12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152 |
- ---
- # additional setup and fixes for OS dependent environment
- - name: "[ENV] controls nextcloud_trusted_domain type"
- ansible.builtin.fail:
- msg: "New versions require nextcloud_trusted_domain to be declared as a list."
- when: nextcloud_trusted_domain is string
- - name: "[ENV] - ca-certificate are up to date"
- # needed for downloading from download.nextcloud.com as the site use letsencrypt certificates
- # letsencrypt may not be trusted on older OS
- ansible.builtin.apt:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: present
- update_cache: true
- cache_valid_time: 86400
- loop:
- - acl
- - ca-certificates
- when: ansible_os_family in [ "Debian" ]
- # fix for debian not using sudo :
- # finding out if sudo is installed or not
- - name: "[ENV] - Debian only : checking sudo."
- ansible.builtin.command: "dpkg -l sudo"
- changed_when: false
- register: nc_sudo_installed_result
- failed_when: false
- when: ansible_distribution == "Debian"
- - name: "[ENV] - Checking su"
- block:
- - name: "[ENV] - rolling back to su."
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
- ansible_become_method: "su"
- - name: "[ENV] - force su to use /bin/sh as shell"
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
- ansible_become_flags: '-s /bin/sh'
- when:
- - nc_sudo_installed_result.rc is defined
- - nc_sudo_installed_result.rc != 0
- - name: "[ENV] - Generate database user password."
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
- nextcloud_db_pwd: "{{ lookup( 'ansible.builtin.password', 'nextcloud_instances/'+ nextcloud_instance_name +'/db_admin.pwd' ) }}"
- when: nextcloud_db_pwd is not defined
- - name: "[ENV] - Generate database root password."
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
- nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd: "{{ lookup( 'ansible.builtin.password', 'nextcloud_instances/'+ nextcloud_instance_name +'/db_root.pwd' ) }}"
- when:
- - nextcloud_db_backend in ["mysql", "mariadb"]
- - nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd is not defined