#!/usr/bin/env python # ORCA1 -> eORCA1 has 40 gridpoint offset # L. Brodeau, april 2010 import sys import numpy as nmp from netCDF4 import Dataset from string import replace if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' ' sys.exit(0) cf_mm = sys.argv[1] cf_out = replace(cf_mm, 'mesh_mask', 'basin_mask') print '\n' # Opening the Netcdf file: f_mm = Dataset(cf_mm) print 'File ', cf_mm, 'is open...\n' # Extracting the longitude 2D array: xlon = f_mm.variables['nav_lon'][:,:] # Extracting the longitude 2D array: xlat = f_mm.variables['nav_lat'][:,:] # Extracting tmask at surface level: tmask = f_mm.variables['tmask'][0,0,:,:] f_mm.close() # Info on the shape of t: [ nj, ni ] = tmask.shape print 'Dimension = ', ni, nj, '\n' mask_atl = nmp.zeros((nj,ni)) mask_pac = nmp.zeros((nj,ni)) mask_ind = nmp.zeros((nj,ni)) mask_soc = nmp.zeros((nj,ni)) ; # Souther Ocean mask_wed = nmp.zeros((nj,ni)) ; # Weddell Sea mask_ip1 = nmp.zeros((nj,ni)) mask_inp = nmp.zeros((nj,ni)) # eORCA1 offset eo1 = 40 # ATL for ORCA1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mask_atl[:,:] = tmask[:,:] # Removing Southern Ocean: mask_atl[:95+eo1,:] = 0 # Removing Pacific and Indian mask_atl[0:246+eo1,0:190] = 0 # 246 => to keep Pacific side of the arctic basin... mask_atl[0:168+eo1,0:223] = 0 ; mask_atl[0:255+eo1,310:] = 0 mask_atl[165+eo1:177+eo1,190:204] = 0; mask_atl[165+eo1:180+eo1,190:198] = 0; mask_atl[165+eo1:170+eo1,200:206] = 0 mask_atl[188+eo1:209+eo1,282:] = 0; mask_atl[209+eo1:215+eo1,288:] = 0 # REMOVING INDONESIA + AUSTRALIA # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mask_ip1[:,:] = tmask[:,:] mask_ip1[114+eo1:122+eo1,53:75] = 0 mask_ip1[119+eo1:126+eo1,68:74] = 0 mask_ip1[124+eo1:143+eo1,44:59] = 0 mask_ip1[128+eo1:159+eo1,33:42] = 0 mask_ip1[120+eo1:142+eo1,52:61] = 0 mask_ip1[124+eo1:136+eo1,41:70] = 0 mask_ip1[127+eo1:128+eo1,37:42] = 0 mask_ip1[120+eo1:126+eo1,60:70] = 0 mask_ip1[141+eo1:158+eo1,30:33] = 0 mask_ip1[152+eo1:162+eo1,26:30] = 0 # PAC for ORCA1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mask_pac[:,:] = tmask[:,:] # Removing Southern Ocean until souther Australia: mask_pac[:95+eo1,:] = 0 # Removing Indonesian side mask_pac[:,:45] = 0 mask_pac[88+eo1:145+eo1,45:61] = 0 mask_pac[112+eo1:125+eo1,59:70] = 0 mask_pac[123+eo1:136+eo1,60:67] = 0 mask_pac[88+eo1:99+eo1,60:71] = 0 # bottom Australia # V2 #mask_pac[:,:26] = 0 # Removing Atlantic idxatl = nmp.where(mask_atl == 1.0) mask_pac[idxatl] = 0 # Removing atlantic bottom and the rest (Indian) mask_pac[83+eo1:,224:] = 0 # IND for ORCA1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mask_ind[:,:] = tmask[:,:] # Removing Southern Ocean until southern Australia: mask_ind[:95+eo1,:] = 0 # Removing Atl and Pac mask_ind[:,:] = mask_ind[:,:] - mask_atl[:,:] - mask_pac[:,:] mask_ind[93+eo1:100+eo1,46:68] = 0 # australia bottom # Removing Mediterranean+Caspian sea: mask_ind[192+eo1:228+eo1,279:329] = 0 mask_ind[198+eo1:242+eo1,328:344] = 0 # Indo-Pacific # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ mask_inp[:,:] = tmask[:,:] mask_inp[:95+eo1,:] = 0 # Removing Atlantic idxatl = nmp.where(mask_atl == 1.0) mask_inp[idxatl] = 0 mask_inp[93+eo1:100+eo1,46:68] = 0 # australia bottom # Removing Mediterranean sea: mask_inp[192+eo1:228+eo1,279:329] = 0 mask_inp[198+eo1:242+eo1,328:344] = 0 # Removing indonesia #mask_inp[:,:] = mask_inp[:,:] * mask_ip1[:,:] # Souther Ocean mask_soc[:,:] = tmask[:,:] idxatl = nmp.where(mask_atl+mask_pac+mask_ind > 0.5) mask_soc[idxatl] = 0 mask_soc[122+eo1:,:] = 0 # Weddell Sea: mask_wed[:,:] = tmask[:,:] mask_wed[:,:226] = 0 mask_wed[50+eo1:,:] = 0 mask_wed[:,285:] = 0 # Creating output file: f_out = Dataset(cf_out, 'w',format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC') # Dimensions: f_out.createDimension('x', ni) f_out.createDimension('y', nj) # Variables id_lon = f_out.createVariable('nav_lon','f4',('y','x',)) id_lat = f_out.createVariable('nav_lat','f4',('y','x',)) id_atl = f_out.createVariable('tmaskatl' ,'f4',('y','x',)) ; id_atl.long_name = 'Atlantic Basin' id_pac = f_out.createVariable('tmaskpac' ,'f4',('y','x',)) ; id_pac.long_name = 'Pacific Basin' id_ind = f_out.createVariable('tmaskind' ,'f4',('y','x',)) ; id_ind.long_name = 'Indian Basin' id_soc = f_out.createVariable('tmasksoc' ,'f4',('y','x',)) ; id_soc.long_name = 'Southern Basin' id_inp = f_out.createVariable('tmaskinp' ,'f4',('y','x',)) ; id_inp.long_name = 'Indo-Pacific Basin' id_wed = f_out.createVariable('tmaskwed' ,'f4',('y','x',)) ; id_wed.long_name = 'Weddell Sea' # Filling variables: id_lat[:,:] = xlat[:,:] id_lon[:,:] = xlon[:,:] id_atl[:,:] = mask_atl[:,:] id_pac[:,:] = mask_pac[:,:] id_ind[:,:] = mask_ind[:,:] id_soc[:,:] = mask_soc[:,:] id_inp[:,:] = mask_inp[:,:] id_wed[:,:] = mask_wed[:,:] f_out.About = 'ORCA1 main oceanic basin land-sea mask created from '+cf_mm f_out.Author = ' Generated with "eorca1_create_basin_mask_from_meshmask.py" of BaraKuda (https://github.com/brodeau/barakuda)' f_out.close() print cf_out+' sucessfully created!'