# Build EC-EARTH on LUCIA EC-Earth is a global coupled climate model. It is developed by a consortium of European research institutions. The goal of this project is to adapt this model for our needs in ELIC: install, run management, etc. ## System requirements See : [how to build **iompi** toolchain on LUCIA](../softs.md) > !!! skip this part : for PY only !!! ## User requirements First, load the required env modules ```bash module load craype-x86-milan module load PrgEnv-intel/8.3.3 module load Perl/.5.34.1-GCCcore-11.3.0 MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:/gpfs/projects/acad/ecearth/softs/easybuild/modules/all module load netCDF-Fortran/4.6.0-iompi-2022.05 module load imkl/2022.1.0 OpenJPEG/2.5.0-GCCcore-11.3.0 grib_api/1.24.0-iompi-2022.05 ``` Then, checkout the EC-Earth SVN repository ```bash mkdir -p ~/models/ecearth cd ~/models/ecearth svn co https://svn.ec-earth.org/ecearth3/tags/ ecearth_3.3.3.2 ``` Final step, create & overwrite all the makefile's from this git repository (`build` folder) ``` cd $HOME git clone https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be/pbarriat/ECEARTHCFG.git cd ~/ECEARTHCFG/ cp config-build.xml ~/models/ecearth/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources cp ec-conf3 ~/models/ecearth/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/util/ec-conf cp lucia-cray-iompi.xml ~/models/ecearth/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/platform cd ~/models/ecearth/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources ./util/ec-conf/ec-conf3 -p lucia-cray-iompi config-build.xml cd ~/ECEARTHCFG/ cp ifs.makefile ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/ifs-36r4/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf cp nemo.makefile ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/nemo-3.6/ARCH/arch-ecconf.fcm cp oasis.makefile ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/oasis3-mct/util/make_dir/Makefile.d/Makefile.config.ecconf cp runoff-mapper.makefile ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/runoff-mapper/src/Makefile cp xios.env ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/xios-2.5/arch/arch-ecconf.env cp xios.fcm ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/xios-2.5/arch/arch-ecconf.fcm cp xios.path ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/xios-2.5/arch/arch-ecconf.path ``` ## Compile * Compile **oasis**: ```bash cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/oasis3-mct/util/make_dir make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf -f TopMakefileOasis3 ``` * Compile **IFS**: ```bash cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/ifs-36r4 ./makeifs -j 4 ``` * Compile **xios**: ```bash cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/xios-2.5 ./make_xios --prod --arch ecconf --use_oasis oasis3_mct --netcdf_lib netcdf4_par -j 4 ``` * Compile **NEMO**: ```bash cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/nemo-3.6/CONFIG ./makenemo -n ORCA1L75_LIM3 -m ecconf -j4 ``` * Compile **runoff-mapper**: ```bash cd ~/models/ecearth_3.3.3.2/sources/runoff-mapper/src make ``` ## Run Overwrite the `ecconf.cfg` and copy the first job script ```bash cd ~/ECEARTHCFG/ cp EC00.sh ecconf.cfg ~/models/ecearth/ecearth_3.3.3.2/runtime/classic ``` ### Data I prepared all the input files in `/gpfs/scratch/acad/ecearth/data/bsc32/` directory. ### Very first try | CC | Release | RES | XIOS | NEMO | #NODES | Optimization| WTIME per MONTH | | ----- | --- | ---- | ------ | -------------- | ------ | ------- | -------------------- | | `EC00.sh` | iompi/2022.05 | T255L91_ORCA1L75 | 10 | 320 | 3 | -O3 | **min** | | `EC01.sh` | iompi/2022.05 | T255L91_ORCA1L75 | | | | -O3 | **min** | - 1 year (1850), restart every year ## Contributors - ELIC members [@pbarriat](https://gogs.elic.ucl.ac.be/pbarriat)