#!/bin/bash ## inspired by Percona clustercheck.sh # https://github.com/percona/proxysql-admin-tool/blob/master/proxysql_galera_checker #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Step 1 : Bash internal configuration # set -o nounset # no undefined variables #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Step 2 : Global variables # # # Script parameters/constants # declare -i DEBUG=0 readonly PROXYSQL_ADMIN_VERSION="1.4.14" #Timeout exists for instances where mysqld may be hung declare -i TIMEOUT=10 declare RED="" declare NRED="" # # Global variables used by the script # declare ERR_FILE="/dev/stderr" declare NODE_MONITOR_LOG_FILE="" declare CONFIG_FILE="/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf" declare HOST_PRIORITY_FILE="" declare CHECKER_PIDFILE="" # Set to send output here when DEBUG is set declare DEBUG_ERR_FILE="/dev/null" declare -i HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID=1 declare -i HOSTGROUP_READER_ID=-1 declare -i HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID=-1 declare -i NUMBER_WRITERS=0 declare WRITER_IS_READER="ondemand" declare SLAVE_IS_WRITER="yes" declare P_MODE="" declare P_PRIORITY="" declare MYSQL_USERNAME declare MYSQL_PASSWORD declare PROXYSQL_USERNAME declare PROXYSQL_PASSWORD declare PROXYSQL_HOSTNAME declare PROXYSQL_PORT declare PROXYSQL_DATADIR='/var/lib/proxysql' # Set to 1 if slave readers are being used declare -i HAVE_SLAVEREADERS=0 declare -i HAVE_SLAVEWRITERS=0 # How far behind can a slave be before its put into OFFLINE_SOFT state declare SLAVE_SECONDS_BEHIND=3600 # Some extra text that will be logged # (useful for debugging) declare LOG_TEXT="" # Default value for max_connections in mysql_servers declare MAX_CONNECTIONS=1000 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Step 3 : Helper functions # function log() { local lineno=$1 shift if [[ -n $ERR_FILE ]]; then if [[ -n $lineno && $DEBUG -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] $$ (line $lineno) $*" >> $ERR_FILE else echo -e "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] $$ $*" >> $ERR_FILE fi fi } # Checks the return value of the most recent command # # Globals: # None # # Arguments: # 1: the lineno where the error occurred # 2: the error code of the most recent command # 3: the error message if the error code is non-zero # function check_cmd() { local lineno=$1 local retcode=$2 local errmsg=$3 shift 3 if [[ ${retcode} -ne 0 ]]; then error "$lineno" $errmsg if [[ -n "$*" ]]; then log "$lineno" $* fi fi return $retcode } # Checks the return value of the most recent command # Exits the program if the command fails (non-zero return codes) # # This should not be used with commands that can fail for legitimate # reasons. # # Globals: # None # # Arguments: # 1: the lineno where the error occurred # 2: the error code of the most recent command # 3: the error message if the error code is non-zero # function check_cmd_and_exit() { check_cmd "$@" local retcode=$? if [[ $retcode -ne 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi return $retcode } function log_if_success() { local lineno=$1 local rc=$2 shift 2 if [[ $rc -eq 0 ]]; then log "$lineno" "$*" fi return $rc } function error() { local lineno=$1 shift log "$lineno" "proxysql_galera_checker : Error ($lineno): $*" } function warning() { local lineno=$1 shift log "$lineno" "Warning: $*" } function debug() { if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then return fi local lineno=$1 shift log "$lineno" "${RED}debug: $*${NRED}" } function usage() { local path=$0 cat << EOF Usage: ${path##*/} --write-hg=10 --read-hg=11 --config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --log=/var/lib/proxysql/pxc_test_proxysql_galera_check.log Options: -w, --write-hg= Specify ProxySQL write hostgroup. -r, --read-hg= Specify ProxySQL read hostgroup. -c, --config-file=PATH Specify ProxySQL-admin configuration file. -l, --log=PATH Specify proxysql_galera_checker log file. --log-text=TEXT This is text that will be written to the log file whenever this script is run (useful for debugging). --node-monitor-log=PATH Specify proxysql_node_monitor log file. -n, --writer-count= Maximum number of write hostgroup_id nodes that can be marked ONLINE When 0 (default), all nodes can be marked ONLINE -p, --priority= Can accept comma delimited list of write nodes priority -m, --mode=[loadbal|singlewrite] ProxySQL read/write configuration mode, currently supporting: 'loadbal' and 'singlewrite' --writer-is-reader= Defines if the writer node also accepts writes. Possible values are 'always', 'never', and 'ondemand'. 'ondemand' means that the writer node only accepts reads if there are no other readers. (default: 'never') --use-slave-as-writer= If this is 'yes' then slave nodes may be added to the write hostgroup if all other cluster nodes are down. (default: 'yes') --max-connections= Value for max_connections in the mysql_servers table. This is the maximum number of connections that ProxySQL will open to the backend servers. (default: 1000) --debug Enables additional debug logging. -h, --help Display script usage information -v, --version Print version info Notes about the mysql_servers in ProxySQL: - NODE STATUS * Nodes that are in status OFFLINE_HARD will not be checked nor will their status be changed * SHUNNED nodes are not to be used with Galera based systems, they will be checked and their status will be changed to either ONLINE or OFFLINE_SOFT. When no nodes were found to be in wsrep_local_state=4 (SYNCED) for either read or write nodes, then the script will try 5 times for each node to try to find nodes wsrep_local_state=4 (SYNCED) or wsrep_local_state=2 (DONOR/DESYNC) EOF } # Check the permissions for a file or directory # # Globals: # None # # Arguments: # 1: the bash test to be applied to the file # 2: the lineno where this call is invoked (used for errors) # 3: the path to the file # 4: (optional) description of the path (mostly used for existence checks) # # Exits the script if the permissions test fails. # function check_permission() { local permission=$1 local lineno=$2 local path_to_check=$3 local description="" if [[ $# -gt 3 ]]; then description="$4" fi if [ ! $permission "$path_to_check" ] ; then if [[ $permission == "-r" ]]; then error $lineno "You do not have READ permission for: $path_to_check" elif [[ $permission == "-w" ]]; then error $lineno "You do not have WRITE permission for: $path_to_check" elif [[ $permission == "-x" ]]; then error $lineno "You do not have EXECUTE permission for: $path_to_check" elif [[ $permission == "-e" ]]; then if [[ -n $description ]]; then error $lineno "Could not find the $description: $path_to_check" else error $lineno "Could not find: $path_to_check" fi elif [[ $permission == "-d" ]]; then if [[ -n $description ]]; then error $lineno "Could not find the $description: $path_to_check" else error $lineno "Could not find the directory: $path_to_check" fi elif [[ $permission == "-f" ]]; then if [[ -n $description ]]; then error $lineno "Could not find the $description: $path_to_check" else error $lineno "Could not find the file: $path_to_check" fi else error $lineno "You do not have the correct permissions for: $path_to_check" fi exit 1 fi } # Executes a SQL query with the (fully) specified server # # Globals: # None # # Arguments: # 1: lineno # 2: the name of the user # 3: the user's password # 4: the hostname of the server # 5: the port used to connect to the server # 6: the query to be run # 7: arguments to the mysql client # 8: timeout in secs # 9: additional options, space separated # Available options: # "hide_output" # This will not show the output of the query when DEBUG is set. # Used to stop the display of sensitve information (such as passwords) # from being displayed when debugging. # function exec_sql() { local lineno=$1 local user=$2 local password=$3 local hostname=$4 local port=$5 local query=$6 local args=$7 local timeout_secs=$8 local more_options=$9 local retvalue local retoutput debug "$lineno" "exec_sql : $user@$hostname:$port ($args) ==> $query" retoutput=$(printf "[client]\nuser=${user}\npassword=\"${password}\"\nhost=${hostname}\nport=${port}" \ | timeout ${timeout_secs} mysql --defaults-file=/dev/stdin --protocol=tcp \ ${args} -e "$query") retvalue=$? if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then local number_of_newlines=0 local dbgoutput=$retoutput if [[ " $more_options " =~ [[:space:]]hide_output[[:space:]] ]]; then dbgoutput="**** data hidden ****" fi if [[ -n $dbgoutput ]]; then number_of_newlines=$(printf "%s" "${dbgoutput}" | wc -l) fi if [[ $retvalue -ne 0 ]]; then debug "" "--> query failed $retvalue" elif [[ -z $dbgoutput ]]; then debug "" "--> query returned $retvalue : " elif [[ ${number_of_newlines} -eq 0 ]]; then debug "" "--> query returned $retvalue : ${dbgoutput}" else debug "" "--> query returned $retvalue : " printf "${dbgoutput//%/%%}\n" | while IFS= read -r line; do debug "" "----> $line" done fi fi printf "${retoutput//%/%%}" return $retvalue } # Executes a SQL query on proxysql (with a timeout of $TIMEOUT seconds) # # Globals: # PROXYSQL_USERNAME # PROXYSQL_PASSWORD # PROXYSQL_HOSTNAME # PROXYSQL_PORT # # Arguments: # 1: lineno (used for debugging/output, may be blank) # 2: Additional arguments to the mysql client for the query # 3: The SQL query # 4: (optional) see the additional options for exec_sql # function proxysql_exec() { local lineno=$1 local args=$2 local query="$3" local more_options="" local retoutput if [[ $# -ge 4 ]]; then more_options=$4 fi exec_sql "$lineno" "$PROXYSQL_USERNAME" "$PROXYSQL_PASSWORD" \ "$PROXYSQL_HOSTNAME" "$PROXYSQL_PORT" \ "$query" "$args" "$TIMEOUT" "$more_options" retoutput=$? if [[ $retoutput -eq 124 ]]; then error $lineno "TIMEOUT: SQL query ($PROXYSQL_HOSTNAME:$PROXYSQL_PORT) : $query" fi return $retoutput } # Executes a SQL query on mysql (with a timeout of $TIMEOUT secs) # # Globals: # MYSQL_USERNAME # MYSQL_PASSWORD # # Arguments: # 1: lineno (used for debugging/output, may be blank) # 2: the hostname of the server # 3: the port used to connect to the server # 4: arguments to the mysql client # 5: the query to be run # 6: (optional) more options see exec_sql # function mysql_exec() { local lineno=$1 local hostname=$2 local port=$3 local args=$4 local query=$5 local more_options="" local retoutput if [[ $# -ge 6 ]]; then more_options=$6 fi exec_sql "$lineno" "$MYSQL_USERNAME" "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" \ "$hostname" "$port" \ "$query" "$args" "$TIMEOUT" "$more_options" retoutput=$? if [[ $retoutput -eq 124 ]]; then error $lineno "TIMEOUT: SQL query ($hostname:$$port) : $query" fi return $retoutput } # Separates the IP address from the port in a network address # Works for IPv4 and IPv6 # # Globals: # None # # Params: # 1. The network address to be parsed # # Outputs: # A string with a space separating the IP address from the port # function separate_ip_port_from_address() { # # Break address string into host:port/path parts # local address=$1 # Has to have at least one ':' to separate the port from the ip address if [[ $address =~ : ]]; then ip_addr=${address%:*} port=${address##*:} else ip_addr=$address port="" fi # Remove any braces that surround the ip address portion ip_addr=${ip_addr#\[} ip_addr=${ip_addr%\]} echo "${ip_addr} ${port}" } # Combines the IP address and port into a network address # Works for IPv4 and IPv6 # (If the IP address is IPv6, the IP portion will have brackets) # # Globals: # None # # Params: # 1: The IP address portion # 2: The port # # Outputs: # A string containing the full network address # function combine_ip_port_into_address() { local ip_addr=$1 local port=$2 local addr if [[ ! $ip_addr =~ \[.*\] && $ip_addr =~ .*:.* ]] ; then # If there are no brackets and it does have a ':', then add the brackets # because this is an unbracketed IPv6 address addr="[${ip_addr}]:${port}" else addr="${ip_addr}:${port}" fi echo $addr } # upgrade scheduler from old layout to new layout # # Globals: # PROXYSQL_DATADIR # TIMEOUT # HOST_PRIORITY_FILE # # Arguments: # None function upgrade_scheduler(){ log $LINENO "**** Scheduler upgrade started ****" if [[ -f /etc/proxysql-admin.cnf ]]; then source /etc/proxysql-admin.cnf else error $LINENO "Assert! proxysql-admin configuration file : /etc/proxysql-admin.cnf does not exist, Terminating!" exit 1 fi # For this function, use a shorter timeout than normal TIMEOUT=2 local scheduler_rows local -i rows_found=0 local -i rows_modified=0 scheduler_rows=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO "-Ns" "SELECT * FROM scheduler") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not retreive rows from scheduler (query failed). Exiting" while read i; do if [[ -z $i ]]; then continue; fi rows_found+=1 # Extract fields from the line local id=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $1}') local s_write_hg=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $5}') local s_read_hg=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $6}') local s_number_of_writes=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $7}') local s_log=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $9}') local s_cluster_name=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $10}') local s_mode="" log $LINENO "Modifying the scheduler for write hostgroup: $s_write_hg" # Get the mode for this cluster local proxysql_mode_file if [[ -z $s_cluster_name ]]; then proxysql_mode_file="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/mode" else proxysql_mode_file="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${s_cluster_name}_mode" fi if [[ -f ${proxysql_mode_file} && -r ${proxysql_mode_file} ]] ; then s_mode=$(cat ${proxysql_mode_file}) else log $LINENO ".. Cannot find the ${proxysql_mode_file} file" if [[ $s_read_hg == "-1" ]]; then log $LINENO ".. Assuming mode='loadbal'" s_mode="loadbal" else log $LINENO ".. Assuming mode='singlewrite'" s_mode="singlewrite" fi fi # TODO: kennt # This will fail in the multi-cluster case, but may be a non-issue # since those nodes should appear in one cluster (may cause extra work # for the othre clusters though). # Get the host priority file local s_host_priority='' if [[ -n $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE && -f $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE ]]; then debug $LINENO "Found a host priority file: $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE" local p_priority_hosts="" # Get the list of hosts from the host_priority file ignoring blanks # and any lines that start with '#' p_priority_hosts=$(cat $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE | grep '^[^#]' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g') if [[ ! -z $p_priority_hosts ]] ; then s_host_priority="--priority=$p_priority_hosts" fi fi # Make the changes if [[ ! -z $s_write_hg ]] && [[ ! -z $s_read_hg ]] && [[ ! -z $s_number_of_writes ]] && [[ ! -z $s_log ]]; then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE scheduler SET arg1='--config-file=/etc/proxysql-admin.cnf --writer-is-reader=ondemand --write-hg=$s_write_hg --read-hg=$s_read_hg --writer-count=$s_number_of_writes $s_host_priority --mode=$s_mode --log=$s_log', arg2=NULL, arg3=NULL, arg4=NULL, arg5=NULL WHERE id=$id" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not update the scheduler (query failed). Exiting." rows_modified+=1 fi done< <(printf "${scheduler_rows}\n") if [[ $rows_modified -gt 0 ]]; then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "LOAD SCHEDULER TO RUNTIME; SAVE SCHEDULER TO DISK;" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not save scheduler changes to runtime or disk (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Scheduler changes saved to runtime and disk" fi log $LINENO "$rows_modified row(s) modified / $rows_found row(s) found" log $LINENO "**** Scheduler upgrade finished ****" } # Upgrade the status of a node # This may also perform an INSERT (depending on the reader_status) # # Globals: # TIMEOUT # # Arguments: # 1: lineno # 2: hostgroup # 3: server address # 4: port # 5: new status # 6: reader_status # 7: comment # function change_server_status() { local lineno=$1 local hostgroup=$2 local server=$3 local port=$4 local status=$5 local reader_status=$6 local comment=$7 local address address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$server" "$port") # If we have a PRIORITY_NODE, then we don't have a WRITER entry # to upgrade, but we do have a READER entry, so upgrade that if [[ $reader_status == "PRIORITY_NODE" ]]; then proxysql_exec $lineno -Ns "INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,status,comment,max_connections) VALUES ('$server',$hostgroup,$port,1000000,'$status','WRITE',$MAX_CONNECTIONS);" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not create new mysql_servers row (query failed). Exiting." log "$lineno" "Adding server $hostgroup:$address with status $status. Reason: $comment" else proxysql_exec $lineno -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers set status = '$status' WHERE hostgroup_id = $hostgroup AND hostname = '$server' AND port = $port;" 2>>${ERR_FILE} check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not update new mysql_servers row (query failed). Exiting." log "$lineno" "Changing server $hostgroup:$address to status $status. Reason: $comment" fi } # Arguments: # The arguments to the script. # function parse_args() { local go_out="" # TODO: kennt, what happens if we don't have a functional getopt()? # Check if we have a functional getopt(1) if ! getopt --test; then go_out="$(getopt --options=w:r:c:l:n:m:p:vh --longoptions=write-hg:,read-hg:,config-file:,log:,node-monitor-log:,writer-count:,mode:,priority:,writer-is-reader:,use-slave-as-writer:,log-text:,max-connections:,version,debug,help \ --name="$(basename "$0")" -- "$@")" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # no place to send output echo "proxysql_galera_checker : Script error: getopt() failed" >&2 exit 1 fi eval set -- "$go_out" fi if [[ $go_out == " --" ]];then usage exit 1 fi # # We iterate through the command-line options twice # (1) to handle options that don't need permissions (such as --help) # (2) to handle options that need to be done before other # options, such as loading the config file # for arg do case "$arg" in -- ) shift; break;; --config-file ) CONFIG_FILE="$2" check_permission -e $LINENO "$CONFIG_FILE" "proxysql-admin configuration file" debug $LINENO "--config-file specified, using : $CONFIG_FILE" shift 2 ;; --help) usage exit 0 ;; -v | --version) echo "proxysql_galera_checker version $PROXYSQL_ADMIN_VERSION" exit 0 ;; --debug) DEBUG=1 shift ;; *) shift ;; esac done # # Load the config file before reading in the command-line options # readonly CONFIG_FILE if [ ! -e "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then warning "" "Could not locate the configuration file: $CONFIG_FILE" else check_permission -r $LINENO "$CONFIG_FILE" debug $LINENO "Loading $CONFIG_FILE" source "$CONFIG_FILE" fi if [[ $DEBUG -ne 0 ]]; then # For now if [[ -t 1 ]]; then ERR_FILE=/dev/stderr fi fi # Reset the command line for the next invocation eval set -- "$go_out" for arg do case "$arg" in -- ) shift; break;; -w | --write-hg ) HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID=$2 shift 2 ;; -r | --read-hg ) HOSTGROUP_READER_ID=$2 shift 2 ;; --config-file ) # Do no processing of config-file here, it is processed # before this loop (see above) shift 2 ;; -l | --log ) ERR_FILE="$2" shift 2 # Test if stderr is open to a terminal # We cannot use stdout as the log output, since it is used # to return values. if [[ $ERR_FILE == "/dev/stderr" ]]; then RED=$(tput setaf 1) NRED=$(tput sgr0) else RED="" NRED="" fi ;; --node-monitor-log ) NODE_MONITOR_LOG_FILE="$2" shift 2 ;; -n | --writer-count ) NUMBER_WRITERS="$2" shift 2 ;; -p | --priority ) P_PRIORITY="$2" shift 2 ;; -m | --mode ) P_MODE="$2" shift 2 if [ "$P_MODE" != "loadbal" ] && [ "$P_MODE" != "singlewrite" ]; then echo "ERROR: Invalid --mode passed:" echo " Please choose one of these modes: loadbal, singlewrite" exit 1 fi ;; --writer-is-reader ) WRITER_IS_READER="$2" shift 2 ;; --use-slave-as-writer ) SLAVE_IS_WRITER="$2" shift 2 ;; --max-connections ) MAX_CONNECTIONS="$2" shift 2 ;; --debug ) # Not handled here, see above shift ;; --log-text ) LOG_TEXT="$2" shift 2 ;; -v | --version ) # Not handled here, see above shift ;; -h | --help ) # Not handled here, see above shift ;; esac done if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then DEBUG_ERR_FILE=$ERR_FILE fi # # Argument validation # test $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID -ge 0 &>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: writer hostgroup_id is not an integer" usage exit 1 fi test $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID -ge -1 &>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: reader hostgroup_id is not an integer" usage exit 1 fi HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID=$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID if [ $HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID -eq $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID ];then let HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID+=1 fi if [[ $NUMBER_WRITERS -lt 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: The number of writers should either be 0 to enable all possible nodes ONLINE" echo " or be larger than 0 to limit the number of writers" usage exit 1 fi if [[ ! $WRITER_IS_READER =~ ^(always|never|ondemand)$ ]]; then error "" "Invalid --writer-is-reader option: '$WRITER_IS_READER'" echo "Please choose one of these values: always, never, or ondemand" exit 1 fi if [[ ! $SLAVE_IS_WRITER =~ ^(yes|YES|no|NO)$ ]]; then error "" "Invalid --use-slave-as-writer option: '$SLAVE_IS_WRITER'" echo "Please choose either yes or no" exit 1 fi if [[ $SLAVE_IS_WRITER =~ ^(yes|YES)$ ]]; then SLAVE_IS_WRITER="yes" else SLAVE_IS_WRITER="no" fi # These may get set in the config file, but they are not used # by this script. So to avoid confusion and problems, remove # these variables explicitly. unset WRITE_HOSTGROUP_ID unset READ_HOSTGROUP_ID unset SLAVEREAD_HOSTGROUP_ID # Verify that we have an integer if [[ -n $MAX_CONNECTIONS ]]; then if ! [ "$MAX_CONNECTIONS" -eq "$MAX_CONNECTIONS" ] 2>/dev/null then error "" "option '--max-connections' parameter (must be a number) : $MAX_CONNECTIONS" exit 1 fi fi readonly ERR_FILE readonly CONFIG_FILE readonly DEBUG_ERR_FILE readonly HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID readonly HOSTGROUP_READER_ID readonly HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID readonly NUMBER_WRITERS readonly WRITER_IS_READER readonly SLAVE_IS_WRITER readonly P_PRIORITY readonly P_MODE readonly MAX_CONNECTIONS } # Checks to see if another instance of the script is running. # We want only one instance of this script to be running at a time. # # Globals: # PROXYSQL_DATADIR # ERR_FILE # # Arguments: # 1: the cluster name # # This function will exit if another instance of the script is running. # # With thanks, http://bencane.com/2015/09/22/preventing-duplicate-cron-job-executions/ # function check_is_galera_checker_running() { local cluster_name=$1 if [[ -z $cluster_name ]]; then CHECKER_PIDFILE=${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/galera_checker.pid else CHECKER_PIDFILE=${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${cluster_name}_galera_checker.pid fi if [[ -f $CHECKER_PIDFILE && -r $CHECKER_PIDFILE ]] ; then local GPID GPID=$(cat "$CHECKER_PIDFILE") if ps -p $GPID -o args=ARGS | grep $ERR_FILE | grep -o proxysql_galera_check >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then ps -p $GPID > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then log "$LINENO" "ProxySQL galera checker process already running. (pid:$GPID this pid:$$)" # We don't want to remove this file on cleanup CHECKER_PIDFILE="" exit 1 else echo $$ > $CHECKER_PIDFILE if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then warning "$LINENO" "Could not create galera checker PID file" exit 1 fi debug "$LINENO" "Created PID file at $CHECKER_PIDFILE" fi else warning "$LINENO" "Existing PID($GPID) belongs to some other process. Creating new PID file." echo $$ > $CHECKER_PIDFILE if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then warning "$LINENO" "Could not create galera checker PID file" exit 1 fi debug "$LINENO" "Created PID file at $CHECKER_PIDFILE" fi else echo "$$" > "$CHECKER_PIDFILE" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then warning "$LINENO" "Could not create galera checker PID file" exit 1 fi debug "$LINENO" "Created PID file at $CHECKER_PIDFILE" fi } function cleanup_handler() { if [[ -n $CHECKER_PIDFILE ]]; then rm -f $CHECKER_PIDFILE fi } # Checks to see that the READ hostgroup entries have been created/deleted # This function has no meaning if mode="loadbal". # # Globals: # HOSTGROUP_READER_ID # HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID # WRITER_IS_READER # MODE # # Arguments: # 1: the name of the reload_check_file # 2: the number of online-readers # function writer_is_reader_check() { local reload_check_file=$1 local number_readers_online=$2 local servers if [[ $MODE == "loadbal" ]]; then return fi servers=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT hostgroup_id, hostname, port, status FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID,$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID) AND status <> 'OFFLINE_HARD' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD' ORDER BY hostname, port, hostgroup_id") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not retreive data from mysql_servers (query failed). Exiting." debug $LINENO "writer_is_reader_check : number_readers_online:$number_readers_online" # The extra test at the end is to ensure that the very last line read in # is also handled (the read may be returning EOF) printf "${servers}" | while read hostgroup server port stat || [ -n "$stat" ] do debug $LINENO "Examining $hostgroup:$server:$port" # Only look at writer nodes, so skip non-writers if [[ $hostgroup -ne $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID ]]; then continue fi local regex="(^|[[:space:]])${HOSTGROUP_READER_ID}[[:blank:]]${server}[[:blank:]]${port}[[:blank:]]" local address address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$server" "$port") if [[ $WRITER_IS_READER == "always" || $WRITER_IS_READER == "ondemand" ]]; then # # Ensure that there is a corresponding entry in mysql_servers # local reader_row=$(echo "$servers" | grep -E "$regex") if [[ -z $reader_row ]]; then # We did not find a matching row, insert the corresponding READER entry # If we are to always have a reader, or if there are no other # readers, add it as an ONLINE reader local comment if [[ $WRITER_IS_READER == "always" || $number_readers_online -eq 0 ]]; then comment="ONLINE" else comment="OFFLINE_SOFT" fi proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,status,comment,max_connections) VALUES ('$server',$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID,$port,1000,'$comment','READ',$MAX_CONNECTIONS);" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "writer-is-reader($WRITER_IS_READER): Failed to add $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID:$address (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "writer-is-reader($WRITER_IS_READER): Adding reader $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID:$address with status OFFLINE_SOFT" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} elif [[ $WRITER_IS_READER == "ondemand" && $stat == "ONLINE" && $number_readers_online -gt 1 ]]; then # If the reader node is ONLINE and there is another reader # Then we can deactivate this reader node (if ondemand) # This should only do this if there is a corresponding READ entry that is NOT "OFFLINE_SOFT" # Search through the $servers for an entry corresponding to the READ data local reader_status=$(echo -e "$reader_row" | cut -f4) if [[ $reader_status != "OFFLINE_SOFT" ]]; then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status='OFFLINE_SOFT' WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID AND hostname='$server' AND port=$port" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not update mysql_servers (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Updating $hostgroup:$address to OFFLINE_SOFT because writers prefer to not be readers (writer-is-reader:ondemand)" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi fi elif [[ $WRITER_IS_READER == "never" ]]; then # # Ensure that there is NO corresponding entry in mysql_servers # if [[ $servers =~ $regex ]]; then # Delete the corresponding READER entry proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "DELETE FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID and hostname='$server' and port=$port" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "writer-is-reader(never): Failed to remove $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID:$address (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "writer-is-reader(never): Removing reader $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID:$address" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi fi done } # Returns the address of an available (online) cluster host # # Globals: # None # # Arguments: # None # # Returns: # 0 : if the function succeeds (this means that no errors occurred in the SQL queries) # The function can return nothing and still return success # 1 : if an error occurs # function find_online_cluster_host() { # Query the proxysql database for hosts,ports in use # Then just go through the list until we reach one that responds local hosts hosts=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT hostname,port FROM mysql_servers where hostgroup_id in ($HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID, $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) and comment <> 'SLAVEREAD' and status='ONLINE'") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 fi printf "$hosts" | while read server port || [[ -n $port ]] do debug $LINENO "Trying to contact $server:$port..." mysql_exec "$LINENO" "$server" "$port" -Bs "select @@port" 1>/dev/null 2>>${DEBUG_ERR_FILE} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then printf "$server $port" return 0 fi done # No cluster host available (cannot contact any) return 0 } # Checks the number of online writers and promotes a reader to a writer # if needed # # Globals: # HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID # CHECK_STATUS # # Arguments: # 1: The path to the reload_check_file # function ensure_one_writer_node() { local reload_check_file=$1 log $LINENO "No ONLINE writers found, looking for readers to promote" # We are trying to find a reader node that can be promoted to # a writer. # So what we do is we ORDER BY writer.status ASC because # by accident ONLINE is last in the line local reader_proxysql_query="SELECT reader.hostname, reader.port, writer.status FROM mysql_servers as reader LEFT JOIN mysql_servers as writer ON writer.hostgroup_id = $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND writer.hostname = reader.hostname AND writer.port = reader.port WHERE reader.hostgroup_id = $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID AND reader.status = 'ONLINE' AND reader.comment = 'READ' ORDER BY writer.status ASC, reader.weight DESC, reader.hostname, reader.port" local possible_hosts possible_hosts=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "$reader_proxysql_query") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get data from mysql_servers (query failed). Exiting." if [[ -z $possible_hosts ]]; then log $LINENO "Cannot find a reader that can be promoted to a writer" return fi while read line; do if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue fi local host=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }') local port=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }') # Have to check that we can actually access the node local wsrep_status local pxc_main_mode local result local address address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$host" "$port") result=$(mysql_exec $LINENO "$host" "$port" -Nns "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pxc_maint_mode';" 2>>${DEBUG_ERR_FILE}) wsrep_status=$(echo "$result" | grep "wsrep_local_state" | awk '{ print $2 }') pxc_main_mode=$(echo "$result" | grep "pxc_maint_mode" | awk '{ print $2 }') if [[ -z $pxc_main_mode ]]; then pxc_main_mode="DISABLED" fi if [[ $wsrep_status -ne 4 || $pxc_main_mode != "DISABLED" ]]; then continue fi local write_stat=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}') debug $LINENO "Looking at $address write_status:$write_stat" log $LINENO "Promoting $address as writer node..." # We have an ONLINE reader node # if ondemand or always keep the reader node (may need to move it to OFFLINE_SOFT) # if we have a writer, move to ONLINE # if no writer, create it if [[ $WRITER_IS_READER == "ondemand" || $WRITER_IS_READER == "always" ]]; then if [[ -z $write_stat || $write_stat == "NULL" ]]; then # Writer does not exist, add an ONLINE writer proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns \ "INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,status,comment,max_connections) VALUES ('$host',$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID,$port,1000000,'ONLINE','WRITE',$MAX_CONNECTIONS);" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot add a PXC writer node to ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Added $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID:$address as a writer." else # Writer exists, move writer to ONLINE proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status='ONLINE',comment='WRITE',weight=1000000 WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND hostname='$host' AND port=$port" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot update the PXC node $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID:$address (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Updated ${HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID}:${host}:${port} node in ProxySQL." fi else if [[ -z $write_stat || $write_stat == "NULL" ]]; then # Writer does not exist, move reader to writer proxysql_exec $$LINENO -Ns\ "UPDATE mysql_servers set status='ONLINE',hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID, comment='WRITE', weight=1000000 WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID and hostname='$host' and port=$port" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot update PXC writer in ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Added $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID:$address as a writer node." else # Writer exists, move writer to ONLINE, remove reader proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status='ONLINE',comment='WRITE',weight=1000000 WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND hostname='$host' AND port=$port" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot update the PXC node $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID:$address (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Updated ${HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID}:${host}:${port} node in ProxySQL." proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "DELETE FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID and hostname='$host' and port=$port" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "writer-is-reader(never): Failed to remove $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID:$server:$port (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "writer-is-reader(never): Removing reader $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID:$server:$port" fi fi echo '1' > ${reload_check_file} break done< <(printf "${possible_hosts}\n") } # Returns the host priority list defined by the user # # Globals: # HOST_PRIORITY_FILE # P_PRIORITY # PROXYSQL_DATADIR # CLUSTER_NAME # # Arguments: # 1: cluster name # function get_host_priority_list() { local cluster_name=$1 local priority_hosts="" if [[ -z $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE || ! -f $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE ]]; then HOST_PRIORITY_FILE=${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${cluster_name}_host_priority fi if [[ ! -z "$P_PRIORITY" ]] ; then IFS=',' read -r -a priority_hosts <<< "$P_PRIORITY" debug $LINENO "host_priority = ${priority_hosts[@]}" elif [[ -f $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE ]];then # Get the list of hosts from the host_priority file ignoring blanks and # any lines that start with '#' debug $LINENO "Found a host priority file: $HOST_PRIORITY_FILE" priority_hosts=$(cat "$HOST_PRIORITY_FILE" | grep '^[^#]') if [[ -n $priority_hosts ]]; then priority_hosts=($(echo $priority_hosts)) fi fi # File sample: # # # # echo "${priority_hosts[@]}" } # Builds the proxysql host list and merges it with the priority list. # The entries from the priority list are put at the top in order. # # If they have an entry in the proxysql_list, the data is copied over. # If it does not exist in the proxysql_list, then it is added # with status=OFFLINE_SOFT. # # This ensures that the entry will not be added as # a writer if the node is really offline. # # Globals: # None # # Argument: # 1: field separator # 2: the proxysql list (array of nodes from proxysql) # 3: the priority list # function build_proxysql_list_with_priority() { local sep=$1 local proxysql_list=$(echo "$2" | tr ' ' '\n') local priority_list=($3) local new_proxysql_list=() local reader_list="" local reader_query=0 for prio in "${priority_list[@]}"; do local psql_entry local prio_entry local prio_ip local prio_port prio_entry=$(separate_ip_port_from_address "$prio") prio_ip=$(echo "$prio_entry" | cut -d' ' -f1) prio_port=$(echo "$prio_entry" | cut -d' ' -f2) prio_entry="$prio_ip$sep$prio_port" # properly escape the characters for grep prio_entry_re="$(printf '%s' "$prio_entry" | sed 's/[.[\*^$]/\\&/g')" psql_entry=$(echo "$proxysql_list" | grep "^${prio_entry_re}[^[[:space:]]]*") if [[ $? -eq 0 && -n ${psql_entry} ]]; then # Add entries that are in the priority list and in the proxysql list new_proxysql_list+=($psql_entry) else # Add entries that are in the priority list but not in proxysql # (but only if there is a reader entry for the address) if [[ $reader_query -eq 0 ]]; then reader_list=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT hostname, port FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status <> 'OFFLINE_HARD' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD' ORDER BY status DESC, hostgroup_id, weight DESC, hostname, port") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Unable to obtain list of nodes from ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." reader_list=$(echo "$reader_list" | tr '\t' "$sep" | tr '\n' ' ') reader_query=1 fi if [[ -n $reader_list ]]; then if echo $reader_list | grep -E -q "(^|[[:space:]])${prio_entry_re}($|[[:space:]])*"; then # If this address is a reader, add a fake writer entry # If detected to be online, the writer check algorithm # will insert an entry new_proxysql_list+=("${prio_entry}${sep}${HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID}${sep}OFFLINE_SOFT${sep}WRITE${sep}PRIORITY_NODE") fi fi fi done # Add the rest of the entries (not in the priority list but in proxysql) # For this magic, see: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7577052/bash-empty-array-expansion-with-set-u if [[ -n ${priority_list[@]+"${priority_list[@]}"} ]]; then local priority_string="${priority_list[@]}" for row in ${proxysql_list}; do local host=$(echo $row | cut -d "$sep" -f 1) local port=$(echo $row | cut -d "$sep" -f 2) local addr=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$host" "$port") # properly escape the characters for grep -E addr_re="$(printf '%s' "$addr" | sed 's/[.[\*^$()+?{|]/\\&/g')" if ! echo $priority_string | grep -E -q "(^|[[:space:]])${addr_re}($|[[:space:]])"; then new_proxysql_list+=($row) fi done fi if [[ -n ${new_proxysql_list[@]+"${new_proxysql_list[@]}"} ]]; then debug $LINENO "new priority list = ${new_proxysql_list[@]}" echo "${new_proxysql_list[@]}" fi } function update_writers() { local reload_check_file=$1 local proxysql_list="" local priority_list="" # Nodes are orderd by status DESC first, this allows ONLINE nodes to always # be processed first. writer_proxysql_query="SELECT writer.hostname, writer.port, writer.hostgroup_id, writer.status, writer.comment, reader.status FROM mysql_servers as writer LEFT JOIN mysql_servers as reader ON reader.hostgroup_id = $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID AND reader.hostname = writer.hostname AND reader.port = writer.port WHERE writer.hostgroup_id = $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND writer.status <> 'OFFLINE_HARD' ORDER BY writer.status DESC" proxysql_list=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "$writer_proxysql_query") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Unable to obtain list of nodes from ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." if [[ $proxysql_list =~ [[:space:]]ONLINE[[:space:]]SLAVEREAD[[:space:]] ]]; then HAVE_SLAVEWRITERS=1 fi # Now that we have the proxysql list, order it by the priority list # (with unprioritized nodes at the end) # Using the priority list only makes sense for non-load balancing if [[ $MODE != "loadbal" ]]; then priority_list=$(get_host_priority_list "$cluster_name") fi if [[ -n $priority_list ]]; then # # Need to do some processing of the lists so that we can pass them down # Assume that the fields cannot contain the ';' character' # Can't use "local -n" becaus of Centos6 (needs newer bash version) # local prio_list=${priority_list} local pxsql_list=$(echo "${proxysql_list[@]}" | tr '\t' ';' | tr '\n' ' ') proxysql_list=$(build_proxysql_list_with_priority ";" "$pxsql_list" "$prio_list") proxysql_list=$(echo "${proxysql_list}" | tr ' ' '\n' | tr ';' '\t') fi if [[ -z ${proxysql_list[@]+"${proxysql_list[@]}"} ]]; then log $LINENO "No writers found." return fi # Go through the list # while read line; do if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue fi server=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -f1) port=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -f2) hostgroup=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -f3) stat=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -f4) comment=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -f5) rdstat=$(echo -e "$line" | cut -f6) if [[ $comment == "SLAVEREAD" ]]; then set_slave_status "${reload_check_file}" $hostgroup $server $port $stat continue fi local wsrep_status local pxc_main_mode local result local address address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$server" "$port") result=$(mysql_exec $LINENO "$server" "$port" -Nns "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pxc_maint_mode';" 2>>${DEBUG_ERR_FILE}) wsrep_status=$(echo "$result" | grep "wsrep_local_state" | awk '{ print $2 }') pxc_main_mode=$(echo "$result" | grep "pxc_maint_mode" | awk '{ print $2 }') if [[ -z $wsrep_status ]]; then wsrep_status="" fi # For PXC 5.6 there is no pxc_maint_mode, so assume DISABLED if [[ -z $pxc_main_mode ]]; then pxc_main_mode="DISABLED" fi # If this node was added because of the priority list and the # node is not reporting SYNCED, then just skip it if [[ $rdstat == "PRIORITY_NODE" && $wsrep_status != "4" ]]; then continue fi log "" "--> Checking WRITE server $hostgroup:$address, current status $stat, wsrep_local_state $wsrep_status" # we have to limit amount of writers, WSREP status OK, AND node is marked ONLINE # PXC and ProxySQL agreee on the status # wsrep:ok pxc:-- status:online if [ $NUMBER_WRITERS -gt 0 -a "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" == "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then if [[ $number_writers_online -lt $NUMBER_WRITERS ]]; then number_writers_online=$(( $number_writers_online + 1 )) log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is already ONLINE: ${number_writers_online} of ${NUMBER_WRITERS} write nodes" else number_writers_online=$(( $number_writers_online + 1 )) change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID "$server" "$port" "OFFLINE_SOFT" "$rdstat" \ "max write nodes reached (${NUMBER_WRITERS})" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi fi # WSREP status OK, but node is not marked ONLINE # Make the node ONLINE if possible # wsrep:ok pxc:ok status:not online if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" != "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then # we have to limit amount of writers if [[ $NUMBER_WRITERS -gt 0 ]] ; then if [[ $number_writers_online -lt $NUMBER_WRITERS ]]; then number_writers_online=$(( $number_writers_online + 1 )) change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID "$server" "$port" "ONLINE" "$rdstat" \ "${number_writers_online} of ${NUMBER_WRITERS} write nodes" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} else number_writers_online=$(( $number_writers_online + 1 )) if [ "$stat" != "OFFLINE_SOFT" ]; then change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID "$server" "$port" "OFFLINE_SOFT" "" \ "max write nodes reached (${NUMBER_WRITERS})" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} elif [[ $rdstat != "PRIORITY_NODE" ]]; then log $LINENO "server $hostgroup:$address is already OFFLINE_SOFT, max write nodes reached (${NUMBER_WRITERS})" fi fi # we do not have to limit elif [[ $NUMBER_WRITERS -eq 0 ]] ; then # TODO: kennt, What if node is SHUNNED? change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID "$server" "$port" "ONLINE" "$rdstat"\ "Changed state, marking write node ONLINE" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi fi # WSREP status is not ok, but the node is marked online, we should put it offline # wsrep:not ok pxc:-- status:online if [ "${wsrep_status}" != "4" -a "$stat" = "ONLINE" ]; then change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID "$server" "$port" "OFFLINE_SOFT" "" \ "WSREP status is ${wsrep_status} which is not ok" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} # wsrep:-- pxc:not ok status:online elif [ "${pxc_main_mode}" != "DISABLED" -a "$stat" = "ONLINE" ]; then change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID "$server" "$port" "OFFLINE_SOFT" "" \ "pxc_maint_mode is $pxc_main_mode" 2>>${ERR_FILE} echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} # wsrep:not ok pxc:-- status:offline soft elif [ "${wsrep_status}" != "4" -a "$stat" = "OFFLINE_SOFT" -a "$rdstat" != "PRIORITY_NODE" ]; then log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is already OFFLINE_SOFT, WSREP status is ${wsrep_status} which is not ok" # wsrep:-- pxc:not ok status:offline soft elif [ "${pxc_main_mode}" != "DISABLED" -a "$stat" = "OFFLINE_SOFT" -a "$rdstat" != "PRIORITY_NODE" ]; then log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is already OFFLINE_SOFT, pxc_maint_mode is ${pxc_main_mode} which is not ok" fi done< <(printf "${proxysql_list[@]}\n") } # # This function checks the status of slave machines and sets their status field # # Globals: # PROXSQL_DATADIR # SLAVE_SECONDS_BEHIND # HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID # # Arguments: # 1: Path to the reload_check_file # 2: Slave hostgroup # 3: Slave IP address # 4: Slave port # 5: Slave status in ProxySQL # function set_slave_status() { debug $LINENO "START set_slave_status" local reload_check_file=$1 local ws_hg_id=$2 local ws_ip=$3 local ws_port=$4 local ws_status=$5 local ws_address ws_address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$ws_ip" "$ws_port") local node_id="${ws_hg_id}:${ws_address}" # This function will get and return a status of a slave node, 4=GOOD, 2=BEHIND, 0=OTHER local slave_status log $LINENO "--> Checking SLAVE server ${node_id}" slave_status=$(mysql_exec $LINENO "$ws_ip" "$ws_port" -nsE "SHOW SLAVE STATUS") check_cmd $LINENO $? "Cannot get status from the slave $ws_address, Please check cluster login credentials" slave_status=$(echo "$slave_status" | sed 's/ //g') echo "$slave_status" | grep "^Master_Host:" >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then # # No status was found, this is not replicating # Only changing the status here as another node might be in the writer hostgroup # proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status = 'OFFLINE_HARD' WHERE hostname='$ws_ip' and port=$ws_port;" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot update Galera Cluster node $ws_address to ProxySQL database (query failed). Exiting" log_if_success $LINENO $? "slave server ${ws_address} set to OFFLINE_HARD status in ProxySQL (cannot determine slave status)." echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} else local slave_master_host slave_io_running slave_sql_running seconds_behind slave_master_host=$(echo "$slave_status" | grep "^Master_Host:" | cut -d: -f2) slave_io_running=$(echo "$slave_status" | grep "^Slave_IO_Running:" | cut -d: -f2) slave_sql_running=$(echo "$slave_status" | grep "^Slave_SQL_Running:" | cut -d: -f2) seconds_behind=$(echo "$slave_status" | grep "^Seconds_Behind_Master:" | cut -d: -f2) if [ "$seconds_behind" == "NULL" ];then # # When slave_io is not working, the seconds behind value will read 'NULL', # convert this to a number higher than the max # let seconds_behind=SLAVE_SECONDS_BEHIND+1 fi if [ "$slave_sql_running" != "Yes" ];then # # Slave is not replicating, so set to OFFLINE_HARD # if [ "$ws_status" != "OFFLINE_HARD" ];then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status = 'OFFLINE_HARD' WHERE hostname='$ws_ip' and port=$ws_port;" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot update Galera Cluster node $ws_address to ProxySQL database (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "slave server ${ws_address} set to OFFLINE_HARD status in ProxySQL (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)." echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} else log $LINENO "slave server (${ws_hg_id}:${ws_address}) current status '$ws_status' in ProxySQL. (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" fi elif [[ $slave_io_running == "Yes" ]]; then # # The slave is replicating (and the cluster is up) # So set the status accordingly # if [ $seconds_behind -gt $SLAVE_SECONDS_BEHIND ];then # Slave is more than the set number of seconds behind, return status 2 if [ "$ws_status" != "OFFLINE_SOFT" ];then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status = 'OFFLINE_SOFT' WHERE hostname='$ws_ip' and port=$ws_port;" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot update Galera Cluster node $ws_address to ProxySQL database (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "slave server ${ws_address} set to OFFLINE_SOFT status in ProxySQL (slave is too far behind:$seconds_behind). (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} else log $LINENO "slave server (${node_id}) current status '$ws_status' in ProxySQL. (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" fi else # # The slave is replicating and is caught up (relatively) # So it is ok for READs # if [ "$ws_status" != "ONLINE" ];then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status = 'ONLINE' WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID AND hostname='$ws_ip' and port=$ws_port;" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot update Galera Cluster node $ws_address in ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "slave server $HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID:${ws_address} set to ONLINE status in ProxySQL. (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" if [[ $ws_hg_id -ne $HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID ]]; then log $LINENO "slave server (${node_id}) current status '$ws_status' in ProxySQL. (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" fi echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} else log $LINENO "slave server (${node_id}) current status '$ws_status' in ProxySQL. (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" fi fi else # # Note: if slave_sql_running is YES and slave_io_running is NO # This may indicate that the cluster is down, so we may move a # slave to the WRITE hostgroup (but that is not done here). # So leave it ONLINE in this state. # if [[ $ws_status == "ONLINE" ]]; then log $LINENO "slave server ${ws_address} status:'${ws_status}' maintained in case the cluster is down. (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" else proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status = 'OFFLINE_SOFT' WHERE hostname='$ws_ip' and port=$ws_port;" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Unable to update mysql_servers (query failed). Exiting." log $LINENO "slave server ${ws_address} status:'OFFLINE_SOFT'. (io:$slave_io_running sql:$slave_sql_running)" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi fi fi debug $LINENO "END set_slave_status" } function update_readers() { local reload_check_file=$1 if [[ $WRITER_IS_READER != "ondemand" ]]; then reader_proxysql_query="SELECT hostgroup_id, hostname, port, status, comment, 'NULL' FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status <> 'OFFLINE_HARD' ORDER BY weight DESC, hostname, port" elif [[ $WRITER_IS_READER == "ondemand" ]]; then # We will not try to change reader state of nodes that are writer ONLINE, # so what we do is we ORDER BY writer.status ASC because by accident ONLINE # is last in the line reader_proxysql_query="SELECT reader.hostgroup_id, reader.hostname, reader.port, reader.status, reader.comment, writer.status FROM mysql_servers as reader LEFT JOIN mysql_servers as writer ON writer.hostgroup_id = $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND writer.hostname = reader.hostname AND writer.port = reader.port WHERE reader.hostgroup_id = $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID ORDER BY writer.status ASC, reader.weight DESC, reader.hostname, reader.port" fi # This is the count of nodes that have readers with ONLINE status # and writers that are not ONLINE (either no entry or !ONLINE) local online_readonly_nodes_found=0 local query_result query_result=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "$reader_proxysql_query") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Unable to obtain list of nodes from ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." if [[ $query_result =~ [[:space:]]SLAVEREAD[[:space:]] ]]; then HAVE_SLAVEREADERS=1 fi while read line; do if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue fi hostgroup=$(echo "$line" | cut -f1) server=$(echo "$line" | cut -f2) port=$(echo "$line" | cut -f3) stat=$(echo "$line" | cut -f4) comment=$(echo "$line" | cut -f5) writer_stat=$(echo "$line" | cut -f6) if [[ $comment == "SLAVEREAD" ]]; then set_slave_status "${reload_check_file}" $hostgroup $server $port $stat continue fi if [[ $stat == "OFFLINE_HARD" ]]; then continue fi local wsrep_status local pxc_main_mode local result local address address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$server" "$port") result=$(mysql_exec $LINENO "$server" "$port" -Nns "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pxc_maint_mode';" 2>>${DEBUG_ERR_FILE}) wsrep_status=$(echo "$result" | grep "wsrep_local_state" | awk '{ print $2 }') pxc_main_mode=$(echo "$result" | grep "pxc_maint_mode" | awk '{ print $2 }') if [[ -z $wsrep_status ]]; then wsrep_status="" fi # For PXC 5.6 there is no pxc_maint_mode, so assume DISABLED if [[ -z $pxc_main_mode ]]; then pxc_main_mode="DISABLED" fi log "" "--> Checking READ server $hostgroup:$address, current status $stat, wsrep_local_state $wsrep_status" if [[ $WRITER_IS_READER == "ondemand" && $writer_stat == "ONLINE" ]] ; then if [ $online_readonly_nodes_found -eq 0 ] ; then # WSREP:ok PXC:ok STATUS:online if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" == "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is already ONLINE, is also write node in ONLINE state, not enough non-ONLINE readers found" fi # WSREP:ok PXC:ok STATUS:not online if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" != "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then # # Enable the first one found as ONLINE # (when writer-is-reader=ondemand) # change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID "$server" "$port" "ONLINE" ""\ "marking ONLINE write node as read ONLINE state, not enough non-ONLINE readers found" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi else # WSREP:ok PXC:ok STATUS:online if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" == "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then # Else disable the other READ nodes change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID "$server" "$port" "OFFLINE_SOFT" ""\ "making ONLINE writer node as read OFFLINE_SOFT as well because writers should not be readers" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi # WSREP:ok PXC:ok STATUS:not online if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" != "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is $stat, keeping node as $stat,as it is an ONLINE writer and we prefer not to have writers as readers (writer-is-reader:ondemand)" fi fi else # WSREP:ok PXC:ok STATUS:online if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" == "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is already ONLINE" online_readonly_nodes_found=$(( $online_readonly_nodes_found + 1 )) # WSREP:ok PXC:not ok STATUS:not online elif [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" != "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" != "DISABLED" ] ; then log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is $stat" fi # WSREP status OK, but node is not marked ONLINE # WSREP:ok PXC:ok STATUS:not online if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "4" -a "$stat" != "ONLINE" -a "${pxc_main_mode}" == "DISABLED" ] ; then change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID "$server" "$port" "ONLINE" ""\ "changed state" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} online_readonly_nodes_found=$(( $online_readonly_nodes_found + 1 )) fi fi # WSREP status is not ok, but the node is marked online, we should put it offline # WSREP:not ok STATUS:online if [ "${wsrep_status}" != "4" -a "$stat" = "ONLINE" ]; then change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID "$server" "$port" "OFFLINE_SOFT" ""\ "WSREP status is ${wsrep_status} which is not ok" echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} # PXC:not ok STATUS:online elif [ "${pxc_main_mode}" != "DISABLED" -a "$stat" = "ONLINE" ];then change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID "$server" "$port" "OFFLINE_SOFT" ""\ "pxc_maint_mode is $pxc_main_mode" 2>>${ERR_FILE} echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} # WSREP:not ok STATUS:offline soft elif [ "${wsrep_status}" != "4" -a "$stat" = "OFFLINE_SOFT" ]; then log "" "server $hostgroup:$address is already OFFLINE_SOFT, WSREP status is ${wsrep_status} which is not ok" fi done< <(printf "$query_result\n") } # Looks specifically for nodes that are in the DONOR/DESYNCED(2) state # # Globals: # NUMBER_WRITERS # HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID # # Arguments: # None # function search_for_desynced_writers() { local reload_check_file=$1 local cnt=0 local sort_order="ASC" # We want the writers to come before the readers if [[ $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID -gt $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID ]]; then sort_order="DESC" fi local writer_query="SELECT hostgroup_id, hostname, port, status FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID,$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status <> 'OFFLINE_HARD' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD' ORDER BY hostgroup_id ${sort_order}" query_result=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "$writer_query") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get the list of nodes (query failed). Exiting." while read line; do if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue fi hostgroup=$(echo "$line" | cut -f1) server=$(echo "$line" | cut -f2) port=$(echo "$line" | cut -f3) stat=$(echo "$line" | cut -f4) safety_cnt=0 while [ ${cnt} -lt $NUMBER_WRITERS -a ${safety_cnt} -lt 5 ] do local wsrep_status local pxc_main_mode local result local address address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$server" "$port") result=$(mysql_exec $LINENO "$server" "$port" -Nns "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pxc_maint_mode';" 2>>${DEBUG_ERR_FILE}) wsrep_status=$(echo "$result" | grep "wsrep_local_state" | awk '{ print $2 }') pxc_main_mode=$(echo "$result" | grep "pxc_maint_mode" | awk '{ print $2 }') if [[ -z $wsrep_status ]]; then wsrep_status="" fi # PXC 5.6 does not have this, so default to DISABLED if [[ -z $pxc_main_mode ]]; then pxc_main_mode="DISABLED" fi # Nodes in maintenance are not allowed if [[ $pxc_main_mode != "DISABLED" ]]; then log "" "Skipping $hostgroup:$address node is in pxc_maint_mode:$pxc_main_mode" break fi log "" "Checking $hostgroup:$address for node in DONOR state, status $stat , wsrep_local_state $wsrep_status" if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "2" -a "$stat" != "ONLINE" ]; then # if we are on Donor/Desync and not online in mysql_servers -> proceed # If we do not have a writer row, we have to add it local writer_count=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND hostname='$server' AND port=$port") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get writer count (query failed). Exiting." if [[ $writer_count -eq 0 ]]; then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns \ "INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,comment,max_connections) VALUES ('$server',$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID,$port,1000000,'WRITE',$MAX_CONNECTIONS);" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not add writer node (query failed). Exiting." log $LINENO "Adding server $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID:$address with status ONLINE. Reason: WSREP status is DESYNC/DONOR, as this is the only node we will put this one online" else change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID "$server" "$port" "ONLINE" ""\ "WSREP status is DESYNC/DONOR, as this is the only node we will put this one online" fi cnt=$(( $cnt + 1 )) local proxy_runtime_status proxy_runtime_status=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT status FROM runtime_mysql_servers WHERE hostname='${server}' AND port='${port}' AND hostgroup_id='${hostgroup}'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get writer node status (query failed). Exiting." if [ "${proxy_runtime_status}" != "ONLINE" ]; then # if we are not online in runtime_mysql_servers, proceed to change # the server status and reload mysql_servers echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi # TODO: kennt, this doesn't work. We will go through the upper # loop and move the writer to OFFLINE_SOFT (since it's desynced). # We would have to detect that state (then we could move it to 0). # Or we could only force the update if the tables are the same. # (But only for the descyned node case). # Maybe we can compare the table to itself, no updates needed if it # hasn't changed. # Note: If the node in the runtime is already ONLINE, then we don't # need to change the reload_check_file to 1 # So if there was no change to the state, we will skip uploading # the in-memory tables and nothing will change. (This only makes # sense if all the nodes are already down). If any of the nodes are # up, this node will be moved to OFFLINE_SOFT since it is not in # the SYNCED(4) state. fi safety_cnt=$(( $safety_cnt + 1 )) done done< <(printf "$query_result\n") } # # # Globals: # HOSTGROUP_READER_ID # # Arguments: # None # function search_for_desynced_readers() { local reload_check_file=$1 local cnt=0 query_result=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT hostgroup_id, hostname, port, status FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status <> 'OFFLINE_HARD' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get the list of nodes (query failed). Exiting." while read line; do if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue fi hostgroup=$(echo "$line" | cut -f1) server=$(echo "$line" | cut -f2) port=$(echo "$line" | cut -f3) stat=$(echo "$line" | cut -f4) local safety_cnt=0 while [[ ${cnt} -eq 0 && ${safety_cnt} -lt 5 ]] do local wsrep_status local pxc_main_mode local result local address address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$server" "$port") result=$(mysql_exec $LINENO "$server" "$port" -Nns "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'wsrep_local_state'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'pxc_maint_mode';" 2>>${DEBUG_ERR_FILE}) wsrep_status=$(echo "$result" | grep "wsrep_local_state" | awk '{ print $2 }') pxc_main_mode=$(echo "$result" | grep "pxc_maint_mode" | awk '{ print $2 }') if [[ -z $wsrep_status ]]; then wsrep_status="" fi # PXC 5.6 does not have this, so default to DISABLED if [[ -z $pxc_main_mode ]]; then pxc_main_mode="DISABLED" fi # Nodes in maintenance are not allowed if [[ $pxc_main_mode != "DISABLED" ]]; then log "" "Skipping $hostgroup:$address node is in pxc_maint_mode:$pxc_main_mode" break fi log "" "Checking $hostgroup:$address for node in DONOR state, status $stat , wsrep_local_state $wsrep_status" if [ "${wsrep_status}" = "2" -a "$stat" != "ONLINE" ];then # if we are on Donor/Desync an not online in mysql_servers -> proceed change_server_status $LINENO $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID "$server" "$port" "ONLINE" ""\ "WSREP status is DESYNC/DONOR, as this is the only node we will put this one online" cnt=$(( $cnt + 1 )) local proxy_runtime_status proxy_runtime_status=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT status FROM runtime_mysql_servers WHERE hostname='${server}' AND port='${port}' AND hostgroup_id='${hostgroup}'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get the runtime server status (query failed). Exiting." if [ "${proxy_runtime_status}" != "ONLINE" ]; then # if we are not online in runtime_mysql_servers, # proceed to change the server status and reload mysql_servers echo "1" > ${reload_check_file} fi # Note: If the node in the runtime is already ONLINE, then we don't # need to change the reload_check_file to 1 # So if there was no change to the state, we will skip uploading # the in-memory tables and nothing will change. (This only makes # sense if all the nodes are already down). If any of the nodes are # up, this node will be moved to OFFLINE_SOFT since it is not in # the SYNCED(4) state. break 2 fi safety_cnt=$(( $safety_cnt + 1 )) done done< <(printf "$query_result\n") } # Saves the reload_check_file value and resets it to 0 # # Globals: # None # # Arguments: # 1: path to the reload_check_file # function save_reload_check() { local reload_check_file=$1 local save_state save_state=$(cat "${reload_check_file}") echo 0 > "${reload_check_file}" echo "${save_state}" } # Resets the restore_reload_check value if needed # If nothing has changed, restores the value # # Globals: # None # # Arguments: # 1: Path to the reload_check_file # 2: The saved (previous) value # # Returns: # Returns 0 (success) if something changed # Else returns 1 # function restore_reload_check() { local reload_check_file=$1 local save_state=$2 # Default return value is failure (non-zero) local rc=1 if [[ $(cat ${reload_check_file}) -ne 0 ]] ; then save_state=1 # A success means that something changed rc=0 fi echo "${save_state}" > "${reload_check_file}" return $rc } # Adds slaves to the write hostgroup if needed # # Globals: # HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID # HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID # # Arguments: # None # function add_slave_to_write_hostgroup() { # General outline: # Delete all non-ONLINE slaves to the read hostgroup # Check for an ONLINE slave in the write hostgroup # If there is none, add a random slave to the write hostgroup # If cannot find an ONLINE, look for OFFLINE_SOFT (emergency only) local reload_check_file=$1 local -i online_count=0 local -i offline_count=0 local query_result="" query_result=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT status FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND comment = 'SLAVEREAD'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get the list of slave writers (query failed). Exiting." # Count # of online vs offline slave nodes local status while read line; do if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue fi status=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }') if [[ $status = 'ONLINE' ]]; then online_count+=1 else offline_count+=1 fi done< <(printf "$query_result\n") # Remove any nodes that have been moved OFFLINE if [[ $offline_count -gt 0 ]]; then proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "DELETE FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND status != 'ONLINE' AND comment = 'SLAVEREAD'" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Failed to remove all non-ONLINE slaves acting as writers (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Removed all non-ONLINE slaves acting as writers" echo 1 > "${reload_check_file}" fi # If there is an active slave writer node, no need to add another node if [[ $online_count -eq 1 ]]; then log $LINENO "Async-slave already ONLINE" return fi if [[ $online_count -eq 0 ]]; then # There are no ONLINE slaves, so add a random one from the # list of ONLINE reader slaves local next_host host port next_host=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "select hostname,port FROM mysql_servers WHERE status='ONLINE' AND comment = 'SLAVEREAD' AND hostgroup_id='$HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID' ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get info for a slave node (query failed). Exiting." # Emergency situation, if there are no ONLINE hosts, # look for OFFLINE_SOFT hosts if [[ -z $next_host ]]; then next_host=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "select hostname,port FROM mysql_servers WHERE status='OFFLINE_SOFT' AND comment = 'SLAVEREAD' AND hostgroup_id='$HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID' ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get info for a slave node (query failed). Exiting." if [[ -n $next_host ]]; then local host=$(echo "$next_host" | awk '{ print $1 }') local port=$(echo "$next_host" | awk '{ print $2 }') local address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$host" "$port") # Found a node, update the READER to ONLINE proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status='ONLINE' WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID AND hostname='$host' AND port=$port" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not update the info for a slave node (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "slave server ${HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID}:$address set to ONLINE status in ProxySQL." echo 1 > "${reload_check_file}" fi fi if [[ -n $next_host ]]; then local host=$(echo "$next_host" | awk '{ print $1 }') local port=$(echo "$next_host" | awk '{ print $2 }') local address=$(combine_ip_port_into_address "$host" "$port") proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,status,comment,max_connections) VALUES ('$host',$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID,$port,1000000,'ONLINE','SLAVEREAD',$MAX_CONNECTIONS);" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot add Galera Cluster node $address to ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "slave server ${HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID}:$address set to ONLINE status in ProxySQL." echo 1 > "${reload_check_file}" else log $LINENO "Could not find any slave readers to promote to a writer" fi fi } # Removes slaves from the write hostgroup # (Actually moves the writers to OFFLINE_SOFT) # # Globals: # HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID # # Arguments: # None # function remove_slave_from_write_hostgroup() { local reload_check_file=$1 log $LINENO "Removing async-slaves from the writegroup" # Move all writer slaves to OFFLINE_SOFT proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE mysql_servers SET status = 'OFFLINE_SOFT' WHERE hostgroup_id = $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND comment = 'SLAVEREAD'" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Failed to move slave writers to OFFLINE_SOFT (query failed). Exiting." log_if_success $LINENO $? "Moved slave writers to OFFLINE_SOFT" echo 1 > "${reload_check_file}" } # # Globals: # TIMEOUT # MYSQL_USERNAME MYSQL_PASSWORD MYSQL_HOSTNAME MYSQL_PORT # PROXYSQL_DATADIR # HOSTGROUP_READER_ID HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID # CONFIG_FILE # NUMBER_WRITERS # function main() { local cluster_name="" local mysql_credentials local scheduler_id # If this call fails, exit out. We can't do anything without the monitor # credentials. (Or if we can't connect to proxysql). mysql_credentials=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT variable_value FROM global_variables WHERE variable_name IN ('mysql-monitor_username','mysql-monitor_password') ORDER BY variable_name DESC" "hide_output") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Unable to obtain MySQL credentials from ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." MYSQL_USERNAME=$(echo $mysql_credentials | awk '{print $1}') MYSQL_PASSWORD=$(echo $mysql_credentials | awk '{print $2}') # Search for the scheduler id that corresponds to our write hostgroup scheduler_id=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT id FROM scheduler where arg1 LIKE '%--write-hg=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID %' OR arg1 LIKE '%-w $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID %'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not retreive scheduler row (query failed). Exiting." if [[ -z $scheduler_id ]]; then error $LINENO "Cannot find the scheduler row with write hostgroup : $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID" else cluster_name=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT comment FROM scheduler WHERE id=${scheduler_id}" 2>>$ERR_FILE) check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot get the cluster name from ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting." fi if [[ -z $cluster_name ]]; then # # Could not find the cluster name from the scheduler, # contact the cluster directly # local available_host="" local server port # Find a PXC host that's we can connect to available_host=$(find_online_cluster_host) check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Cannot get the list of nodes in the cluster from ProxySQL (query failed). Exiting" if [[ -z $available_host ]]; then error $LINENO "Cannot contact a PXC host in hostgroups($HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID, $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID)" else server=$(echo $available_host | awk '{print $1}') port=$(echo $available_host | awk '{print $2}') cluster_name=$(mysql_exec $LINENO "$server" "$port" -Nn \ "SELECT @@wsrep_cluster_name" 2>>${ERR_FILE} | tail -1) fi if [[ ! -z $cluster_name ]]; then # # We've found the cluster name so update the scheduler args # if [[ -z $scheduler_id ]]; then warning "$LINENO" "Cannot update scheduler due to missing scheduler_id" else local arg1 my_path log "$LINENO" "Updating scheduler for cluster:${cluster_name} write_hg:$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID" arg1=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT arg1 from scheduler where id=${scheduler_id}") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get arg1 from scheduler from (query failed)" "Please check ProxySQL credentials and status." if [[ -z $arg1 ]]; then warning $LINENO "Cannot update scheduler due to missing arguments (arg1 is empty)" else my_path=$(echo ${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${cluster_name}_proxysql_galera_check.log | sed 's#\/#\\\/#g') arg1=$(echo $arg1 | sed "s/--log=.*/--log=$my_path/g") proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "UPDATE scheduler set comment='$cluster_name',arg1='$arg1' where id=${scheduler_id};load scheduler to runtime;save scheduler to disk" check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not update scheduler from (query failed). Exiting." fi fi fi fi # Check to see if there are other proxysql_galera_checkers running # Before we can check, we need the cluster name check_is_galera_checker_running "$cluster_name" local mode=$MODE if [[ ! -z $P_MODE ]] ; then mode=$P_MODE else local proxysql_mode_file if [[ -z $cluster_name ]]; then proxysql_mode_file="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/mode" else proxysql_mode_file="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${cluster_name}_mode" fi if [[ ! -f ${proxysql_mode_file} ]]; then local mode_check mode_check=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT comment from mysql_servers where comment='WRITE' and hostgroup_id in ($HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID, $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID)") if [[ "$mode_check" == "WRITE" ]]; then echo "singlewrite" > ${proxysql_mode_file} else echo "loadbal" > ${proxysql_mode_file} fi fi if [[ -r $proxysql_mode_file ]]; then mode=$(cat ${proxysql_mode_file}) fi fi MODE=$mode # Running proxysql_node_monitor script. # First try the same directory as this script local monitor_dir monitor_dir=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd) if [[ ! -f $monitor_dir/proxysql_node_monitor ]]; then # Cannot find it in same directory, try default location monitor_dir="/usr/bin" if [[ ! -f $monitor_dir/proxysql_node_monitor ]]; then log "" "ERROR! Could not find proxysql_node_monitor. Terminating" exit 1 fi fi # If the reload_check_file contains 1, then there was a change # made to the state and we need to upload the MYSQL SERVERS to runtime. # This is used because changes are made to the MYSQL SERVERS table # in other scripts/subshells. local reload_check_file if [[ -z $cluster_name ]]; then reload_check_file="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/reload" else reload_check_file="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${cluster_name}_reload" fi echo "0" > ${reload_check_file} # Run the monitor script local proxysql_monitor_log if [[ -n $NODE_MONITOR_LOG_FILE ]]; then proxysql_monitor_log=$NODE_MONITOR_LOG_FILE else if [[ -z $cluster_name ]]; then proxysql_monitor_log="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/proxysql_node_monitor.log" else proxysql_monitor_log="${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${cluster_name}_proxysql_node_monitor.log" fi fi local more_monitor_options="" if [[ $DEBUG -ne 0 ]]; then more_monitor_options+=" --debug " fi # TODO: kennt, do we need to check the return code? do we care? $monitor_dir/proxysql_node_monitor --config-file=$CONFIG_FILE \ --write-hg=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID \ --read-hg=$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID \ --mode=$mode \ --reload-check-file="$reload_check_file" \ --log-text="$LOG_TEXT" \ --max-connections="$MAX_CONNECTIONS" \ --log="$proxysql_monitor_log" $more_monitor_options # print information prior to a run if ${ERR_FILE} is defined log "" "###### proxysql_galera_checker.sh SUMMARY ######" log "" "Hostgroup writers $HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID" log "" "Hostgroup readers $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID" log "" "Number of writers $NUMBER_WRITERS" log "" "Writers are readers $WRITER_IS_READER" log "" "Log file $ERR_FILE" log "" "Mode $MODE" if [[ -n $P_PRIORITY ]]; then log "" "Priority $P_PRIORITY" fi if [[ -n $LOG_TEXT ]]; then log "" "Extra notes $LOG_TEXT" fi local number_readers_online=0 local number_writers_online=0 local save_reload_state=0 log "" "###### HANDLE WRITER NODES ######" update_writers "${reload_check_file}" number_writers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'" 2>>${ERR_FILE}) check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." # Check to see if we need to add readers for any writer nodes # (depends on the writer-is-reader setting) number_readers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." save_reload_state=$(save_reload_check "${reload_check_file}") writer_is_reader_check "$reload_check_file" "$number_readers_online" # Something changed if restore_reload_check "${reload_check_file}" $save_reload_state; then number_readers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." fi if [ ${HOSTGROUP_READER_ID} -ne -1 ]; then log "" "###### HANDLE READER NODES ######" save_reload_state=$(save_reload_check "${reload_check_file}") update_readers "${reload_check_file}" # Something changed if restore_reload_check "${reload_check_file}" $save_reload_state; then number_readers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." fi fi if [[ $MODE != "loadbal" ]]; then # If we have no writers, check if we can create one (just one) if [[ $number_writers_online -eq 0 ]]; then save_reload_state=$(save_reload_check "${reload_check_file}") ensure_one_writer_node "${reload_check_file}" # Something changed if restore_reload_check "${reload_check_file}" $save_reload_state; then # Check to see if we need to add readers for any writer nodes # (depends on the writer-is-reader setting) writer_is_reader_check "$reload_check_file" "$number_readers_online" echo 1 > "${reload_check_file}" number_readers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." number_writers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'" 2>>${ERR_FILE}) check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." fi else debug $LINENO "writer nodes found: $number_writers_online, no need to add more" fi fi log "" "###### SUMMARY ######" log "" "--> Number of writers that are 'ONLINE': ${number_writers_online} : hostgroup: ${HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID}" [[ ${HOSTGROUP_READER_ID} -ne -1 ]] && log "" "--> Number of readers that are 'ONLINE': ${number_readers_online} : hostgroup: ${HOSTGROUP_READER_ID}" # We don't have any writers... alert, try to bring some online! # This includes bringing a DONOR online if [[ ${number_writers_online} -eq 0 ]]; then log "" "###### TRYING TO FIX MISSING WRITERS ######" log "" "No writers found, Trying to enable last available node of the cluster (in Donor/Desync state)" save_reload_state=$(save_reload_check "${reload_check_file}") search_for_desynced_writers "${reload_check_file}" # Something changed if restore_reload_check "${reload_check_file}" $save_reload_state; then number_writers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'" 2>>${ERR_FILE}) check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." fi fi # We don't have any readers... alert, try to bring some online! if [[ ${HOSTGROUP_READER_ID} -ne -1 && ${number_readers_online} -eq 0 ]]; then log "" "###### TRYING TO FIX MISSING READERS ######" log "" "--> No readers found, Trying to enable last available node of the cluster (in Donor/Desync state) or pick the master" save_reload_state=$(save_reload_check "${reload_check_file}") search_for_desynced_readers "${reload_check_file}" # Something changed if restore_reload_check "${reload_check_file}" $save_reload_state; then number_readers_online=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_READER_ID) AND status = 'ONLINE' AND comment <> 'SLAVEREAD'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get node count (query failed). Exiting." fi fi # Check to see if we need to enable the slaves as readers/writers if [[ $HAVE_SLAVEREADERS -eq 1 ]]; then save_reload_state=$(save_reload_check "${reload_check_file}") log $LINENO "###### ASYNC-SLAVE ACTIVITY ######" # If use-slave-as-writer is set, then we do not allow slaves to # be added, however we still call the remove slave writers # in case the option was just changed. if [[ $SLAVE_IS_WRITER == "yes" && $number_readers_online -eq 0 && $number_writers_online -eq 0 ]]; then # No cluster nodes active, add a slave to the writer hostgroup debug $LINENO "Nothing in the cluster, checking slavereaders" add_slave_to_write_hostgroup "${reload_check_file}" elif [[ $HAVE_SLAVEWRITERS -eq 1 ]]; then # Active cluster nodes discovered, remove all write nodes debug $LINENO "Found a cluster, removing slavereaders (acting as writers)" remove_slave_from_write_hostgroup "${reload_check_file}" fi local query_result local -i num_slave_writers=0 local -i num_slave_readers=0 query_result=$(proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "SELECT hostgroup_id FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id IN ($HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID, $HOSTGROUP_READER_ID, $HOSTGROUP_SLAVEREADER_ID) AND comment = 'SLAVEREAD' AND status = 'ONLINE'") check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not get the list of slave nodes (query failed). Exiting." while read line; do if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue fi if [[ $line = "$HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID" ]]; then num_slave_writers+=1 elif [[ $line = "$HOSTGROUP_READER_ID" ]]; then num_slave_readers+=1 fi done< <(printf "$query_result\n") log "" "--> Number of slave writers that are 'ONLINE': ${num_slave_writers} : hostgroup: ${HOSTGROUP_WRITER_ID}" [[ ${HOSTGROUP_READER_ID} -ne -1 ]] && log "" "--> Number of slave readers that are 'ONLINE': ${num_slave_readers} : hostgroup: ${HOSTGROUP_READER_ID}" restore_reload_check "${reload_check_file}" $save_reload_state fi if [[ $(cat ${reload_check_file}) -ne 0 ]] ; then log "" "###### Loading mysql_servers config into runtime ######" proxysql_exec $LINENO -Ns "LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME;" 2>>${ERR_FILE} check_cmd_and_exit $LINENO $? "Could not update the mysql_servers table in ProxySQL. Exiting." else log "" "###### Not loading mysql_servers, no change needed ######" fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Step 4 : Begin script execution # # # In the initial version, ProxySQL has 5 slots for command-line arguments # and would send them separately (each enclosed in double quotes, # such as "arg1" "arg2" etc..). # # We now configure all parameters in the arg1 field (since we need more # than 5 arguments). This means that we now receive all the arguments # in one parameter "arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5" # # This means that anytime this script is called with > 1 argument, we # assume that the old method is in use and we need to upgrade the script # to the new method (in upgrade_scheduler). # if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then # Below set will reshuffle parameters. # example arg1=" --one=1 --two=2" will result in: # $1 = --one=1 # $2 = --two=2 # # The eval is needed here to preserve whitespace in the arguments eval set -- $1 else # Parse the arguments declare param value # We don't need all the options here, just the log/debug options while [[ $# -gt 0 && "$1" != "" ]]; do param=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $1}'` value=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $2}'` # Assume that all options start with a '-' # otherwise treat as a positional parameter if [[ ! $param =~ ^- ]]; then continue fi case $param in -h | --help) usage exit 0 ;; --debug) DEBUG=1 ;; -v | --version) echo "proxysql_galera_checker version $PROXYSQL_ADMIN_VERSION" exit 0 ;; --log) if [[ -n $value ]]; then ERR_FILE=$value fi ;; esac shift done echo "Old config detected...trying to upgrade More than one parameter" if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then # For now if [[ -z $ERR_FILE && -t 1 ]]; then ERR_FILE=/dev/stderr fi fi upgrade_scheduler exit 1 fi trap cleanup_handler EXIT parse_args "$@" main exit 0