1 år sedan | |
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README.md | 1 år sedan | |
localtos3.php | 1 år sedan | |
s3_test.php | 1 år sedan | |
s3_test_multi.php | 1 år sedan | |
storage.config.php | 1 år sedan |
Script for migrating Nextcloud primary storage from local to S3 storage :floppy_disk: to :cloud:
Fork from mrAceT
It will transfer files from local based primary storage to a S3 primary storage.
Before you start, it is probably wise to set $DO_FILES_CLEAN (occ files:cleanup) and $DO_FILES_SCAN (occ files:scan --all) to '1' once, let the 'Nextcloud' do some checking.. then you'll start out as clean as possible
wget https://getcomposer.org/installer
mv installer composer-setup.php
mkdir bin
php composer-setup.php --install-dir /var/www/html/nextcloud/bin
chown -R apache:apache bin
rm -f composer-setup.php
chmod 755 bin/*
runuser -u apache -- ./bin/composer.phar require aws/aws-sdk-php
place 'storage.config.php', 'localtos3.php' and 'tests3.php' in the nextcloud root folder (and set your S3 credentials!)
set & check all the config variables in the beginning of the scripts!
check your S3 config
sudo -u apache php81 -d memory_limit=1024M tests3.php
sudo -u apache php81 -d memory_limit=1024M localtos3.php
DO NOT skip ahead and go live ($TEST=0) as the first step.. then your downtime will be very long!
With performing 'the move' at second step you will decrease the downtime (with maintenance mode:on) immensely! This because the script will first check if it already has uploaded the latest file, then it can skip to the next and does not need to (slowly) upload it to your S3 bucket! With a litte luck the final run (with $TEST=0) can be done within a minute!
NOTE second step will take a very long time when you have a lot of data to upload!
If everything worked you might want to delete the data in data folder. Also you probably want to delete this script (and the 'storage.config.php') after running it. If all went as it should the config data in 'storage.config.php' is included in the 'config/config.php'. Then the 'storage.config.php' can also be removed from your config folder (no sense in having a double config)
When you
Then the script 'localtos3.php' will:
look for entries in S3 and not in the database and vice versa and remove them. This can happen sometimes upon removing an account, preview files might not get removed.. stuff like that..
check for canceled uploads. Inspired upon otherguy/nextcloud-cleanup. I have not had this problem, so can not test.. => check only!
preview cleanup. Removes previews of files that no longer exist. There is some initial work for clearing previews.. that is a work in progress, use at your own risc!
The script will do the "sanity check" when migrating also (we want a good and clean migrition, won't we? ;)
sudo -u apache php81 -d memory_limit=2048M localtos3.php
Migration tool for Nextcloud local to S3 version 0.35
Reading config...
Setting up local migration to S3 (sync)...
first load the nextcloud config...
S3 NOT configured in config.php, using $CONFIG_OBJECTSTORE
connect to sql-database...
FOUND 'local::/data', good.
The local store id is:1
NOTE: No 'object::store:' > S3 storage = defined
Upon migration local will be renamed to object::store
######################################################################################### 0
Base init complete, continue?
database backup...
(to restore: mysql -u nextcloudb -p nextcloudb < backup.sql)
backup config.php...not needed
connect to S3...
Setting everything up finished ##########################################################
appdata preview size... ($PREVIEW_MAX_AGE = 0 days, stats only)
appdata preview size before : 354.54 Mb (974 files)
appdata preview > 1 year old: 0.00 Mb (0 files)
appdata preview size cleared: 0.00 Mb (0 files)
appdata preview size cleared: 0.00 Mb (0 files)
appdata preview size now : 354.54 Mb (974 files/ -0%)
read files in S3............................................................
Objects to process in S3: 251548 DONE
objects removed from S3: 0 (0 bytes)
objects updated to S3: 0 (0 bytes)
objects skipped on S3: 0 (0 bytes)
objects in sync on S3: 251548 (475.64 Gb)
check files in oc_filecache...
Number of objects in oc_filecache: 251548 DONE
Files in oc_filecache added to S3: 0 (0 bytes)
Copying files finished
check for canceled uploads in oc_filecache...
=> EXPERIMENTAL, I have not had this problem, so can not test.. => check only!
oc_storages altered (1929/1)
NOTE: you can remove the user folder of appdata_ocadc83b19e7 by: rm -rf /data/appdata_ocadc83b19e7
NOTE: you can remove the user folder of pedro by: rm -rf /data/pedro
NOTE: you can remove the user folder of 14a414cc-89a0-1037-9269-0fd2eda7b977 by: rm -rf /data/14a414cc-89a0-1037-9269-0fd2eda7b977
NOTE: you can remove the user folder of admin_dfr by: rm -rf /data/admin_dfr
NOTE: you can remove the user folder of admin_tkg by: rm -rf /data/admin_tkg
NOTE: you can remove the user folder of vdbroecke by: rm -rf /data/vdbroecke
Copy storage.config.php to the config folder...1
Log into your Nextcloud instance and check!
If all looks well: do not forget to remove '/config/storage.config.php' (it should be
included in your config: having double config data is a risk..)
If it's not OK : set your instance in 'maintenance:mode --on' & restore your SQL backup
you'll be back to 'local' (let me know, via GitHub, I'll try to help)