# Configuration for Nextcloud-Backup-Restore scripts # TODO: The main backup directory backupMainDir='/backup/nextcloud' # TODO: Use compression for file/data dir # When this is the only script for backups, it is recommend to enable compression. # If the output of this script is used in another (compressing) backup (e.g. borg backup), # you should probably disable compression here and only enable compression of your main backup script. useCompression=true # TOOD: The bare tar command for using compression while backup. # Use 'tar -cpzf' if you want to use gzip compression. compressionCommand='tar -I pigz -cpf' # TOOD: The bare tar command for using compression while restoring. # Use 'tar -xmpzf' if you want to use gzip compression. extractCommand='tar -I pigz -xmpf' # TODO: File names for backup files fileNameBackupFileDir='nextcloud-filedir.tar.gz' fileNameBackupDataDir='nextcloud-datadir.tar.gz' fileNameBackupExternalDataDir='' fileNameBackupDb='nextcloud-db.sql' # TODO: The directory of your Nextcloud installation (this is a directory under your web root) nextcloudFileDir='/var/www/html/nextcloud' # TODO: The directory of your Nextcloud data directory (outside the Nextcloud file directory) # If your data directory is located under Nextcloud's file directory (somewhere in the web root), # the data directory should not be a separate part of the backup nextcloudDataDir='/srv/data' # TODO: The directory of your Nextcloud's local external storage. # Uncomment if you use local external storage. #nextcloudLocalExternalDataDir='/var/nextcloud_external_data' # TODO: The service name of the web server. Used to start/stop web server (e.g. 'systemctl start ') webserverServiceName='httpd' # TODO: Your web server user webserverUser='apache' # TODO: The name of the database system (one of: mysql, mariadb, postgresql) databaseSystem='mysql' # TODO: Your Nextcloud database name nextcloudDatabase='nextcloudb' # TODO: Your Nextcloud database user dbUser='nextcloudb' # TODO: The password of the Nextcloud database user dbPassword='secret' # TODO: The maximum number of backups to keep (when set to 0, all backups are kept) maxNrOfBackups=10 # TODO: Setting to include/exclude the backup directory of the Nextcloud updater # Set to true in order to include the backups of the Nextcloud updater includeUpdaterBackups=false