123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # B a r a K u d a
- #
- # L. Brodeau, 2017]
- import sys
- import numpy as nmp
- import string
- import os
- from netCDF4 import Dataset
- #l_fake_coor = True
- #l_fake_coor = False
- l_use_fillval = True
- narg = len(sys.argv)
- if narg not in [3,4]:
- print 'Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' <netcdf_file.nc> <2D or 3D netCDF field> (<value>)'
- print ' => if no <value> is specified: the "_FillValue" attribute is used!\n'
- sys.exit(0)
- cf_nc = sys.argv[1]
- cv_nc = sys.argv[2]
- if narg == 4:
- l_use_fillval = False
- rfill_val = float(sys.argv[3])
- cfname, cncext = os.path.splitext(cf_nc)
- #cf_msk = 'lsm_'+string.replace(os.path.basename(cf_nc), cv_nc, 'mask')
- cf_msk = 'mask.nc'
- print ' *** Will create mask '+cf_msk
- # Reading data array:
- f_nc = Dataset(cf_nc)
- ndim = len(f_nc.variables[cv_nc].dimensions)
- #
- if l_use_fillval:
- list_att_var = f_nc.variables[cv_nc].ncattrs()
- if '_FillValue' in list_att_var:
- rfill_val = f_nc.variables[cv_nc]._FillValue
- elif 'missing_value' in list_att_var:
- rfill_val = f_nc.variables[cv_nc].missing_value
- else:
- print 'ERROR: found neither "_FillValue" nor "missing_value" attribute for variable '+cv_nc+' !'; sys.exit(0)
- #
- print '\n *** Field value to use to generate mask: rfill_val =',rfill_val,'\n'
- #
- # Looking at the dimmensions of the variable:
- list_dim_var = f_nc.dimensions.keys()
- print 'list_dim_var = ', list_dim_var
- # Check if one is unlimited:
- inu = 0
- for cd in list_dim_var:
- if f_nc.dimensions[cd].isunlimited(): inu = inu + 1
- if inu > 1:
- print 'PROBLEM: there are more than one UNLIMITED dimension in the file!'
- sys.exit(0)
- NbDim = 3
- #
- if ndim == 4:
- xfield = f_nc.variables[cv_nc][0,:,:,:] # 3D ! BAD!
- elif ndim == 3:
- if inu==1:
- xfield = f_nc.variables[cv_nc][0,:,:] ; # 2D !
- NbDim = 2
- else:
- xfield = f_nc.variables[cv_nc][:,:,:] ; # 3D !
- elif ndim == 2:
- if inu==0:
- xfield = f_nc.variables[cv_nc][:,:]
- NbDim = 2
- else:
- print 'PROBLEM: your field does not seem to be 3D!'
- else:
- print ' ERROR (mk_zonal_average.py) => weird shape for your mask array!'
- sys.exit(0)
- #xfield = f_nc.variables[cv_nc][:,:]
- f_nc.close()
- nz = -1
- if NbDim==3:
- (nz,ny,nx) = nmp.shape(xfield)
- print("nx, ny, nz =",nx,ny,nz)
- mask = nmp.zeros((nz,ny,nx))
- else:
- (ny,nx) = nmp.shape(xfield)
- print("nx, ny =",nx,ny)
- mask = nmp.zeros((ny,nx))
- if l_use_fillval:
- if rfill_val > 0:
- idd = nmp.where( xfield < rfill_val )
- else:
- idd = nmp.where( xfield > rfill_val )
- #
- else:
- idd = nmp.where( xfield != rfill_val )
- mask[idd]=1
- f_out = Dataset(cf_msk, 'w', format='NETCDF4')
- # Dimensions:
- cdim_x = 'x'
- cdim_y = 'y'
- cdim_z = 'z'
- f_out.createDimension(cdim_x, nx)
- f_out.createDimension(cdim_y, ny)
- if NbDim==3: f_out.createDimension(cdim_z, nz)
- #if l_fake_coor:
- # id_lon = f_out.createVariable('lon0','f4',(cdim_x,))
- # id_lat = f_out.createVariable('lat0','f4',(cdim_y,))
- # id_lon[:] = vlon[:]
- # id_lat[:] = vlat[:]
- if NbDim==3:
- id_msk = f_out.createVariable('mask','i1',(cdim_z,cdim_y,cdim_x,))
- id_msk[:,:,:] = mask[:,:,:]
- else:
- id_msk = f_out.createVariable('mask','i1',(cdim_y,cdim_x,))
- id_msk[:,:] = mask[:,:]
- id_msk.long_name = 'Land-Sea mask'
- f_out.About = 'Variable '+cv_nc+' converted to a mask...'
- f_out.Author = 'Generated with image_to_netcdf.py of BARAKUDA (https://github.com/brodeau/barakuda)'
- f_out.close()
- print cf_msk+' created!!!'