123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116 |
- ---
- - name: "[mySQL] - Service is installed."
- ansible.builtin.package:
- name: "{{ 'default-' if ((ansible_distribution|lower) == 'debian' and nextcloud_db_backend == 'mysql') else '' }}{{ nextcloud_db_backend }}-server"
- state: present
- register: nc_mysql_db_install
- - name: "[mySQL] - Check if MySQL packages were installed."
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
- mysql_install_packages: "{{ nc_mysql_db_install is defined and nc_mysql_db_install.changed }}"
- - name: "[mySQL] - Get MySQL version."
- ansible.builtin.command: 'mysql --version'
- register: mysql_cli_version
- changed_when: false
- check_mode: false
- - name: "[mySQL] - Packages are installed."
- ansible.builtin.package:
- name: "{{ nc_mysql_deps }}"
- state: present
- vars:
- nc_mysql_deps:
- - "php{{ php_ver }}-mysql"
- - "python3-pymysql"
- - name: "[mySQL] - Ensure MySQL is started and enabled on boot."
- ansible.builtin.service:
- name: "{{ mysql_daemon }}"
- state: started
- enabled: "{{ nextcloud_db_enabled_on_startup }}"
- register: mysql_service_configuration
- - name: "[mySQL] - Get list of hosts for the root user."
- ansible.builtin.command: mysql -NBe
- "SELECT Host
- FROM mysql.user
- WHERE User = 'root'
- ORDER BY (Host='localhost') ASC"
- register: mysql_root_hosts
- changed_when: false
- check_mode: false
- when: mysql_install_packages | bool or nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd_update
- # Note: We do not use mysql_user for this operation, as it doesn't always update
- # the root password correctly. See: https://goo.gl/MSOejW
- - name: "[mySQL] - Update MySQL root password for localhost root account (5.7.x)."
- ansible.builtin.shell: >
- mysql -u root -NBe
- 'ALTER USER "root"@"{{ item }}"
- IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY "{{ nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd }}"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'
- with_items: "{{ mysql_root_hosts.stdout_lines|default([]) }}"
- when: >
- ((mysql_install_packages | bool) or nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd_update)
- and ('5.7.' in mysql_cli_version.stdout or '8.0.' in mysql_cli_version.stdout)
- - name: "[mySQL] - Update MySQL root password for localhost root account (< 5.7.x)."
- ansible.builtin.shell: >
- mysql -NBe
- 'SET PASSWORD FOR "root"@"{{ item }}" = PASSWORD("{{ nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd }}"); FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'
- with_items: "{{ mysql_root_hosts.stdout_lines|default([]) }}"
- when: >
- ((mysql_install_packages | bool) or nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd_update)
- and ('5.7.' not in mysql_cli_version.stdout and '8.0.' not in mysql_cli_version.stdout)
- - name: "[mySQL] - Copy .my.cnf file with root password credentials."
- ansible.builtin.template:
- src: "root-my.cnf.j2"
- dest: "/root/.my.cnf"
- owner: root
- group: root
- mode: 0600
- when: mysql_install_packages | bool or nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd_update
- - name: "[mySQL] - Get list of hosts for the anonymous user."
- ansible.builtin.command: mysql -NBe 'SELECT Host FROM mysql.user WHERE User = ""'
- register: mysql_anonymous_hosts
- changed_when: false
- check_mode: false
- - name: "[mySQL] - Remove anonymous MySQL users."
- mysql_user:
- name: ""
- host: "{{ item }}"
- state: absent
- with_items: "{{ mysql_anonymous_hosts.stdout_lines|default([]) }}"
- - name: "[mySQL] - Remove MySQL test database."
- mysql_db:
- name: 'test'
- state: absent
- - name: "[mySQL] - Set mysql config option for Nextcloud"
- ansible.builtin.copy:
- dest: /etc/mysql/conf.d/nextcloud.cnf
- src: files/mysql_nextcloud.cnf
- mode: 0600
- notify: restart mysql
- - name: "[mySQL] - Add Database {{ nextcloud_db_name }}."
- mysql_db:
- name: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}"
- login_user: root
- login_password: "{{ nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd }}"
- config_file: "{{ mysql_credential_file[(ansible_os_family|lower)] | default(omit) }}"
- state: present
- - name: "[mySQL] - Configure the database user."
- mysql_user:
- name: "{{ nextcloud_db_admin }}"
- password: "{{ nextcloud_db_pwd }}"
- priv: "{{ nextcloud_db_name }}.*:ALL"
- login_user: root
- login_password: "{{ nextcloud_mysql_root_pwd }}"
- config_file: "{{ mysql_credential_file[(ansible_os_family|lower)] | default(omit) }}"
- state: present