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Pierre-Yves Barriat 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky
cdftools_light 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky
configs 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky
data b7e7054f1e Lemaitre3 adaptations před 3 roky
platform a43ac0a746 Initial fork from commit 25133a1 02/07/2018 před 6 roky
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LICENSE a43ac0a746 Initial fork from commit 25133a1 02/07/2018 před 6 roky 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky b7e7054f1e Lemaitre3 adaptations před 3 roky a43ac0a746 Initial fork from commit 25133a1 02/07/2018 před 6 roky 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky 50058ef90d Last lemaitre3 changes před 2 roky b7e7054f1e Lemaitre3 adaptations před 3 roky b7e7054f1e Lemaitre3 adaptations před 3 roky


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Example of a set of web pages generated by Barakuda:

Getting-started with Barakuda


  • A FORTRAN 90 compiler

  • netcdf library with support for the appropriate F90 compiler

  • NCO

  • 'convert' from ImageMagick if you want to generate GIF movies

  • 'ffmpeg' with x264 support if you want to generate MP4 movies

  • For time-series and 2D plots, the following up-to-date packages: => python-netcdf4 (from netCDF4 import Dataset) and Matplotlib => for map projections you'll also need the Basemap package

A good idea is to install a shiny python distribution, something like Canopy: =>

In any case, specify the appropriate "PYTHON_HOME" environment variable in your ${BARAKUDAROOT}/configs/ or ./ file

  • NEMO output data! => A directory containing the MONTHLY-AVERAGED, global (rebuilt), NEMO output to analyze (grid_T, grid_U, grid_V and icemod files) as ".nc", ".nc.gz" or ".nc4"

For NEMO 3.6 and above some appropriate sets of xml configuration files for XIOS2 can be found in: src/xios2_xml/

  • a NEMO mesh_mask file and the the corresponding basin_mask (ocean basins). (variables MM_FILE and BMFILE into the file you use).
  • To create the NEMO just launch the relevant NEMO experiment with the namelist parameter nn_msh set to 1 !

    For both ORCA1 and ORCA025 configs (regardless of the number of levels) it is safe to use the provided in the "data/" sub-directory of Barakuda.

    If you want to create your own containing your favorite seas/regions, proceed as follow:

    1. use the "python/exec/" python script to create a black-and-white bitmap image of the land-sea-mask from the generated by NEMO.

    2. use your favorite rater image editor (Gimp, PhotoShop, Paint, etc) to easily edit the bitmap image and create a new image of your sea/region of interest. Save it as a "tiff" image!

    3. then you can use "python/exec/" python script to generate the new netcdf file out of your tiff images!

    I / Compile CDFTOOLS executables

    • CDFTOOLS is a set of FORTRAN executables intended to perform a multitude of ocean diagnostics based on NEMO output ( However, this is a slightly modified light version here... SO DO NOT USE AN OFFICIAL CDFTOOLS DISTRIBUTION, stick to the one that comes with Barakuda!

    • move to the 'barakuda/cdftools_light' directory

    • configure your own 'make.macro' for your system (some templates for gfortran and Intel are provided...) => just copy or link your own "macro.your_arch" to "make.macro" ! => F90 compiler and related netcdf library to use

    • compile with 'gmake'

    • if that was successful the 'barakuda/bin' directory should contain the 8 following executables:

      * cdficediags.x
      * cdfmaxmoc.x
      * cdfmhst.x
      * cdfmoc.x
      * cdfpsi.x
      * cdfsigtrp.x
      * cdficeflux.x
      * cdftransportiz.x
      * cdfvT.x

    II / Create and configure your own ""

    All setup related to your host, simulation, location of third party files is defined in the "" file.

    You can either used to chose a config file located in the "${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs" directory of Barakuda: ('${BARAKUDAROOT}/configs/')

    Or, in case you have no write access into ${BARAKUDAROOT}/ and call the Barakuda suite of scripts from another location, hereafter "work directory", you can use a "" present in the "work directory".

    Note: if a given "" exists both in "${BARAKUDAROOT}/configs" and the "work directory", Barakuda will always refer to "" present in the "work directory".

    IMPORTANT: Always refer to the most relevant '${BARAKUDAROOT}/configs/config*' file to design or re-adjust yours! These are symbolic links pointing to the last officially supported and most up-to-date config files. It should be sufficiently well commented for you to be able to adjust your own config file.

    MY_CONF should always be of the form: "(e)"

        ( with NLEV being the number of z levels )

    NEMO output files must be monthly averages and of the following form:

        <EXP NAME>_1m_<YEAR>0101_<YEAR>1231_<GRID_TYPE>.nc(.gz)

    Gzipped or not!

    All files for all years must all be saved in the same directory (see NEMO_OUT_STRCT in the config file). Better if this directory only contains NEMO output files and nothing else!

    Alternatively NEMO files can be saved/organized in sub-directories a la EC-Earth: (ex: year 1995 of experiment started in 1990 is the 6th year so files for 1995 are saved into sub-directory (of NEMO_OUT_STRCT) "006" (set 'ece_exp' to 1 or 2 then).

    If you want to perform the "climatology" plots (see section IV) you will need monthly "observed" 2D and 3D of T and S (and sea-ice fraction) data interpolated on the ORCA grid you are using. Usually you should already have them since they are needed to initialize your simulation (initial state for T & S). These are the following files in your Barakuda config file: F_T_OBS_3D_12, F_S_OBS_3D_12, F_SST_OBS_12, F_ICE_OBS_12.

    Alternatively, you can download these climatologies for the ORCA1.L75 and ORCA025.L75 configurations here:

    The "CONF_INI_DIR" variable in your config file should point to the location of the directory you created by untaring one of these tar archives.

    III) Create diagnostics

    Launch ""

       ./ -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP> -f <years> -y <YYYY>
       (ex: ./ -C ORCA1_L75_v36_triolith -R SL36C00)

    Use the -h switch to see available options.

    IV) Create figures and browsable HTML page

    • Once the previous job has finished to run, launch

    To only generate time-series plots use the "-e" switch:

        ./ -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP> -e
        (ex: ./ -C ORCA1_L75_v36_triolith -R SL36C00 -e)

    To generate time-series + 2D climatology plots use the "-E" switch, provided you have built the monthly/annual climatology (based on N years of your simulation) out of your experiment with the "" script (see next bullet point):

        ./ -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP> -E
    • To be able to create the "climatology" plots (maps, sections, etc, based on a monthly climatology of a few years) you will have to

      1. create the climatology with the "" script:

        ./ -C -R -i -e

        Use the -h switch to see available options.

        1. the you can tell "" to create climatology-related plots by using the "-E" switch instead of "-e" (see point V/A)
      2. To compare time-series between at least 2 (already diagnosed) experiments:

         ./ -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP1>,<EXP2>,...,<EXPn>
         (ex: ./ -C ORCA1_L75_v36_triolith -R SL36C00,SL36EIE )