123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243 |
- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # Bash script for creating backups of Nextcloud.
- #
- # Version 3.0.3
- #
- # Requirements:
- # - pigz (https://zlib.net/pigz/) for using backup compression. If not available, you can use another compression algorithm (e.g. gzip)
- #
- # Supported database systems:
- # - MySQL/MariaDB
- # - PostgreSQL
- #
- # Usage:
- # - With backup directory specified in the script: ./NextcloudBackup.sh
- # - With backup directory specified by parameter: ./NextcloudBackup.sh <backupDirectory> (e.g. ./NextcloudBackup.sh /media/hdd/nextcloud_backup)
- #
- # The script is based on an installation of Nextcloud using nginx and MariaDB, see https://decatec.de/home-server/nextcloud-auf-ubuntu-server-20-04-lts-mit-nginx-mariadb-php-lets-encrypt-redis-und-fail2ban/
- #
- # Make sure the script exits when any command fails
- set -Eeuo pipefail
- # Variables
- working_dir=$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") && pwd)
- configFile="${working_dir}/NextcloudBackupRestore.conf" # Holds the configuration for NextcloudBackup.sh and NextcloudRestore.sh
- _backupMainDir=${1:-}
- # Function for error messages
- errorecho() { cat <<< "$@" 1>&2; }
- #
- # Check if config file exists
- #
- if [ ! -f "${configFile}" ]
- then
- errorecho "ERROR: Configuration file $configFile cannot be found!"
- errorecho "Please make sure that a configuratrion file '$configFile' is present in the main directory of the scripts."
- errorecho "This file can be created automatically using the setup.sh script."
- exit 1
- fi
- source "$configFile" || exit 1 # Read configuration variables
- if [ -n "$_backupMainDir" ]; then
- backupMainDir=$(echo $_backupMainDir | sed 's:/*$::')
- fi
- currentDate=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
- # The actual directory of the current backup - this is a subdirectory of the main directory above with a timestamp
- backupDir="${backupMainDir}/${currentDate}"
- function DisableMaintenanceMode() {
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Switching off maintenance mode..."
- sudo -u "${webserverUser}" php ${nextcloudFileDir}/occ maintenance:mode --off
- echo "Done"
- echo
- }
- # Capture CTRL+C
- trap CtrlC INT
- function CtrlC() {
- read -p "Backup cancelled. Keep maintenance mode? [y/n] " -n 1 -r
- echo
- if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
- then
- DisableMaintenanceMode
- else
- echo "Maintenance mode still enabled."
- fi
- echo "Starting web server..."
- systemctl start "${webserverServiceName}"
- echo "Done"
- echo
- exit 1
- }
- #
- # Print information
- #
- echo "Backup directory: ${backupMainDir}"
- #
- # Check for root
- #
- if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]
- then
- errorecho "ERROR: This script has to be run as root!"
- exit 1
- fi
- #
- # Check if backup dir already exists
- #
- if [ ! -d "${backupDir}" ]
- then
- mkdir -p "${backupDir}"
- else
- errorecho "ERROR: The backup directory ${backupDir} already exists!"
- exit 1
- fi
- #
- # Set maintenance mode
- #
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Set maintenance mode for Nextcloud..."
- sudo -u "${webserverUser}" php ${nextcloudFileDir}/occ maintenance:mode --on
- echo "Done"
- echo
- #
- # Stop web server
- #
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Stopping web server..."
- systemctl stop "${webserverServiceName}"
- echo "Done"
- echo
- #
- # Backup file directory
- #
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Creating backup of Nextcloud file directory..."
- if [ "$useCompression" = true ] ; then
- `$compressionCommand "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupFileDir}" -C "${nextcloudFileDir}" .`
- else
- tar -cpf "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupFileDir}" -C "${nextcloudFileDir}" .
- fi
- echo "Done"
- echo
- #
- # Backup data directory
- #
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Creating backup of Nextcloud data directory..."
- if [ "$includeUpdaterBackups" = false ] ; then
- echo "Ignoring Nextcloud updater backup directory"
- if [ "$useCompression" = true ] ; then
- `$compressionCommand "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupDataDir}" --exclude="updater-*/backups/*" -C "${nextcloudDataDir}" .`
- else
- tar -cpf "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupDataDir}" --exclude="updater-*/backups/*" -C "${nextcloudDataDir}" .
- fi
- else
- if [ "$useCompression" = true ] ; then
- `$compressionCommand "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupDataDir}" -C "${nextcloudDataDir}" .`
- else
- tar -cpf "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupDataDir}" -C "${nextcloudDataDir}" .
- fi
- fi
- echo "Done"
- echo
- #
- # Backup local external storage.
- #
- if [ ! -z "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir+x}" ] ; then
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Creating backup of Nextcloud local external storage directory..."
- if [ "$useCompression" = true ] ; then
- `$compressionCommand "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupExternalDataDir}" -C "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}" .`
- else
- tar -cpf "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupExternalDataDir}" -C "${nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir}" .
- fi
- echo "Done"
- echo
- fi
- #
- # Backup DB
- #
- if [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "mysql" ] || [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "mariadb" ]; then
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Backup Nextcloud database (MySQL/MariaDB)..."
- if ! [ -x "$(command -v mysqldump)" ]; then
- errorecho "ERROR: MySQL/MariaDB not installed (command mysqldump not found)."
- errorecho "ERROR: No backup of database possible!"
- else
- mysqldump --single-transaction -h localhost -u "${dbUser}" -p"${dbPassword}" "${nextcloudDatabase}" > "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupDb}"
- fi
- echo "Done"
- echo
- elif [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "postgresql" ] || [ "${databaseSystem,,}" = "pgsql" ]; then
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Backup Nextcloud database (PostgreSQL)..."
- if ! [ -x "$(command -v pg_dump)" ]; then
- errorecho "ERROR: PostgreSQL not installed (command pg_dump not found)."
- errorecho "ERROR: No backup of database possible!"
- else
- PGPASSWORD="${dbPassword}" pg_dump "${nextcloudDatabase}" -h localhost -U "${dbUser}" -f "${backupDir}/${fileNameBackupDb}"
- fi
- echo "Done"
- echo
- fi
- #
- # Start web server
- #
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Starting web server..."
- systemctl start "${webserverServiceName}"
- echo "Done"
- echo
- #
- # Disable maintenance mode
- #
- DisableMaintenanceMode
- #
- # Delete old backups
- #
- if [ ${maxNrOfBackups} != 0 ]
- then
- nrOfBackups=$(ls -l ${backupMainDir} | grep -c ^d)
- if [ ${nrOfBackups} -gt ${maxNrOfBackups} ]
- then
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Removing old backups..."
- ls -t ${backupMainDir} | tail -$(( nrOfBackups - maxNrOfBackups )) | while read -r dirToRemove; do
- echo "${dirToRemove}"
- rm -r "${backupMainDir}/${dirToRemove:?}"
- echo "Done"
- echo
- done
- fi
- fi
- echo
- echo "DONE!"
- echo "$(date +"%H:%M:%S"): Backup created: ${backupDir}"