r`
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 ./R-3.4.3-foss-2017b-X11-20171023.eb`
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 netCDF-Fortran-4.4.4-foss-2017b.eb -r`
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 ./netCDF- -r`
@@ -55,6 +56,8 @@ Then call `screen` and :
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 Tkinter-2.7.14-foss-2017b-Python-2.7.14.eb`
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 MATLAB-UCL-2017a.eb`
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 ./protobuf-3.4.0-foss-2017b.eb`
+* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 GDAL-2.2.3-foss-2017b-Python-3.6.3.eb`
+* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 ./NCL-6.4.0-foss-2017b.eb -r`
cd /opt/easybuild/easyconfigs/intel-2016.02
@@ -65,8 +68,6 @@ cd /opt/easybuild/easyconfigs/intel-2016.02
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 ./ifort-2016.2.181-GCC-4.9.3-2.25.eb`
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 iccifort-2016.2.181-GCC-4.9.3-2.25.eb`
* `eb --tmpdir=/tmp --parallel=12 ./netCDF-Fortran-4.4.4-intel-2016.02-GCC-4.9.eb`
-* `eb NCL-6.4.0-intel-2018.eb -r`
-* `eb GDAL-2.2.0-intel-2018-Python-3.6.1.eb -r`
Finally, run