#!/usr/bin/env bash #============================================================== # # B A R A K U D A # # An OCEAN MONITORING python environment for NEMO # # L. Brodeau, 2009-2017 # #=============================================================== ivt=1 ; # Create a climatology for VT iamoc=1 ; # Create a climatology for 2D lat-depth AMOC? ibpsi=1 ; # Create a climatology for barotropic stream function icurl=1 ; # Create a climatology of the windstress curl export script=build_clim [ -z ${BARAKUDA_ROOT+x} ] && export BARAKUDA_ROOT=${PWD} # Display available configs: list_conf="`\ls ${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs/config_*.sh | sed -e "s|${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs\/config_||g" -e s/'.sh'/''/g`" # User configs, potentially in the directory from which barakuda.sh is called: list_conf+=" `\ls ./config_*.sh 2>/dev/null | sed -e "s|.\/config_||g" -e s/'.sh'/''/g`" # Important bash functions: . ${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/src/bash/bash_functions.bash barakuda_init while getopts R:f:i:e:C:h option ; do case $option in R) export EXP=${OPTARG};; f) export IFREQ_SAV_YEARS=${OPTARG} ;; i) export Y1=${OPTARG} ;; e) export Y2=${OPTARG} ;; C) export CONFIG=${OPTARG};; h) build_clim_usage ; exit ;; \?) build_clim_usage ; exit ;; esac done barakuda_check if [ -f ./config_${CONFIG}.sh ]; then # sourcing local configuration file if present: fconfig=./config_${CONFIG}.sh else # sourcing barakuda-distribution configuration file: fconfig=${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs/config_${CONFIG}.sh fi if [ -f ${fconfig} ]; then echo "Sourcing configuration file: ${fconfig} !" . ${fconfig} else echo "PROBLEM: cannot find file ${fconfig} !"; exit fi echo # If auto-submit experiment (ece_exp=10) then overides a few functions with: if [ ${ece_exp} -ge 10 ]; then . ${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/src/bash/bash_functions_autosub.bash fi # If 3D fieds are annual averaged then overides a few functions with: if [ ! "${ANNUAL_3D}" = "" ]; then . ${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/src/bash/bash_functions_1y.bash fi barakuda_setup CPRMN="${CPREF}" CPRAN="" if [ ! "${ANNUAL_3D}" = "" ]; then CPRAN=`echo ${CPREF} | sed -e s/"_${TSTAMP}_"/"_${ANNUAL_3D}_"/g` fi echo echo " SETTINGS: " echo " *** DIAG_D = ${DIAG_D} " echo " *** CLIM_DIR = ${CLIM_DIR} " echo " *** TMP_DIR = ${TMP_DIR} " echo " *** Y1 = ${Y1} " echo " *** Y2 = ${Y2} " echo " *** CONFIG = ${CONFIG} " echo " *** GRID = ${ORCA} " echo " *** CONFEXP = ${CONFEXP} " echo " *** EXP = ${EXP} " echo " *** CPREF = ${CPREF} " echo " *** Monthly files prefix = ${CPRMN} (${NEMO_SAVED_FILES})" if [ ! "${CPRAN}" = "" ]; then echo " *** Annual files prefix = ${CPRAN} (${NEMO_SAVED_FILES_3D})" fi echo " *** IFREQ_SAV_YEARS = ${IFREQ_SAV_YEARS} " echo " *** NCDF_DIR = ${NCDF_DIR} " echo mkdir -p ${DIAG_D} barakuda_first_last_years ; # look at NEMO files to know what are first and last years available... echo ${IFREQ_SAV_YEARS} > ${DIAG_D}/numb_year_per_file.info echo ${YEAR_INI} > ${DIAG_D}/first_year.info # How to convert from nc3 to nc4? wc=`which nccopy` if [ "${wc}" = "" ]; then CP2NC4="${NCDF_DIR}/bin/nccopy -k 4 -d 9" else CP2NC4="nccopy -k 4 -d 9" fi wc=`which nc3tonc4` ; # Comes with Canopy... if [ ! "${wc}" = "" ]; then CP2NC4="nc3tonc4" fi export PATH=${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/cdftools_light/bin:${PYTHON_HOME}/bin:${PATH} Y1=$((${Y1}+0)) Y2=$((${Y2}+0)) CY1=`printf "%04d" ${Y1}` CY2=`printf "%04d" ${Y2}` mkdir -p ${CLIM_DIR} # Variables to extract: V2E="${NN_SST},${NN_SSS},${NN_SSH},${NN_T},${NN_S},${NN_MLD}" C2ET="nav_lon,nav_lat,deptht" C2EU="nav_lon,nav_lat,depthu" C2EV="nav_lon,nav_lat,depthv" C2EW="nav_lon,nav_lat,depthw" GRIDIMP="gridT" if [ ${ivt} -eq 1 ] || [ ${ibpsi} -eq 1 ] || [ ${icurl} -eq 1 ]; then GRIDIMP+=" gridU" fi if [ ${iamoc} -eq 1 ] || [ ${ivt} -eq 1 ] || [ ${ibpsi} -eq 1 ] || [ ${icurl} -eq 1 ]; then GRIDIMP+=" gridV" fi if [ `contains_string ${FILE_ICE_SUFFIX} ${NEMO_SAVED_FILES}` -eq 1 ]; then GRIDIMP+=" ${FILE_ICE_SUFFIX}" fi if [ `contains_string SBC ${NEMO_SAVED_FILES}` -eq 1 ]; then GRIDIMP+=" ${FILE_FLX_SUFFIX}" fi echo; echo " GRIDIMP = ${GRIDIMP}"; echo # Checking what files we have / plan to use: if [ -z "${NEMO_SAVED_FILES}" ]; then echo "Please specify which NEMO files are saved (file suffixes, gridT, ..., icemod) ?" echo " => set the variable NEMO_SAVED_FILES in your config_${CONFIG}.sh file!"; exit fi VAF=( "gridT" "gridU" "gridV" "${FILE_ICE_SUFFIX}" "${FILE_FLX_SUFFIX}" ) js=0 ; gimp_new="" for sf in ${VAF[*]}; do echo "Checking ${sf}..." ca=`echo "${NEMO_SAVED_FILES} ${NEMO_SAVED_FILES_3D}" | grep ${sf}` cb=`echo "${GRIDIMP}" | grep ${sf}` if [ "${ca}" = "" ]; then if [ "${cb}" != "" ]; then echo "PROBLEM! The diags you specified say you need ${sf} files" echo " => but you have not specified ${sf} in NEMO_SAVED_FILES !"; exit fi else gimp_new="${sf} ${gimp_new}" fi ((js++)) done GRIDIMP=${gimp_new} echo; echo "File types to import: ${GRIDIMP}"; echo; echo VCM=( "01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" "08" "09" "10" "11" "12" ) cd ${TMP_DIR}/ echo; echo "In:"; pwd barakuda_import_mesh_mask ls -l ; echo; echo nby=$((${Y2}-${Y1}+1)) if [ ! $((${nby}%${IFREQ_SAV_YEARS})) -eq 0 ]; then echo " Number of years should be a multiple of ${IFREQ_SAV_YEARS}!"; exit fi if [ ${ece_exp} -gt 0 ] && [ ${ece_exp} -lt 10 ] ; then if [ ! -d ${NEMO_OUT_D}/001 ]; then echo "ERROR: since ece_exp=${ece_exp}, there should be a directory 001 in:"; echo " ${NEMO_OUT_D}"; fi fi ffirsty="${DIAG_D}/first_year.info" if [ ! -f ${ffirsty} ]; then echo "ERROR: file ${ffirsty} not found!!!"; exit; fi export YEAR_INI_F=`cat ${ffirsty}` export jyear=${Y1} while [ ${jyear} -le ${Y2} ]; do export cyear=`printf "%04d" ${jyear}` ; echo ; echo "Year = ${cyear}" cpf="" if [ ${ece_exp} -gt 0 ]; then iy=$((${jyear}-${Y1}+1+${Y1}-${YEAR_INI_F})) dir_ece=`printf "%03d" ${iy}` echo " *** ${cyear} => dir_ece = ${dir_ece}" cpf="${dir_ece}/" fi i_get_file=0 if [ $((${jyear}%${IFREQ_SAV_YEARS})) -eq 0 ]; then barakuda_check_year_is_complete ; # lcontinue might be updated to false! fi CRT1M=${CPRMN}${cyear}${cmmdd1}_${cyear}${cmmdd2} barakuda_import_files # Monthly files to work with for current year: ft1m=${CRT1M}_gridT.nc fu1m=${CRT1M}_gridU.nc fv1m=${CRT1M}_gridV.nc # Annual files to work with for current year: CRT1Y=`echo ${CRT1M} | sed -e s/"_${TSTAMP}_"/"_${ANNUAL_3D}_"/g` ft1y=${CRT1Y}_gridT.nc fu1y=${CRT1Y}_gridU.nc fv1y=${CRT1Y}_gridV.nc fj1y=${CRT1Y}_${FILE_ICE_SUFFIX}.nc ; # can be icemod or gridT .... CFG3D=${CRT1M} CPREF3D=${CPRMN} # # Files that contain the 3D fields (might be monthly or annaual sometimes (when "${ANNUAL_3D}" = "1y") $ ft3d=${ft1m} fu3d=${fu1m} fv3d=${fv1m} if [ "${ANNUAL_3D}" = "1y" ]; then [[ ${NEMO_SAVED_FILES_3D} =~ (^|[[:space:]])"gridU"($|[[:space:]]) ]] \ && CPREF3D=${CPRAN}; CFG3D=${CRT1Y}; ft3d=${ft1y}; fu3d=${fu1y}; fv3d=${fv1y} \ || echo "...default" echo "" fi fvt=${CFG3D}_VT.nc echo if [ ${ivt} -eq 1 ]; then # Creating VT files: echo " *** CALLING: cdfvT.x ${CFG3D} ${NN_T} ${NN_S} ${NN_U} ${NN_V} ${NN_U_EIV} ${NN_V_EIV} &" cdfvT.x ${CFG3D} ${NN_T} ${NN_S} ${NN_U} ${NN_V} ${NN_U_EIV} ${NN_V_EIV} & echo fi echo if [ ${iamoc} -eq 1 ]; then rm -f moc.nc echo " *** CALLING: cdfmoc.x ${fv3d} ${NN_V} ${NN_V_EIV} &" cdfmoc.x ${fv3d} ${NN_V} ${NN_V_EIV} & echo fi if [ ${ibpsi} -eq 1 ]; then rm -f psi.nc echo " *** CALLING: cdfpsi.x ${fu3d} ${fv3d} ${NN_U} ${NN_V} &" cdfpsi.x ${fu3d} ${fv3d} ${NN_U} ${NN_V} & echo fi if [ ${icurl} -eq 1 ]; then # Curl of wind stress if [ ! "${NN_TAUX}" = "X" ] && [ ! "${NN_TAUY}" = "X" ]; then rm -f curl.nc echo " *** CALLING: cdfcurl.x ${fu3d} ${fv3d} ${NN_TAUX} ${NN_TAUY} 1 &" cdfcurl.x ${fu3d} ${fv3d} ${NN_TAUX} ${NN_TAUY} 1 & else echo " You need to define NN_TAUX and NN_TAUY if you want to compute the curl of the wind stress!" fi echo fi wait ncwa -O -a x moc.nc ${CFG3D}_MOC.nc ; # removing degenerate x record... rm -f moc.nc if [ ${ibpsi} -eq 1 ]; then mv -f psi.nc ${CFG3D}_PSI.nc; fi if [ ${icurl} -eq 1 ]; then mv -f curl.nc ${CFG3D}_TCURL.nc; fi echo "After year ${jyear}:"; ls -l *.nc* echo ((jyear++)) export jyear=${jyear} done echo echo "Phase 2:"; ls ; echo # Mean monthly climatology SUFF_FOR_MONTHLY="${NEMO_SAVED_FILES}" if [ "${ANNUAL_3D}" = "" ]; then SUFF_FOR_MONTHLY+=" VT MOC PSI TCURL"; fi echo; echo "Will build monthly clim for files with these suffixes:"; echo ${SUFF_FOR_MONTHLY}; echo for suff in ${SUFF_FOR_MONTHLY}; do if [ -f ./${CRT1M}_${suff}.nc ]; then echo ; echo " Treating ${suff} files!"; echo f2c=mclim_${CONFEXP}_${CY1}-${CY2}_${suff}.nc rm -f ${CLIM_DIR}/${f2c}* echo jm=0 for cm in ${VCM[*]}; do ((jm++)) if [ -f ./${CRT1M}_${suff}.nc ]; then echo; ls ; echo echo "ncra -F -O -d time_counter,${jm},,12 ${CPRMN}*${cmmdd1}_*${cmmdd2}_${suff}.nc -o mean_m${cm}_${suff}.nc" ncra -F -O -d time_counter,${jm},,12 ${CPRMN}*${cmmdd1}_*${cmmdd2}_${suff}.nc -o mean_m${cm}_${suff}.nc & echo fi done wait echo; ls ; echo echo "ncrcat -O mean_m*_${suff}.nc out_${suff}.nc" ncrcat -O mean_m*_${suff}.nc out_${suff}.nc rm mean_m*_${suff}.nc echo echo "mv -f out_${suff}.nc ${f2c}" mv -f out_${suff}.nc ${f2c} echo else echo ; echo " Ignoring monthly ${suff} files!"; echo fi done ; # loop along monthly files suffixes wait # Mean annual climatology for 3D-variable-based fields: SUFF_FOR_ANNUAL="VT MOC PSI TCURL" if [ ! "${ANNUAL_3D}" = "" ]; then SUFF_FOR_ANNUAL+=" ${NEMO_SAVED_FILES_3D}"; fi echo; echo "Will build annual clim for files with these suffixes:"; echo ${SUFF_FOR_ANNUAL}; echo for suff in ${SUFF_FOR_ANNUAL}; do if [ -f ./${CRT1Y}_${suff}.nc ] || [ -f ./${CRT1M}_${suff}.nc ]; then echo ; echo " Treating ${suff} files!"; echo f2c=aclim_${CONFEXP}_${CY1}-${CY2}_${suff}.nc rm -f ${CLIM_DIR}/${f2c}* # echo "ncra -O ${CPREF3D}*_${suff}.nc -o ${f2c} &" ncra -O ${CPREF3D}*_${suff}.nc -o ${f2c} & echo else echo ; echo " Ignoring annual ${suff} files!"; echo fi done ; # loop along annual files suffixes wait rm -f ${CPRMN}*${cmmdd1}_*${cmmdd2}_*.nc ${CPRAN}*${cmmdd1}_*${cmmdd2}_*.nc list=`\ls [am]clim_${CONFEXP}*.nc` for ff in ${list}; do fn=`echo ${ff} | sed -e s/'.nc'/'.nc4'/g` echo "${CP2NC4} ${ff} ${fn} &" ${CP2NC4} ${ff} ${fn} & echo done wait for cl in aclim mclim; do echo "mv -f ${cl}_${CONFEXP}*.nc4 ${CLIM_DIR}/" mv -f ${cl}_${CONFEXP}*.nc4 ${CLIM_DIR}/ echo done echo;echo echo "${CY1}-${CY2}" > ${CLIM_DIR}/last_clim echo "Climatology saved into: ${CLIM_DIR}/" echo;echo cd /tmp/ rm -rf ${TMP_DIR} 2>/dev/null exit 0