123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326 |
- import sys
- import numpy as nmp
- def get_basin_info( cf_bm ):
- from netCDF4 import Dataset
- l_b_names = [] ; l_b_lgnms = []
- l_b_names.append(u'GLO') ; l_b_lgnms.append(u'Global Ocean')
- id_bm = Dataset(cf_bm)
- list_var = id_bm.variables.keys()
- for cv in list_var:
- if cv[:5] == 'tmask':
- l_b_names.append(cv[5:])
- l_b_lgnms.append(id_bm.variables[cv].long_name)
- id_bm.close()
- return l_b_names, l_b_lgnms
- def lon_reorg_orca(ZZ, Xlong, ilon_ext=0, v_jx_jump_p=170., v_jx_jump_m=-170.):
- #
- #
- # IN:
- # ===
- # ZZ : 1D, 2D, or 3D array to treat
- # Xlong : 1D or 2D array containing the longitude, must be consistent with the shape of ZZ !
- # ilon_ext : longitude extention of the map you want (in degrees)
- #
- # OUT:
- # ====
- # ZZx : re-organized array, mind the possibility of modified x dimension !
- #
- import barakuda_tool as bt
- #
- idim_lon = len(nmp.shape(Xlong))
- if idim_lon not in [ 1 , 2 ]:
- print 'util_orca.lon_reorg_orca: ERROR => longitude array "Xlong" must be 1D or 2D !'; sys.exit(0)
- #
- if idim_lon == 2: (nj,ni) = nmp.shape(Xlong)
- if idim_lon == 1: ni = len(Xlong)
- #
- vlon = nmp.zeros(ni)
- #
- if idim_lon == 2: vlon[:] = Xlong[nj/3,:]
- if idim_lon == 1: vlon[:] = Xlong[:]
- #
- lfound_jx_jump = False
- ji=0
- while ( not lfound_jx_jump and ji < ni-1):
- if vlon[ji] > v_jx_jump_p and vlon[ji+1] < v_jx_jump_m:
- jx_jump = ji + 1
- lfound_jx_jump = True
- ji = ji + 1
- print " *** barakuda_orca.lon_reorg_orca >> Longitude jump at ji = ", jx_jump
- #
- lfound_jx_zero = False
- ji=0
- while ( not lfound_jx_zero and ji < ni-1):
- if vlon[ji] < 0. and vlon[ji+1] > 0.:
- jx_zero = ji + 1
- lfound_jx_zero = True
- ji = ji + 1
- print " *** barakuda_orca.lon_reorg_orca >> Longitude zero at ji = ", jx_zero
- #
- del vlon
- jx_oo = 2 # orca longitude overlap...
- vdim = ZZ.shape
- ndim = len(vdim)
- if ndim < 1 or ndim > 4:
- print 'util_orca.lon_reorg_orca: ERROR we only treat 1D, 2D, 3D or 4D arrays...'
- if ndim == 4:
- #
- [ nr, nz , ny , nx ] = vdim ; nx0 = nx - jx_oo
- ZZx = nmp.zeros((nr, nz, ny, nx0))
- ZZx_ext = nmp.zeros((nr, nz, ny, (nx0+ilon_ext)))
- #
- for jx in range(jx_zero,nx):
- ZZx[:,:,:,jx-jx_zero] = ZZ[:,:,:,jx]
- for jx in range(jx_oo,jx_zero):
- ZZx[:,:,:,jx+(nx-jx_zero)-jx_oo] = ZZ[:,:,:,jx]
- #
- if ilon_ext == 0: ZZx_ext[:,:,:,:] = ZZx[:,:,:,:]
- #
- #
- if ndim == 3:
- #
- [ nz , ny , nx ] = vdim ; nx0 = nx - jx_oo
- #print 'nx, ny, nz = ', nx, ny, nz
- #
- ZZx = nmp.zeros(nx0*ny*nz) ; ZZx.shape = [nz, ny, nx0]
- ZZx_ext = nmp.zeros((nx0+ilon_ext)*ny*nz) ; ZZx_ext.shape = [nz, ny, (nx0+ilon_ext)]
- #
- for jx in range(jx_zero,nx):
- ZZx[:,:,jx-jx_zero] = ZZ[:,:,jx]
- for jx in range(jx_oo,jx_zero):
- ZZx[:,:,jx+(nx-jx_zero)-jx_oo] = ZZ[:,:,jx]
- #
- if ilon_ext == 0: ZZx_ext[:,:,:] = ZZx[:,:,:]
- #
- #
- if ndim == 2:
- #
- [ ny , nx ] = vdim ; nx0 = nx - jx_oo
- #print 'nx, ny = ', nx, ny
- #
- ZZx = nmp.zeros(nx0*ny) ; ZZx.shape = [ny, nx0]
- ZZx_ext = nmp.zeros((nx0+ilon_ext)*ny) ; ZZx_ext.shape = [ny, (nx0+ilon_ext)]
- #
- for jx in range(jx_zero,nx):
- ZZx[:,jx-jx_zero] = ZZ[:,jx]
- for jx in range(jx_oo,jx_zero):
- ZZx[:,jx+(nx-jx_zero)-jx_oo] = ZZ[:,jx]
- #
- if ilon_ext == 0: ZZx_ext[:,:] = ZZx[:,:]
- #
- #
- if ndim == 1:
- #
- [ nx ] = vdim ; nx0 = nx - jx_oo
- #print 'nx = ', nx
- #
- ZZx = nmp.zeros(nx0) ; ZZx.shape = [nx0]
- ZZx_ext = nmp.zeros(nx0+ilon_ext) ; ZZx_ext.shape = [nx0+ilon_ext]
- #
- for jx in range(jx_zero,nx):
- ZZx[jx-jx_zero] = ZZ[jx]
- #print jx-jx_zero, 'prend', jx, ' ', vlon[jx]
- #
- #print ''
- for jx in range(jx_oo,jx_zero):
- ZZx[jx+(nx-jx_zero)-jx_oo] = ZZ[jx]
- #print jx+(nx-jx_zero)-jx_oo, 'prend', jx, ' ', vlon[jx]
- #
- if ilon_ext == 0: ZZx_ext[:] = ZZx[:]
- #iwa = nmp.where(vlon0 < 0.) ; vlon0[iwa] = vlon0[iwa] + 360.
- #
- #
- #
- # Now longitude extenstion:
- if ilon_ext > 0: ZZx_ext = bt.extend_domain(ZZx, ilon_ext)
- del ZZx
- return ZZx_ext
- def conf_exp(ccexp):
- #
- # Find the CONF from CONF-EXP and exit if CONF does not exist!
- #
- i = 0 ; conf = ''
- while i < len(ccexp) and ccexp[i] != '-' : conf = conf+ccexp[i]; i=i+1
- #print 'conf =', conf, '\n'
- return conf
- def mean_3d(XD, LSM, XVOL):
- #
- # XD : 3D+T array containing data
- # LSM : 3D land sea mask
- # XVOL : 3D E1T*E2T*E3T : 3D mesh volume
- #
- # RETURN vmean: vector containing 3d-averaged values at each time record
- ( lt, lz, ly, lx ) = nmp.shape(XD)
- if nmp.shape(LSM) != ( lz, ly, lx ):
- print 'ERROR: mean_3d.barakuda_orca.py => XD and LSM do not agree in shape!'
- sys.exit(0)
- if nmp.shape(XVOL) != ( lz, ly, lx ):
- print 'ERROR: mean_3d.barakuda_orca.py => XD and XVOL do not agree in shape!'
- sys.exit(0)
- vmean = nmp.zeros(lt)
- XX = LSM[:,:,:]*XVOL[:,:,:]
- rd = nmp.sum( XX )
- XX = XX/rd
- if rd > 0.:
- for jt in range(lt):
- vmean[jt] = nmp.sum( XD[jt,:,:,:]*XX )
- else:
- vmean[:] = nmp.nan
- return vmean
- def mean_2d(XD, LSM, XAREA):
- #
- # XD : 2D+T array containing data
- # LSM : 2D land sea mask
- # XAREA : 2D E1T*E2T : mesh area
- #
- # RETURN vmean: vector containing 2d-averaged values at each time record
- ( lt, ly, lx ) = nmp.shape(XD)
- if nmp.shape(LSM) != ( ly, lx ):
- print 'ERROR: mean_2d.barakuda_orca.py => XD and LSM do not agree in shape!'
- sys.exit(0)
- if nmp.shape(XAREA) != ( ly, lx ):
- print 'ERROR: mean_2d.barakuda_orca.py => XD and XAREA do not agree in shape!'
- sys.exit(0)
- vmean = nmp.zeros(lt)
- XX = LSM[:,:]*XAREA[:,:]
- rd = nmp.sum( XX )
- # Sometimes LSM can be 0 everywhere! => rd == 0. !
- if rd > 0.:
- XX = XX/rd
- for jt in range(lt):
- vmean[jt] = nmp.sum( XD[jt,:,:]*XX )
- else:
- vmean[:] = nmp.nan
- return vmean
- def ij_from_xy(xx, yy, xlon, xlat):
- #
- #=============================================================
- # Input:
- # xx : longitude of searched point (float)
- # yy : latitude of searched point (float)
- # xlon : 2D array of longitudes of the ORCA grid
- # xlat : 2D array of latitudes of the ORCA grid
- # Output:
- # ( ji, jj ) : coresponding i and j indices on the ORCA grid
- #=============================================================
- #
- ji=0 ; jj=0
- #
- if xx < 0.: xx = xx + 360.
- #
- (nj , ni) = xlon.shape
- iwa = nmp.where(xlon < 0.) ; xlon[iwa] = xlon[iwa] + 360. # Want only positive values in longitude:
- #
- # Southernmost latitude of the ORCA domain:
- ji0 = nmp.argmin(xlat[0,:])
- lat_min = xlat[0,ji0]
- ji = ji0
- yy = max( yy, lat_min )
- #
- # Northernmost latitude of the ORCA domain:
- ji0 = nmp.argmax(xlat[nj-1,:])
- lat_max = xlat[nj-1,ji0]
- yy = min( yy, lat_max )
- #
- A = nmp.abs( xlat[:-2,:-2]-yy ) + nmp.abs( xlon[:-2,:-2]-xx )
- (jj,ji) = nmp.unravel_index(A.argmin(), A.shape)
- #
- return ( ji, jj )
- def transect_zon_or_med(x1, x2, y1, y2, xlon, xlat): #, rmin, rmax, dc):
- #
- #=============================================================
- # Input:
- # x1,x2 : longitudes of point P1 and P2 defining the section (zonal OR meridional)
- # y1,y2 : latitudes of point P1 and P2 defining the section (zonal OR meridional)
- # => so yes! either x1==x2 or y1==y2 !
- # xlon : 2D array of longitudes of the ORCA grid
- # xlat : 2D array of latitudes of the ORCA grid
- # Output:
- # ( ji1, ji2, jj1, jj2 ) : coresponding i and j indices on the ORCA grid
- #=============================================================
- #
- ji1=0 ; ji2=0 ; jj1=0 ; jj2=0
- lhori = False ; lvert = False
- #
- if y1 == y2: lhori = True
- if x1 == x2: lvert = True
- #
- if not (lhori or lvert) :
- print 'transect_zon_or_med only supports horizontal or vertical sections!'
- sys.exit(0)
- #
- (ji1,jj1) = ij_from_xy(x1, y1, xlon, xlat)
- (ji2,jj2) = ij_from_xy(x2, y2, xlon, xlat)
- #
- if lhori and (jj1 != jj2): jj2=jj1
- if lvert and (ji1 != ji2): ji2=ji1
- #
- return ( ji1, ji2, jj1, jj2 )
- def shrink_domain(LSM):
- # Decrasing the domain size to only retain the (rectangular region) with
- # ocean points (LSM == 1)
- #
- # Input:
- # LSM : 2D land sea mask array
- # Output:
- # (i1,j1,i2,j2): coordinates of the 2 points defining the rectangular region
- #
- ( ly, lx ) = nmp.shape(LSM)
- #
- #if nmp.shape(LSM) != ( lz, ly, lx ):
- # print 'ERROR: shrink_domain.barakuda_orca.py => XD and LSM do not agree in shape!'
- # sys.exit(0)
- (vjj , vji) = nmp.where(LSM[:,:]>0.5)
- j1 = max( nmp.min(vjj)-2 , 0 )
- i1 = max( nmp.min(vji)-2 , 0 )
- j2 = min( nmp.max(vjj)+2 , ly-1 ) + 1
- i2 = min( nmp.max(vji)+2 , lx-1 ) + 1
- #
- if (i1,j1,i2,j2) != (0,0,lx,ly):
- print ' ===> zooming on i1,j1 -> i2,j2:', i1,j1,'->',i2,j2
- if (i1,i2) == (0,lx): i2 = i2-2 ; # Mind east-west periodicity overlap of 2 points...
- #
- return (i1,j1,i2,j2)