@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ https://brodeau.github.io/barakuda/example/
=> https://www.enthought.com/products/canopy/
In any case, specify the appropriate "PYTHON_HOME" environment variable in
- your ${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs/config_<MYCONF>.sh or ./config_<MYCONF>.sh file
+ your ${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs/config_${MYCONF}.sh or ./config_${MYCONF}.sh file
* NEMO output data! => A directory containing the MONTHLY-AVERAGED, global
(rebuilt), NEMO output to analyze
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ https://brodeau.github.io/barakuda/example/
XIOS2 can be found in: src/xios2_xml/
* a NEMO mesh_mask file and the the corresponding basin_mask (ocean basins).
- (variables MM_FILE and BM_FILE into the config_<MYCONF>.sh file you use).
+ (variables MM_FILE and BM_FILE into the config_${MYCONF}.sh file you use).
To create the NEMO mesh_mask.nc just launch the relevant NEMO experiment with the
namelist parameter nn_msh set to 1 !
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ https://brodeau.github.io/barakuda/example/
-### I / Compile CDFTOOLS executables
+### I/ Compile CDFTOOLS executables
* CDFTOOLS is a set of FORTRAN executables intended to perform a multitude of
ocean diagnostics based on NEMO output
@@ -95,21 +95,21 @@ https://brodeau.github.io/barakuda/example/
-### II / Create and configure your own "config_<MY_CONF>.sh"
+### II/ Create and configure your own "config_${MYCONF}.sh"
All setup related to your host, simulation, location of third party files is
-defined in the "config_<MY_CONF>.sh" file.
+defined in the "config_${MYCONF}.sh" file.
You can either used to chose a config file located in the
"${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs" directory of Barakuda:
Or, in case you have no write access into ${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/ and call the Barakuda
suite of scripts from another location, hereafter "work directory", you can use
-a "config_<MY_CONF>.sh" present in the "work directory".
+a "config_${MYCONF}.sh" present in the "work directory".
-Note: if a given "config_<MY_CONF>.sh" exists both in "${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs"
-and the "work directory", Barakuda will always refer to "config_<MY_CONF>.sh"
+Note: if a given "config_${MYCONF}.sh" exists both in "${BARAKUDA_ROOT}/configs"
+and the "work directory", Barakuda will always refer to "config_${MYCONF}.sh"
present in the "work directory".
IMPORTANT: Always refer to the most relevant
@@ -118,14 +118,17 @@ yours! These are symbolic links pointing to the last officially supported and
most up-to-date config files. It should be sufficiently well commented for you
to be able to adjust your own config file.
MY_CONF should always be of the form: "(e)ORCA<RES>_L<NLEV>_<blabla>.sh"
( with NLEV being the number of z levels )
NEMO output files must be monthly averages and of the following form:
<EXP NAME>_1m_<YEAR>0101_<YEAR>1231_<GRID_TYPE>.nc(.gz)
Gzipped or not!
@@ -154,8 +157,7 @@ The "CONF_INI_DIR" variable in your config file should point to the location of
the directory you created by untaring one of these tar archives.
-### III) Create diagnostics
+### III/ Create diagnostics
Launch "barakuda.sh"
@@ -173,22 +175,26 @@ Use the -h switch to see available options.
* Once the previous job has finished to run, launch
To only generate time-series plots use the "-e" switch:
./barakuda.sh -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP> -e
(ex: ./barakuda.sh -C ORCA1_L75_v36_triolith -R SL36C00 -e)
To generate time-series + 2D climatology plots use the "-E" switch, provided you
have built the monthly/annual climatology (based on N years of your simulation)
out of your experiment with the "build_clim.sh" script (see next bullet point):
./barakuda.sh -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP> -E
* To be able to create the "climatology" plots (maps, sections, etc, based on a monthly climatology of a few years) you will have to
1. create the climatology with the "build_clim.sh" script:
./build_clim.sh -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP> -i <first_year> -e <last_year>
Use the -h switch to see available options.
@@ -197,8 +203,9 @@ out of your experiment with the "build_clim.sh" script (see next bullet point):
* To compare time-series between at least 2 (already diagnosed) experiments:
./compare_time-series.sh -C <MY_CONF> -R <EXP1>,<EXP2>,...,<EXPn>
(ex: ./compare_time-series.sh -C ORCA1_L75_v36_triolith -R SL36C00,SL36EIE )