Pierre-Yves Barriat 6c12c00fc9 New devts 2 роки тому
provisioning 6c12c00fc9 New devts 2 роки тому
README.md 6c12c00fc9 New devts 2 роки тому
Vagrantfile 6c12c00fc9 New devts 2 роки тому



Ubuntu Host Requirements

Check kvm & virtualbox

sudo kvm-ok
sudo apt install -y qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon libvirt-clients bridge-utils virt-manager

sudo apt install virtualbox

Or install Virtualbox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

Install vagrant & ansible

sudo apt install ansible

wget -O- https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install vagrant

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix

ansible-galaxy collection install community.crypto

ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

ansible-galaxy collection install community.mysql


vagrant up

In case of "'/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission denied", try to login/logout or restart the machine

Apply Ansible

Once all VMs are up (see 'Deploy'), you can lauch Ansible without Vagrant. Examples:

ansible -v -i ',' --key-file .vagrant/machines/lb/virtualbox/private_key -u vagrant -b -m setup all

ansible-playbook -v -i provisioning/ansible/hosts -u vagrant -b provisioning/ansible/playbook.yml


In your /etc/hosts file, add a line to match the dev nextcloud domain (defined in your Vagrantfile), eg "nextcloud.test", to the choosen IP, eg "".

Open a browser with "https://nextcloud.test"


1 DB - 1 Web - 1 LB

Done with:

  • Apache & mod_php
  • KeyDB instead of Redis
  • KeepAlived & HAProxy present but not used


TODO: add a switch to choose mod_php or php-FPM for Apache

HOSTS = [ 
  { :hostname => "db1",         :ip => NETWORK+"11",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers"       }, 
  { :hostname => "web.test",    :ip => NETWORK+"41",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "web_servers",     :ipdb => NETWORK+"20", :redis_vip => NETWORK+"40", :priority => 101 },
  { :hostname => "lb.test",     :ip => NETWORK+"51",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "ubuntu/focal64", :group => "lbal_servers",    :state => "MASTER",  :priority => 101 },

3 DBs galera cluster - 1 Web - 1 LB


TODO: install KeepAlived in DB nodes

HOSTS = [ 
  { :hostname => "db1",         :ip => NETWORK+"11",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers"       },
  { :hostname => "db2",         :ip => NETWORK+"12",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers"       },
  { :hostname => "db3",         :ip => NETWORK+"13",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers"       },
  { :hostname => "web.test",    :ip => NETWORK+"41",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "web_servers",     :ipdb => NETWORK+"20", :redis_vip => NETWORK+"40", :priority => 101 },
  { :hostname => "lb.test",     :ip => NETWORK+"51",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "ubuntu/focal64", :group => "lbal_servers",    :state => "MASTER",  :priority => 101 },

3 DBs galera cluster - 2 ProxySQL - 1 Web - 1 LB


  { :hostname => "db1",         :ip => NETWORK+"11",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers",      },
  { :hostname => "db2",         :ip => NETWORK+"12",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers",      },
  { :hostname => "db3",         :ip => NETWORK+"13",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers",      },
  { :hostname => "lbsql1",      :ip => NETWORK+"19",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_lbal_servers", :state => "MASTER",  :priority => 101, :vip => NETWORK+"20" },
  { :hostname => "lbsql2",      :ip => NETWORK+"18",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_lbal_servers", :state => "BACKUP",  :priority => 100, :vip => NETWORK+"20" },
  { :hostname => "web.test",    :ip => NETWORK+"41",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "web_servers",     :ipdb => NETWORK+"20", :redis_vip => NETWORK+"40", :priority => 101 },
  { :hostname => "lb.test",     :ip => NETWORK+"51",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "ubuntu/focal64", :group => "lbal_servers",    :state => "MASTER",  :priority => 101 },

1 DB - 2 GL - 2 Web - 2 LB


Done with:

  • Apache & mod_php
  • KeyDB instead of Redis
  • KeepAlived & HAProxy present but not used
  { :hostname => "db1",         :ip => NETWORK+"11",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "db_servers",      }, 
  { :hostname => "gl1",         :ip => NETWORK+"31",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "gluster_servers"  },
  { :hostname => "gl2",         :ip => NETWORK+"32",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "gluster_servers"  },
  { :hostname => "web.test",    :ip => NETWORK+"41",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "web_servers",     :ipdb => NETWORK+"20", :redis_vip => NETWORK+"40", :priority => 101 },
  { :hostname => "web2.test",   :ip => NETWORK+"42",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "centos/7",       :group => "web_servers",     :ipdb => NETWORK+"20", :redis_vip => NETWORK+"40", :priority => 100 },
  { :hostname => "lb.test",     :ip => NETWORK+"51",  :ram => 1024,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "ubuntu/focal64", :group => "lbal_servers",    :state => "MASTER",  :priority => 101 },
  { :hostname => "lb2.test",    :ip => NETWORK+"52",  :ram =>  512,  :cpu => 1,  :box => "ubuntu/focal64", :group => "lbal_servers",    :state => "BACKUP",  :priority => 100 },

3 DB galera cluster - 2 ProxySQL - 2 GL - 2 Web - 2 LB

