PROGRAM cdftransportiz !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** PROGRAM cdftransportiz *** !! !! ** Purpose: Compute Transports across a section !! PARTIAL STEPS version !! !! ** Method: Try to avoid 3 d arrays. !! The begining and end point of the section are given in term of f-points index. !! This program computes the transport across this section for !! (1) Mass transport ( Sv) !! (2) Heat Transport (PW) !! (3) Salt Transport (kT/sec) !! (4) Freshwater Transport (Sv) !! The transport is > 0 left handside of the line !! This program use a zig-zag line going through U and V-points. !! It takes as input : VT files, gridU, gridV files. !! The, are required. !! It is convenient to use an ASCII file as the standard input to give !! the name and the ii0 ii1 ij0 ij1 for each section required !! The last name of this ASCII file must be EOF !! !! !! history : !! Original : J.M. Molines (jan. 2005) !! J.M. Molines Apr 2005 : use modules !! J.M. Molines Apr 2007 : merge with Julien Jouanno version (std + file output) !! R. Dussin (Jul. 2009) : add cdf output !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! $Rev: 257 $ !! $Date: 2009-07-27 18:25:04 +0200 (Mon, 27 Jul 2009) $ !! $Id: cdftransportiz.f90 257 2009-07-27 16:25:04Z forge $ !!-------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE netcdf USE cdfio USE io_ezcdf IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8) :: & & ref_temp0 = 0., & ! reference temperature (in Celsius) for the transport of heat & ref_sali0 = 34.8, & ! reference salinity (in PSU) for the transport of salt & ref_temp, ref_sali, & & rU, rV CHARACTER(len=128) :: ctest, c0, c1, c2, cref1='0.', cref2='34.8' CHARACTER(len=256) :: cf_sections LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: l_save_broken_lines = .FALSE. INTEGER :: nclass !: number of depth class INTEGER ,DIMENSION (:),ALLOCATABLE :: imeter !: limit beetween depth level, in m (nclass -1) CHARACTER(len=64), DIMENSION (:),ALLOCATABLE :: cdepths INTEGER ,DIMENSION (:),ALLOCATABLE :: ilev0,ilev1 !: limit in levels ! nclass INTEGER :: jk, jc, jj, jt !: dummy loop index !LB INTEGER :: narg, iargc, istatus !: command line INTEGER :: npiglo,npjglo, npk, nt !: size of the domain !LB INTEGER :: ii0, ii1, ij0, ij1, ik, ispace INTEGER :: numin = 16 INTEGER(KIND=4) :: idirx, idiry ! sense of description of the section ! broken line stuff INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpseg=10000 INTEGER :: i, j INTEGER :: n,nn,k, jseg INTEGER :: norm_u, norm_v, iist, ijst REAL(4) :: rxi0,ryj0, rxi1, ryj1 REAL(4) :: ai,bi, aj,bj,d REAL(4) :: rxx(jpseg),ryy(jpseg) REAL(4), DIMENSION(jpseg) :: gla, gphi REAL(8), DIMENSION(jpseg) :: voltrp, heatrp, saltrp REAL(8) :: voltrpsum, heatrpsum, saltrpsum, frwtrpsum COMPLEX yypt(jpseg), yypti REAL(4), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1v, e3v ,gphiv, zv, zvt, zvs !: mask, metrics REAL(4), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e2u, e3u ,gphiu, zu, zut, zus !: mask, metrics REAL(4), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: glamu, glamv REAL(4), DIMENSION (:), ALLOCATABLE :: gdepw, gdept REAL(4) :: rd1, rd2 REAL(8), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zwku,zwkv, zwkut,zwkvt, zwkus,zwkvs REAL(8), DIMENSION (:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ztrpu, ztrpv, ztrput,ztrpvt, ztrpus,ztrpvs CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: conf_tag, cf_vt , cf_u, cf_v, csection, cf_broken_line, & & cfilvtrp='vtrp.txt', cfilhtrp='htrp.txt', cfilstrp='strp.txt' CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cf_mm='', cdum CHARACTER(LEN=256) ,DIMENSION(4) :: cvarname !: array of var name for output INTEGER :: nxtarg LOGICAL :: & & leiv = .TRUE., & !: weather to use Eddy Induced velocity from GM90 & lcontinue = .TRUE. CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: ctim ! constants !lolo: # The density of seawater is about 1025 kg/m^3 and the specific heat is about 4000 J/(kg C) REAL(4) :: rau0=1025., rcp=3990. REAL(4), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: U_3D, V_3D, UEIV_3D, VEIV_3D, UT_3D, VT_3D, US_3D, VS_3D, E3V_3D, E3U_3D INTEGER :: idf_u=0, idv_u=0, idf_v=0, idv_v=0, idf_ueiv=0, idv_ueiv=0, idf_veiv=0, idv_veiv=0, & & idf_ut=0, idv_ut=0, idf_vt=0, idv_vt=0, & & idf_us=0, idv_us=0, idf_vs=0, idv_vs=0, idf_0=0, idv_0=0 LOGICAL :: lfncout = .false. CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cd_out = '.', cf_out CHARACTER(LEN=64) :: cv_u, cv_v, cv_ueiv, cv_veiv, cv_dum REAL :: ryear INTEGER :: ierr, jt_pos, idf_out, idd_t, idv_time INTEGER, DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: id_volu, id_heat, id_salt, id_frwt REAL(4), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: X_trsp ! lolo !! Read command line and output usage message if not compliant. narg= iargc() IF ( narg < 8 ) THEN PRINT *,' Usage: cdftransportiz \\' PRINT *,' ( )' PRINT *,'' PRINT *,' => files are:' PRINT *,' If eddy-induced velocity is not relevant, specify "0" "0" for ' PRINT *,' Files must be in te current directory' PRINT *, '' PRINT *,' In your transportiz.dat, you can specify the reference temperature and salinity to use' PRINT *,' to compute transports (defaults are 0. deg.C and 34.8 PSU).' PRINT *,' below the line with i,j coordinates, specify "ref_temp_sali: T0 S0". Ex:' PRINT *,'FRAM-STRAIT' PRINT *,'279 268 272 272' PRINT *,'ref_temp_sali: -0.5 35.' PRINT *,'...' PRINT *,'' STOP ENDIF CALL getarg (1, cf_sections) CALL getarg (2, conf_tag) CALL getarg (3, cv_u) CALL getarg (4, cv_v) CALL getarg (5, cv_ueiv) CALL getarg (6, cv_veiv) CALL getarg (7, cdum) ; READ(cdum,*) ryear CALL getarg (8, cd_out) nxtarg=8 nclass = narg -nxtarg + 1 leiv = .TRUE. IF ( (trim(cv_ueiv) == '0').AND.(trim(cv_veiv) == '0') ) THEN leiv = .FALSE. PRINT *, ' Not taking eddy-induced velocity into account!' ELSE PRINT *, ' Taking eddy-induced velocity into account using '//trim(cv_ueiv)//' and '//trim(cv_veiv) END IF WRITE(cf_vt, '(a,"")') trim(conf_tag) WRITE(cf_u, '(a,"")') trim(conf_tag) WRITE(cf_v, '(a,"")') trim(conf_tag) ALLOCATE ( cdepths(0:nclass), imeter(nclass -1), ilev0(nclass), ilev1(nclass) ) cdepths(0) = '0' cdepths(nclass) = 'botto' DO jk=1, nclass -1 CALL getarg(nxtarg+jk,cdepths(jk)) READ(cdepths(jk),*) imeter(jk) END DO npiglo= getdim (cf_vt,'x') npjglo= getdim (cf_vt,'y') npk = getdim (cf_vt,'depth') ctim = 'none' nt = getdim (cf_vt,'time',cdtrue=ctim,kstatus=istatus) !LB PRINT *, 'npiglo=', npiglo PRINT *, 'npjglo=', npjglo PRINT *, 'npk =', npk PRINT *, 'nt =', nt !LB PRINT *, '' ALLOCATE( U_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) , V_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) , UT_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) , VT_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) , & & US_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) , VS_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk), E3V_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) , E3U_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) ) IF ( leiv ) ALLOCATE( UEIV_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) , VEIV_3D(npiglo,npjglo,npk) ) !! Lolo: allocating array to contain transports: ALLOCATE( X_trsp(4,nt,nclass) ) ; ! 3 transports, nt values, nclass levels ALLOCATE( id_volu(0:nclass), id_heat(0:nclass), id_salt(0:nclass), id_frwt(0:nclass) ) ! Allocate arrays ALLOCATE( zu (npiglo,npjglo), zut(npiglo,npjglo), zus(npiglo,npjglo) ) ALLOCATE( zv (npiglo,npjglo), zvt(npiglo,npjglo), zvs(npiglo,npjglo) ) ! ALLOCATE ( zwku (npiglo,npjglo), zwkut(npiglo,npjglo), zwkus(npiglo,npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( zwkv (npiglo,npjglo), zwkvt(npiglo,npjglo), zwkvs(npiglo,npjglo) ) ! ALLOCATE ( ztrpu (npiglo,npjglo,nclass), ztrpv (npiglo,npjglo,nclass)) ALLOCATE ( ztrput(npiglo,npjglo,nclass), ztrpvt(npiglo,npjglo,nclass)) ALLOCATE ( ztrpus(npiglo,npjglo,nclass), ztrpvs(npiglo,npjglo,nclass)) ! ALLOCATE ( e1v(npiglo,npjglo),e3v(npiglo,npjglo)) ALLOCATE ( e2u(npiglo,npjglo),e3u(npiglo,npjglo)) ! ALLOCATE ( gphiu(npiglo,npjglo), gphiv(npiglo,npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( glamu(npiglo,npjglo), glamv(npiglo,npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( gdepw(npk), gdept(npk) ) ! e1v(:,:) = getvar(cf_mm, 'e1v', 1,npiglo,npjglo) e2u(:,:) = getvar(cf_mm, 'e2u', 1,npiglo,npjglo) glamv(:,:) = getvar(cf_mm, 'glamv', 1,npiglo,npjglo) glamu(:,:) = getvar(cf_mm, 'glamu', 1,npiglo,npjglo) gphiv(:,:) = getvar(cf_mm, 'gphiv', 1,npiglo,npjglo) gphiu(:,:) = getvar(cf_mm, 'gphiu', 1,npiglo,npjglo) gdepw(:) = getvare3(cf_mm, 'gdepw_1d',npk) gdept(:) = getvare3(cf_mm, 'gdept_1d',npk) DO WHILE ( lcontinue ) OPEN(numin, FILE=TRIM(cf_sections), status='old') READ(numin,'(a)') csection IF (TRIM(csection) == 'EOF' ) THEN CLOSE(numin) lcontinue = .FALSE. EXIT END IF IF ( .NOT. lcontinue ) EXIT READ(numin,*) ii0, ii1, ij0, ij1 WRITE(*,'(" *** Section = ",a," (",i4.4,", "i4.4,", "i4.4,", "i4.4,") ***")') TRIM(csection), ii0, ii1, ij0, ij1 !PRINT*, ' =>', ii0, ii1, ij0, ij1 !By defining the direction of the integration as idirx = SIGN(1,ii1-ii0) !positive to the east or if ii1=ii0 idiry = SIGN(1,ij1-ij0) !positive to the north or if ij1=ij0 !Then dS=(e2u*idiry,-e1v*idirx) !This will produce the following sign convention: ! West-to-est line (dx>0, dy=0)=> -My*dx (-ve for a northward flow) ! South-to-north (dy>0, dx=0)=> Mx*dy (+ve for an eastward flow) norm_u = idiry norm_v = -idirx ! Defaults: c1 = cref1 ; c2 = cref2 ref_temp = ref_temp0 ; ref_sali = ref_sali0 ! Should they be modified: READ(numin,'(a)') ctest IF (ctest(1:14) == 'ref_temp_sali:' ) THEN c0 = TRIM(ctest(14+2:)) ispace = SCAN(TRIM(c0),' ') c1 = TRIM((c0(1:ispace-1))) c2 = TRIM((c0(ispace+1:))) READ(c1,*) ref_temp READ(c2,*) ref_sali ELSE BACKSPACE(numin) END IF PRINT *, ' => reference temperature and salinity:', REAL(ref_temp,4), REAL(ref_sali,4) ! get e3u, e3v at all levels CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_0, idv_0, cf_mm, 'e3v_0', 0, 0, E3V_3D) idf_0 = 0. ; idv_0 = 0. CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_0, idv_0, cf_mm, 'e3u_0', 0, 0, E3U_3D) DO jt = 1, nt !lolo !! ------------- PRINT *, ' * [cdftransportiz] jt = ', jt, ' (', TRIM(csection),')' !! Reading 3D fields at time jt... CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_u, idv_u, cf_u, trim(cv_u), nt, jt, U_3D) CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_v, idv_v, cf_v, trim(cv_v), nt, jt, V_3D) IF ( leiv ) THEN CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_ueiv, idv_ueiv, cf_u, trim(cv_ueiv), nt, jt, UEIV_3D) CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_veiv, idv_veiv, cf_v, trim(cv_veiv), nt, jt, VEIV_3D) END IF CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_ut, idv_ut, cf_vt, 'vozout', nt, jt, UT_3D) CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_vt, idv_vt, cf_vt, 'vomevt', nt, jt, VT_3D) CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_us, idv_us, cf_vt, 'vozous', nt, jt, US_3D) CALL GETVAR_3D(idf_vs, idv_vs, cf_vt, 'vomevs', nt, jt, VS_3D) ! look for nearest level to imeter ik = 1 ilev0(1) = 1 ilev1(nclass) = npk-1 DO jk = 1, nclass -1 DO WHILE ( gdepw(ik) < imeter(jk) ) ik = ik +1 END DO rd1= ABS(gdepw(ik-1) - imeter(jk) ) rd2= ABS(gdepw(ik) - imeter(jk) ) IF ( rd2 < rd1 ) THEN ilev1(jk) = ik -1 ! t-levels ilev0(jk+1) = ik ELSE ilev1(jk) = ik -2 ! t-levels ilev0(jk+1) = ik -1 END IF END DO !! compute the transport ztrpu (:,:,:)= 0 ztrpv (:,:,:)= 0 ztrput(:,:,:)= 0 ztrpvt(:,:,:)= 0 ztrpus(:,:,:)= 0 ztrpvs(:,:,:)= 0 DO jc = 1, nclass DO jk = ilev0(jc),ilev1(jc) ! Get velocities, temperature and salinity fluxes at jk zu (:,:) = U_3D(:,:,jk) zv (:,:) = V_3D(:,:,jk) IF ( leiv ) THEN zu(:,:) = zu(:,:) + UEIV_3D(:,:,jk) zv(:,:) = zv(:,:) + VEIV_3D(:,:,jk) END IF zut(:,:) = UT_3D(:,:,jk) zvt(:,:) = VT_3D(:,:,jk) zus(:,:) = US_3D(:,:,jk) zvs(:,:) = VS_3D(:,:,jk) e3v(:,:) = E3V_3D(:,:,jk) e3u(:,:) = E3U_3D(:,:,jk) zwku (:,:) = zu (:,:)*e2u(:,:)*e3u(:,:) zwkv (:,:) = zv (:,:)*e1v(:,:)*e3v(:,:) zwkut(:,:) = zut(:,:)*e2u(:,:)*e3u(:,:) zwkvt(:,:) = zvt(:,:)*e1v(:,:)*e3v(:,:) zwkus(:,:) = zus(:,:)*e2u(:,:)*e3u(:,:) zwkvs(:,:) = zvs(:,:)*e1v(:,:)*e3v(:,:) ! integrates vertically ztrpu (:,:,jc) = ztrpu (:,:,jc) + zwku (:,:) ztrpv (:,:,jc) = ztrpv (:,:,jc) + zwkv (:,:) ztrput(:,:,jc) = ztrput(:,:,jc) + zwkut(:,:) * rau0*rcp ztrpvt(:,:,jc) = ztrpvt(:,:,jc) + zwkvt(:,:) * rau0*rcp ztrpus(:,:,jc) = ztrpus(:,:,jc) + zwkus(:,:) ztrpvs(:,:,jc) = ztrpvs(:,:,jc) + zwkvs(:,:) END DO ! loop to next level END DO ! next class IF (jt == 1) THEN IF ( nclass > 3 ) THEN PRINT *, ' ERROR => cdftransportiz.f90 only supports 2 depths currently!!!' END IF !! Find the broken line between P1 (ii0,ij0) and P2 (ii1, ij1) !! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Initialization !i0=ii0; j0=ij0; i1=ii1; j1=ij1 rxi1=ii1; ryj1=ij1; rxi0=ii0; ryj0=ij0 ! .. Compute equation: ryj = aj rxi + bj IF ( (rxi1 -rxi0) /= 0 ) THEN aj = (ryj1 - ryj0 ) / (rxi1 -rxi0) bj = ryj0 - aj * rxi0 ELSE aj=10000. bj=0. END IF ! .. Compute equation: rxi = ai ryj + bi IF ( (ryj1 -ryj0) /= 0 ) THEN ai = (rxi1 - rxi0 ) / ( ryj1 -ryj0 ) bi = rxi0 - ai * ryj0 ELSE ai=10000. bi=0. END IF ! .. Compute the integer pathway: n=0 ! .. Chose the strait line with the smallest slope IF (ABS(aj) <= 1 ) THEN ! ... Here, the best line is y(x) ! ... If ii1 < ii0 swap points and remember it has been swapped IF (ii1 < ii0 ) THEN i = ii0 ; j = ij0 ii0 = ii1 ; ij0 = ij1 ii1 = i ; ij1 = j END IF ! iist,ijst is the grid offset to pass from F point to either U/V point IF ( ij1 >= ij0 ) THEN ! line heading NE iist = 1 ; ijst = 1 ELSE ! line heading SE iist = 1 ; ijst = 0 END IF ! ... compute the nearest j point on the line crossing at i DO i=ii0,ii1 n=n+1 IF (n > jpseg) STOP 'n > jpseg !' j=NINT(aj*i + bj ) yypt(n) = CMPLX(i,j) END DO ELSE ! ... Here, the best line is x(y) ! ... If ij1 < ij0 swap points and remember it has been swapped IF (ij1 < ij0 ) THEN i = ii0 ; j = ij0 ii0 = ii1 ; ij0 = ij1 ii1 = i ; ij1 = j END IF ! iist,ijst is the grid offset to pass from F point to either U/V point IF ( ii1 >= ii0 ) THEN iist = 1 ; ijst = 1 ELSE iist = 0 ; ijst = 1 END IF ! ... compute the nearest i point on the line crossing at j DO j=ij0,ij1 n=n+1 IF (n > jpseg) STOP 'n>jpseg !' i=NINT(ai*j + bi) yypt(n) = CMPLX(i,j) END DO END IF !! !! Look for intermediate points to be added. ! .. The final positions are saved in rxx,ryy rxx(1)=REAL(yypt(1)) ryy(1)=IMAG(yypt(1)) nn=1 DO k=2,n ! .. distance between 2 neighbour points d=ABS(yypt(k)-yypt(k-1)) ! .. intermediate points required if d > 1 IF ( d > 1 ) THEN CALL interm_pt(yypt,k,ai,bi,aj,bj,yypti) nn=nn+1 IF (nn > jpseg) STOP 'nn>jpseg !' rxx(nn)=REAL(yypti) ryy(nn)=IMAG(yypti) END IF nn=nn+1 IF (nn > jpseg) STOP 'nn>jpseg !' rxx(nn)=REAL(yypt(k)) ryy(nn)=IMAG(yypt(k)) END DO IF ( l_save_broken_lines ) THEN !! LOLO: We want to save the Broken line in an ascci file for further use: WRITE(cf_broken_line,'("broken_line_",a,".dat")') trim(csection) OPEN(UNIT=19, FILE=trim(cf_broken_line), FORM='FORMATTED', RECL=256, STATUS='unknown') PRINT *, 'Saving broken line into file ', trim(cf_broken_line) WRITE(19,*)'# ji jj' DO jseg = 1, nn ii0=rxx(jseg) ij0=ryy(jseg) WRITE(19,*) ii0, ij0 END DO CLOSE(19) PRINT *, '' END IF END IF !* IF ( jt == 1 ) DO jc=1,nclass voltrpsum = 0. heatrpsum = 0. saltrpsum = 0. frwtrpsum = 0. DO jseg = 1, nn-1 ii0=rxx(jseg) ij0=ryy(jseg) IF ( rxx(jseg) == rxx(jseg+1) ) THEN gla(jseg)=glamu(ii0,ij0+ijst) ; gphi(jseg)=gphiu(ii0,ij0+ijst) voltrp(jseg)= ztrpu (ii0,ij0+ijst,jc)*norm_u heatrp(jseg)= ztrput(ii0,ij0+ijst,jc)*norm_u saltrp(jseg)= ztrpus(ii0,ij0+ijst,jc)*norm_u ELSE IF ( ryy(jseg) == ryy(jseg+1) ) THEN gla(jseg)=glamv(ii0+iist,ij0) ; gphi(jseg)=gphiv(ii0+iist,ij0) voltrp(jseg)=ztrpv (ii0+iist,ij0,jc)*norm_v heatrp(jseg)=ztrpvt(ii0+iist,ij0,jc)*norm_v saltrp(jseg)=ztrpvs(ii0+iist,ij0,jc)*norm_v ELSE PRINT *,' ERROR :', rxx(jseg),ryy(jseg),rxx(jseg+1),ryy(jseg+1) END IF voltrpsum = voltrpsum+voltrp(jseg) heatrpsum = heatrpsum+heatrp(jseg) saltrpsum = saltrpsum+saltrp(jseg) END DO ! next segment frwtrpsum = voltrpsum - saltrpsum/ref_sali ! only valid if saltrpsum was calculated with a ref salinity of 0.! heatrpsum = heatrpsum - rau0*rcp*ref_temp*voltrpsum saltrpsum = saltrpsum - ref_sali*voltrpsum X_trsp(:,jt,jc) = (/ REAL(voltrpsum/1.e6,4), REAL(heatrpsum/1.e15,4), REAL(saltrpsum/1.e6,4), REAL(frwtrpsum/1.e6,4) /) END DO ! next class END DO ! loop on jt !! Time to create or append X_trsp into the netcdf file for current section !! ----------------------------------------------------- WRITE(cf_out, '(a,"/transport_sect_",a,".nc")') trim(cd_out), trim(csection) IF ( leiv ) WRITE(cf_out, '(a,"/transport_sect_",a,"")') trim(cd_out), trim(csection) id_volu = 0 ; id_heat = 0 ; id_salt = 0 ; id_frwt = 0 !! LOLO netcdf INQUIRE( FILE=cf_out, EXIST=lfncout ) IF ( .NOT. lfncout ) THEN !! Creating file PRINT *, ' Creating file '//trim(cf_out)//' !!!' ierr = NF90_CREATE(cf_out, NF90_CLOBBER, idf_out) ierr = NF90_DEF_DIM(idf_out, 'time', NF90_UNLIMITED, idd_t) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'time', NF90_DOUBLE, idd_t, idv_time) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_volu', NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_volu(0)) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_heat', NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_heat(0)) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_salt', NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_salt(0)) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_frwt', NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_frwt(0)) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_volu(0), 'long_name', 'TOTAL: Transport of volume') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_heat(0), 'long_name', 'TOTAL: Transport of heat') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_salt(0), 'long_name', 'TOTAL: Transport of salt') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_frwt(0), 'long_name', 'TOTAL: Transport of liquid freshwater') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_volu(0), 'units', 'Sv') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_heat(0), 'units', 'PW') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_salt(0), 'units', 'kt/s') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_frwt(0), 'units', 'Sv') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_heat(0), 'Tref', c1) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_salt(0), 'Sref', c2) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_frwt(0), 'Sref', c2) IF ( nclass > 1 ) THEN DO jc = 1, nclass WRITE(cdum,'("_",i2.2)') jc ! suffix for variable_name ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_volu'//trim(cdum), NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_volu(jc)) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_heat'//trim(cdum), NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_heat(jc)) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_salt'//trim(cdum), NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_salt(jc)) ierr = NF90_DEF_VAR(idf_out, 'trsp_frwt'//trim(cdum), NF90_FLOAT, (/idd_t/), id_frwt(jc)) WRITE(cdum,'(f7.2,"-",f7.2,"m (t-points)")') gdept(ilev0(jc)), gdept(ilev1(jc)) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_volu(jc), 'long_name', 'Transport of volume, '//trim(cdum)) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_heat(jc), 'long_name', 'Transport of heat, '//trim(cdum)) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_salt(jc), 'long_name', 'Transport of salt, '//trim(cdum)) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_frwt(jc), 'long_name', 'Transport of liquid freshwater, '//trim(cdum)) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_volu(jc), 'units', 'Sv') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_heat(jc), 'units', 'PW') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_salt(jc), 'units', 'kt/s') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_frwt(jc), 'units', 'Sv') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_heat(jc), 'Tref', c1) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_salt(jc), 'Sref', c2) ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, id_frwt(jc), 'Sref', c2) END DO END IF ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, NF90_GLOBAL, & & 'Info1', 'Reference temperature for heat transport is '//TRIM(c1)//' deg.C') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, NF90_GLOBAL, & & 'Info2', 'Reference salinity for salt and freshwater transports is '//TRIM(c2)//' PSU') ierr = NF90_PUT_ATT(idf_out, NF90_GLOBAL, 'About', & & 'Created by BaraKuda (cdftransportiz.f90) =>') ierr = NF90_ENDDEF(idf_out) jt_pos = 0 ELSE !! Opening already existing file ierr = NF90_OPEN (cf_out, NF90_WRITE, idf_out) !! Need IDs of variables to append... NF90_INQ_VARID ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_volu', id_volu(0)) ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_heat', id_heat(0)) ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_salt', id_salt(0)) ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_frwt', id_frwt(0)) IF ( nclass > 1 ) THEN DO jc = 1, nclass WRITE(cdum,'("_",i2.2)') jc ! suffix for variable_name ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_volu'//trim(cdum), id_volu(jc)) ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_heat'//trim(cdum), id_heat(jc)) ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_salt'//trim(cdum), id_salt(jc)) ierr = NF90_INQ_VARID(idf_out, 'trsp_frwt'//trim(cdum), id_frwt(jc)) END DO END IF ! Get ID of unlimited dimension ierr = NF90_INQUIRE(idf_out, unlimitedDimId = idv_time) ! Need to know jt_pos, record number of the last time record writen in the file ierr = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION(idf_out, idv_time, name=cv_dum, len=jt_pos) END IF WRITE(*,'("Going to write record ",i4.4," to ",i4.4," into ",a)') jt_pos+1, jt_pos+nt, trim(cf_out) DO jt = 1, nt ! Writing record jt for time vector and 1d fields: ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR( idf_out, idv_time, (/ryear+1./12.*(REAL(jt)-1.+0.5)/), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/) ) IF ( nclass == 1 ) THEN !! Default variable is the only one present (index = 1) : ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_volu(0), (/ X_trsp(1,jt,1) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_heat(0), (/ X_trsp(2,jt,1) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_salt(0), (/ X_trsp(3,jt,1) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_frwt(0), (/ X_trsp(4,jt,1) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ELSE !! Default variable is the sum: ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_volu(0), (/ SUM(X_trsp(1,jt,:)) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_heat(0), (/ SUM(X_trsp(2,jt,:)) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_salt(0), (/ SUM(X_trsp(3,jt,:)) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_frwt(0), (/ SUM(X_trsp(4,jt,:)) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) DO jc = 1, nclass ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_volu(jc), (/ X_trsp(1,jt,jc) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_heat(jc), (/ X_trsp(2,jt,jc) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_salt(jc), (/ X_trsp(3,jt,jc) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) ierr = NF90_PUT_VAR(idf_out, id_frwt(jc), (/ X_trsp(4,jt,jc) /), start=(/jt_pos+jt/), count=(/1/)) END DO END IF END DO ierr = NF90_CLOSE(idf_out) PRINT *, '' END DO ! loop on sections... DEALLOCATE( X_trsp ) !lolo CONTAINS SUBROUTINE interm_pt (ydpt,k,pai,pbi,paj,pbj,ydpti) !! ----------------------------------------------------- !! SUBROUTINE INTERM_PT !! ******************** !! !! PURPOSE: !! -------- !! Find the best intermediate points on a pathway. !! !! ARGUMENTS: !! ---------- !! ydpt : complex vector of the positions of the nearest points !! k : current working index !! pai ,pbi : slope and original ordinate of x(y) !! paj ,pbj : slope and original ordinate of y(x) !! ydpti : Complex holding the position of intermediate point !! !! AUTHOR: !! ------- !! 19/07/1999 : Jean-Marc MOLINES !! 14/01/2005 : J M M in F90 !! !!-------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! 0. Declarations: !! ---------------- IMPLICIT NONE COMPLEX, INTENT(in) :: ydpt(*) COMPLEX, INTENT(out) :: ydpti REAL(4), INTENT(IN) :: pai,pbi,paj,pbj INTEGER ,INTENT(in) :: k ! ... local COMPLEX :: ylptmp1, ylptmp2 REAL(4) :: za0,zb0,za1,zb1,zd1,zd2 REAL(4) :: zxm,zym REAL(4) :: zxp,zyp !! !! 1. Compute intermediate points !! ------------------------------ ! ! ... Determines whether we use y(x) or x(y): IF (ABS(paj) <= 1) THEN ! ..... y(x) ! ... possible intermediate points: ylptmp1=ydpt(k-1)+(1.,0.) ylptmp2=ydpt(k-1)+CMPLX(0.,SIGN(1.,paj)) ! ! ... M is the candidate point: zxm=REAL(ylptmp1) zym=IMAG(ylptmp1) za0=paj zb0=pbj ! za1=-1./za0 zb1=zym - za1*zxm ! ... P is the projection of M on the strait line zxp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0) zyp=za0*zxp + zb0 ! ... zd1 is the distance MP zd1=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp) ! ! ... M is the candidate point: zxm=REAL(ylptmp2) zym=IMAG(ylptmp2) za1=-1./za0 zb1=zym - za1*zxm ! ... P is the projection of M on the strait line zxp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0) zyp=za0*zxp + zb0 ! ... zd2 is the distance MP zd2=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp) ! ... chose the smallest (zd1,zd2) IF (zd2 <= zd1) THEN ydpti=ylptmp2 ELSE ydpti=ylptmp1 END IF ! ELSE ! ! ... x(y) ylptmp1=ydpt(k-1)+CMPLX(SIGN(1.,pai),0.) ylptmp2=ydpt(k-1)+(0.,1.) zxm=REAL(ylptmp1) zym=IMAG(ylptmp1) za0=pai zb0=pbi ! za1=-1./za0 zb1=zxm - za1*zym zyp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0) zxp=za0*zyp + zb0 zd1=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp) ! zxm=REAL(ylptmp2) zym=IMAG(ylptmp2) za1=-1./za0 zb1=zxm - za1*zym zyp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0) zxp=za0*zyp + zb0 zd2=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp) IF (zd2 <= zd1) THEN ydpti=ylptmp2 ELSE ydpti=ylptmp1 END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE interm_pt END PROGRAM cdftransportiz