@@ -0,0 +1,2765 @@
+# This tool is "fat-packed": most of its dependent modules are embedded
+# in this file.
+# https://github.com/Tusamarco/proxy_sql_tools/blob/master/galera_check.pl
+# ProxySQL galera check v1
+# Author Marco Tusa
+# Copyright (C) (2016 - 2020)
+#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+#Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar
+#systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+#this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+#Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+package galera_check ;
+use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
+my $Param = {};
+my $user = "admin";
+my $pass = "admin";
+my $help = '';
+my $host = '' ;
+my $debug = 0 ;
+my %hostgroups;
+my $mysql_connect_timeout=6;
+my %processState;
+my %processCommand;
+my @HGIds;
+#Local functions
+sub URLDecode {
+ my $theURL = $_[0];
+ $theURL =~ tr/+/ /;
+ $theURL =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2,2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
+ $theURL =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
+ return $theURL;
+sub URLEncode {
+ my $theURL = $_[0];
+ $theURL =~ s/([\W])/"%" . uc(sprintf("%2.2x",ord($1)))/eg;
+ return $theURL;
+# return a proxy object
+sub get_proxy($$$$){
+ my $dns = shift;
+ my $user = shift;
+ my $pass = shift;
+ my $debug = shift;
+ my $proxynode = ProxySqlNode->new();
+ $proxynode->dns($dns);
+ $proxynode->user($user);
+ $proxynode->password($pass);
+ $proxynode->debug($debug);
+ return $proxynode;
+ sub main{
+ # ============================================================================
+ # ============================================================================
+ if($#ARGV < 0){
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 2) ;
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if($#ARGV < 3){
+ #given a ProxySQL scheduler
+ #limitation we will pass the whole set of params as one
+ # and will split after
+ @ARGV = split('\ ',$ARGV[0]);
+ }
+ $Param->{user} = '';
+ $Param->{log} = undef ;
+ $Param->{password} = '';
+ $Param->{host} = '';
+ $Param->{port} = 3306;
+ $Param->{debug} = 0;
+ $Param->{processlist} = 0;
+ $Param->{OS} = $^O;
+ $Param->{main_segment} = 1;
+ $Param->{retry_up} = 0;
+ $Param->{retry_down} = 0;
+ $Param->{print_execution} = 1;
+ $Param->{development} = 0;
+ $Param->{development_time} = 2;
+ $Param->{active_failover} = 0;
+ $Param->{single_writer} = 1;
+ $Param->{writer_is_reader} = 1;
+ $Param->{check_timeout} = 800;
+ $Param->{ssl_certs_path} = undef;
+ my $run_pid_dir = "/tmp" ;
+ #if (
+ GetOptions(
+ 'user|u:s' => \$Param->{user},
+ 'password|p:s' => \$Param->{password},
+ 'host|h:s' => \$host,
+ 'port|P:i' => \$Param->{port},
+ 'debug|d:i' => \$Param->{debug},
+ 'log:s' => \$Param->{log},
+ 'hostgroups|H:s'=> \$Param->{hostgroups},
+ 'main_segment|S:s'=> \$Param->{main_segment},
+ 'retry_up:i' => \$Param->{retry_up},
+ 'retry_down:i' => \$Param->{retry_down},
+ 'execution_time:i' => \$Param->{print_execution},
+ 'development:i' => \$Param->{development},
+ 'development_time:i' => \$Param->{development_time},
+ 'single_writer:i' => \$Param->{single_writer},
+ 'writer_is_also_reader:i' => \$Param->{writer_is_reader},
+ 'active_failover:i' => \$Param->{active_failover},
+ 'check_timeout:i' => \$Param->{check_timeout},
+ 'ssl_certs_path:s' => \$Param->{ssl_certs_path},
+ 'help|?' => \$Param->{help}
+ ) or pod2usage(2);
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $Param->{help};
+ die print Utils->print_log(1,"Option --hostgroups not specified.\n") unless defined($Param->{hostgroups});
+ die print Utils->print_log(1,"Option --host not specified.\n") unless defined $Param->{host};
+ die print Utils->print_log(1,"Option --user not specified.\n") unless defined $Param->{user};
+ die print Utils->print_log(1,"Option --port not specified.\n") unless defined $Param->{port};
+ die print Utils->print_log(1,"Option --active_failover has an invalid value ($Param->{active_failover}).\n"
+ ."Valid values are:\n"
+ ." 0 [default] do not make failover\n"
+ ." 1 make failover only if HG 8000 is specified in ProxySQL mysl_servers\n"
+ ." 2 use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW to identify a server in the same segment\n"
+ ." 3 do whatever to keep service up also failover to another segment (use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW) ") unless $Param->{active_failover} < 4;
+ #die "Option --log not specified. We need a place to log what is going on, don't we?\n" unless defined $Param->{log};
+ print Utils->print_log(2,"Option --log not specified. We need a place to log what is going on, don't we?\n") unless defined $Param->{log};
+ if($Param->{debug}){
+ Utils::debugEnv();
+ }
+ $Param->{host} = URLDecode($host);
+ my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$Param->{host};port=$Param->{port}";
+ if(defined $Param->{user}){
+ $user = "$Param->{user}";
+ }
+ if(defined $Param->{password}){
+ $pass = "$Param->{password}";
+ }
+ my $hg =$Param->{hostgroups};
+ $hg =~ s/[\:,\,]/_/g;
+ my $base_path = "${run_pid_dir}/proxysql_galera_check_${hg}.pid";
+ #============================================================================
+ # Execution
+ #============================================================================
+ if(defined $Param->{log}){
+ open(FH, '>>', $Param->{log}."_".$hg.".log") or die Utils->print_log(1,"cannot open file");
+ FH->autoflush if $Param->{development} < 2;
+ select FH;
+ }
+ #checks for ssl cert path and identify if accessible.
+ #If defined and not accessible exit with an error
+ if(defined $Param->{ssl_certs_path}){
+ my $ssl_path = $Param->{ssl_certs_path};
+ if (-d $ssl_path) {
+ # directory called cgi-bin exists
+ if(-e $ssl_path."/client-key.pem"
+ && -e $ssl_path."/client-cert.pem"
+ && -e $ssl_path."/ca.pem"){
+ print Utils->print_log(4," SSL Directory exists and all the files are there $ssl_path")
+ }
+ else{
+ print Utils->print_log(1,"SSL Path (ssl_certs_path) declared and accessible [$ssl_path]. But certification files must have specific names:\n \t\t client-key.pem \n \t\t client-cert.pem \n \t\t ca.pem \n");
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ # ssl path declared but not exists, exit with error
+ print Utils->print_log(1,"SSL Path (ssl_certs_path) declared but not existing \n \t\t $ssl_path \n \t\t Please create directory and assign the right to access it to the ProxySQL user \n");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if($Param->{development} < 2){
+ if(!-e $base_path){
+ `echo "$$" > $base_path`
+ }
+ else{
+ my $existing_pid=`cat $base_path`;
+ my $exists = kill 0, $existing_pid;
+ if($exists > 0){
+ print STDOUT "Another process is running using the same HostGroup and settings,\n Or orphan pid file. check in $base_path \n";
+ print Utils->print_log(1,"Another process is running using the same HostGroup and settings,\n Or orphan pid file. check in $base_path \n");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ `echo "$$" > $base_path`;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # for test only purpose comment for prod
+ my $xx =1;
+ my $y =0;
+ $xx=2000000000 if($Param->{development} > 0);
+ while($y < $xx){
+ ++$y ;
+ my $start = gettimeofday();
+ if($Param->{debug} >= 1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3,"START EXECUTION\n");
+ }
+ my $proxy_sql_node = get_proxy($dsn, $user, $pass ,$Param->{debug}) ;
+ $proxy_sql_node->retry_up($Param->{retry_up});
+ $proxy_sql_node->retry_down($Param->{retry_down});
+ $proxy_sql_node->hostgroups($Param->{hostgroups}) ;
+ $proxy_sql_node->require_failover($Param->{active_failover});
+ $proxy_sql_node->check_timeout($Param->{check_timeout});
+ $proxy_sql_node->connect();
+ # create basic galera cluster object and fill info
+ $proxy_sql_node->set_galera_cluster();
+ my $galera_cluster = $proxy_sql_node->get_galera_cluster();
+ if( defined $galera_cluster){
+ $galera_cluster->main_segment($Param->{main_segment});
+ $galera_cluster->cluster_identifier($hg);
+ $galera_cluster->get_nodes();
+ }
+ # Retrive the nodes state
+ if(defined $galera_cluster->nodes){
+ $galera_cluster->process_nodes();
+ }
+ #Analyze nodes state from ProxySQL prospective;
+ if(defined $galera_cluster->nodes){
+ my %action_node = $proxy_sql_node->evaluate_nodes($galera_cluster);
+ }
+ if(defined $proxy_sql_node->action_nodes){
+ $proxy_sql_node->push_changes;
+ }
+ my $end = gettimeofday();
+ print Utils->print_log(3,"END EXECUTION Total Time(ms):".($end - $start) * 1000 ."\n") if $Param->{print_execution} >0;
+ if($Param->{debug} >= 1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3,"\n");
+ }
+ FH->flush();
+ $proxy_sql_node->disconnect();
+ #debug braket
+ sleep $Param->{development_time} if($Param->{development} > 0);
+ }
+ if(defined $Param->{log}){
+ close FH; # in the end
+ }
+ `rm -f $base_path`;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+# ############################################################################
+# Run the program.
+# ############################################################################
+ exit main(@ARGV);
+ package Galeracluster;
+ use threads;
+ use threads::shared;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday usleep);
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $SQL_get_mysql_servers=" SELECT a.* FROM runtime_mysql_servers a join stats_mysql_connection_pool b on a.hostname=b.srv_host and a.port=b.srv_port and a.hostgroup_id=b.hostgroup WHERE b.status not in ('OFFLINE_HARD','SHUNNED') ";
+ # Variable section for looping values
+ #Generalize object for now I have conceptualize as:
+ # Cluster (generic container)
+ # Cluster->{name} This is the cluster name
+ # Cluster->{nodes} the nodes in the cluster Map by node name
+ # Cluster->{status} cluster status [Primary|not Primary]
+ # Cluster->{size} cluster status [Primary|not Primary]
+ # Cluster->{singlenode}=0; 0 if false 1 if true meaning only one ACTIVE node in the cluster
+ # Cluster->{haswriter}=0; 0 if false 1 if true at least a node is fully active as writer
+ # Cluster->{singlewriter}=1; 0 if false 1 if true this cluster can have ONLY one writer a time [true default]
+ my $self = {
+ _name => undef,
+ _hosts => {},
+ _status => undef,
+ _size => {},
+ _singlenode => 0,
+ _haswriter => 0,
+ _singlewriter => 1,
+ _main_segment => 0,
+ _SQL_get_mysql_servers => $SQL_get_mysql_servers,
+ _hostgroups => undef,
+ _dbh_proxy => undef,
+ _debug => 0,
+ _monitor_user => undef,
+ _monitor_password => undef,
+ _nodes => {},
+ _nodes_maint => {},
+ _check_timeout => 100, #timeout in ms
+ _cluster_identifier => undef,
+ _hg_writer_id => 0,
+ _hg_reader_id => 0,
+ _ssl_certificates_path => undef,
+ _writer_is_reader => 0,
+ _reader_nodes => [] ,
+ _writer_nodes => [] ,
+ _has_failover_node =>0,
+ _writers =>0,
+ #_hg => undef,
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub ssl_certificates_path{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_ssl_certificates_path} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_ssl_certificates_path};
+ }
+ sub has_failover_node{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_has_failover_node} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_has_failover_node};
+ }
+ sub writer_nodes{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_writer_nodes} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_writer_nodes};
+ }
+ sub reader_nodes{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_reader_nodes} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_reader_nodes};
+ }
+ sub cluster_identifier{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_cluster_identifier} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_cluster_identifier};
+ }
+ sub main_segment{
+ my ( $self, $main_segment ) = @_;
+ $self->{_main_segment} = $main_segment if defined($main_segment);
+ return $self->{_main_segment};
+ }
+ sub check_timeout{
+ my ( $self, $check_timeout ) = @_;
+ $self->{_check_timeout} = $check_timeout if defined($check_timeout);
+ return $self->{_check_timeout};
+ }
+ sub debug{
+ my ( $self, $debug ) = @_;
+ $self->{_debug} = $debug if defined($debug);
+ return $self->{_debug};
+ }
+ sub dbh_proxy{
+ my ( $self, $dbh_proxy ) = @_;
+ $self->{_dbh_proxy} = $dbh_proxy if defined($dbh_proxy);
+ return $self->{_dbh_proxy};
+ }
+ sub name {
+ my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+ $self->{_name} = $name if defined($name);
+ return $self->{_name};
+ }
+ sub nodes {
+ my ( $self, $nodes ) = @_;
+ $self->{_nodes} = $nodes if defined($nodes);
+ return $self->{_nodes};
+ }
+ sub nodes_maint {
+ my ( $self, $nodes ) = @_;
+ $self->{_nodes_maint} = $nodes if defined($nodes);
+ return $self->{_nodes_maint};
+ }
+ sub status {
+ my ( $self, $status ) = @_;
+ $self->{_status} = $status if defined($status);
+ return $self->{_status};
+ }
+ sub size {
+ my ( $self, $size ) = @_;
+ $self->{_size} = $size if defined($size);
+ return $size->{_size};
+ }
+ sub singlenode {
+ my ( $self, $singlenode ) = @_;
+ $self->{_singlenode} = $singlenode if defined($singlenode);
+ return $self->{_singlenode};
+ }
+ sub haswriter {
+ my ( $self, $haswriter ) = @_;
+ $self->{_haswriter} = $haswriter if defined($haswriter);
+ return $self->{_haswriter};
+ }
+ sub singlewriter {
+ my ( $self, $singlewriter ) = @_;
+ $self->{_singlewriter} = $singlewriter if defined($singlewriter);
+ return $self->{_singlewriter};
+ }
+ sub writer_is_reader {
+ my ( $self, $writer_is_reader ) = @_;
+ $self->{_writer_is_reader} = $writer_is_reader if defined($writer_is_reader);
+ return $self->{_writer_is_reader};
+ }
+ sub writers {
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_writers} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_writers};
+ }
+ sub hostgroups {
+ my ( $self, $hostgroups ) = @_;
+ $self->{_hostgroups} = $hostgroups if defined($hostgroups);
+ return $self->{_hostgroups};
+ }
+ sub hg_writer_id {
+ my ( $self, $hostgroups ) = @_;
+ $self->{_hg_writer_id} = $hostgroups if defined($hostgroups);
+ return $self->{_hg_writer_id};
+ }
+ sub hg_reader_id {
+ my ( $self, $hostgroups ) = @_;
+ $self->{_hg_reader_id} = $hostgroups if defined($hostgroups);
+ return $self->{_hg_reader_id};
+ }
+ sub monitor_user{
+ my ( $self, $monitor_user ) = @_;
+ $self->{_monitor_user} = $monitor_user if defined($monitor_user);
+ return $self->{_monitor_user};
+ }
+ sub monitor_password {
+ my ( $self, $monitor_password ) = @_;
+ $self->{_monitor_password} = $monitor_password if defined($monitor_password);
+ return $self->{_monitor_password};
+ }
+ # this function is used to identify the nodes in the cluster
+ # using the HG as reference
+ sub get_nodes{
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ my $dbh = $self->{_dbh_proxy};
+ my $cmd =$self->{_SQL_get_mysql_servers}." AND hostgroup_id IN (".join(",",sort keys(%{$self->hostgroups})).") order by hostgroup_id, hostname";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+ $sth->execute();
+ my $i = 1;
+ my $locHg = $self->{_hostgroups};
+ my $ssl_certificates = "";
+ #if a ssl certificate path is defined, will create the path for each certificate and add to the dns string
+ if(defined $self->{_ssl_certificates_path}){
+ $ssl_certificates = ";mysql_ssl_client_key=".$self->{_ssl_certificates_path}."/client-key.pem"
+ .";mysql_ssl_client_cert=".$self->{_ssl_certificates_path}."/client-cert.pem"
+ .";mysql_ssl_ca_file=".$self->{_ssl_certificates_path}."/ca.pem"
+ }
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ my $ssl_options="" ;
+ my $node = GaleraNode->new();
+ $node->debug($self->debug);
+ $node->use_ssl($ref->{use_ssl});
+ $node->hostgroups($ref->{hostgroup_id});
+ if($node->{_hostgroups} > 8000
+ && exists $locHg->{$node->{_hostgroups}}){
+ $self->{_has_failover_node} = 1;
+ }
+ $node->ip($ref->{hostname});
+ $node->port($ref->{port});
+ if($node->use_ssl gt 0 ){
+ $ssl_options = ";mysql_ssl=1";
+ if($self->debug){print Utils->print_log(4," Galera cluster node " . $node->ip.":". $node->port.":HG=".$node->hostgroups." Using SSL ($ssl_options)\n" ) }
+ if(defined $self->{_ssl_certificates_path}){
+ $ssl_options = $ssl_options . $ssl_certificates;
+ if($self->debug){print Utils->print_log(4," Certificates also in use ($self->{_ssl_certificates_path})\n")}
+ }
+ }
+ $node->dns("DBI:mysql:host=".$node->ip.";port=".$node->port.";mysql_connect_timeout=$mysql_connect_timeout".$ssl_options);
+ $node->weight($ref->{weight});
+ $node->connections($ref->{max_connections});
+ $node->user($self->{_monitor_user});
+ $node->password($self->{_monitor_password});
+ $node->proxy_status($ref->{status});
+ $node->comment($ref->{comment});
+ $node->set_retry_up_down($self->{_cluster_identifier});
+ $node->gtid_port($ref->{gtid_port});
+ $node->compression($ref->{compression});
+ $node->max_latency($ref->{max_latency_ms});
+ $node->max_replication_lag($ref->{max_replication_lag});
+ $self->{_nodes}->{$i++}=$node;
+ $node->debug($self->debug);
+ if($self->debug){print Utils->print_log(3," Galera cluster node " . $node->ip.":". $node->port.":HG=".$node->hostgroups."\n" ) }
+ }
+ if($self->debug){print Utils->print_log(3," Galera cluster nodes loaded \n") ; }
+ }
+ #Processing the nodes in the cluster and identify which node is active and which is to remove
+ sub process_nodes{
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ my $nodes = $self->{_nodes} ;
+ my $start = gettimeofday();
+ my $run_milliseconds=0;
+ my $init =0;
+ my $irun = 1;
+ my %Threads;
+ my $new_nodes ={} ;
+ my $processed_nodes ={} ;
+ #using multiple threads to connect if a node is present in more than one HG it will have 2 threads
+ while($irun){
+ $irun = 0;
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %{$self->{_nodes}}){
+ if(!exists $Threads{$key}){
+ if($self->debug){print Utils->print_log(3, " Creating new thread to manage server check:".
+ $self->{_nodes}->{$key}->ip.":".
+ $self->{_nodes}->{$key}->port.":HG".$self->{_nodes}->{$key}->hostgroups."\n" ) }
+ $new_nodes->{$key} = $self->{_nodes}->{$key};
+ $new_nodes->{$key}->{_process_status} = -1;
+ $new_nodes->{$key}->{_ssl_certificates_path} = $self->ssl_certificates_path;
+ # debug senza threads comment next line
+ $Threads{$key}=threads->create(sub {return get_node_info($self,$key)});
+ #DEBUG Without threads uncomment from here
+ #next unless $new_nodes->{$key} = get_node_info($self,$key);
+ #evaluate_joined_node($self, $key, $new_nodes, $processed_nodes) ;
+ # to here
+ }
+ }
+ ##DEBUG SENZA THREADS commenta da qui
+ foreach my $thr (sort keys %Threads) {
+ if($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_process_status} eq -100){
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($Threads{$thr}->is_running()) {
+ my $tid = $Threads{$thr}->tid;
+ #print " - Thread $tid running\n";
+ if($run_milliseconds > $self->{_check_timeout} ){
+ if($self->debug >=0){
+ my $timeout = ($run_milliseconds - $self->{_check_timeout});
+ print print Utils->print_log(2,"Check timeout Node ip : $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_ip} , THID " . $tid." (taken: $run_milliseconds max_allowed: $self->{_check_timeout} over for ms: $timeout \n")
+ }
+ $irun = 0 ;
+ }
+ else{
+ $irun = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $Threads{$thr}->is_joinable()) {
+ my $tid = $Threads{$thr}->tid;
+ ( $new_nodes->{$thr} ) = $Threads{$thr}->join;
+ #$processed_nodes =
+ evaluate_joined_node($self, $thr, $new_nodes, $processed_nodes) ;
+ if($self->debug){print Utils->print_log(3," Thread joined : " . $tid."\n" ) }
+ #print " - Results for thread $tid:\n";
+ #print " - Thread $tid has been joined\n";
+ }
+ #print ".";
+ }
+ ## a qui
+ if($self->debug){$run_milliseconds = (gettimeofday() -$start ) *1000};
+ #sleep for a time equal to the half of the timeout to save cpu cicle
+ #usleep(($self->{_check_timeout} * 1000)/2);
+ }
+ $self->{_nodes} = $new_nodes;
+ if($self->debug){$run_milliseconds = (gettimeofday() -$start ) *1000};
+ if($debug>=3){
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %{$new_nodes}){
+ if($new_nodes->{$key}->{_process_status} == 1){
+ print Utils->print_log(4,$new_nodes->{$key}->{_ip}.":".$new_nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups}." Processed \n");
+ }
+ else{
+ print Utils->print_log(4,$new_nodes->{$key}->{_ip}.":".$new_nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups}." NOT Processed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($self->debug){print Utils->print_log(3," Multi Thread execution done in : " . $run_milliseconds. "(ms) \n" )}
+ }
+ sub evaluate_joined_node($$$$){
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $thr = shift;
+ my $new_nodes = shift;
+ my $processed_nodes = shift;
+ #count the number of nodes by segment
+ if($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} ne "OFFLINE_SOFT"
+ && $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} ne "SHUNNED"
+ && ($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_process_status} < 0 ||
+ !exists $processed_nodes->{$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_ip}})
+ && defined $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_wsrep_segment}
+ ){
+ $self->{_size}->{$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_wsrep_segment}} = (($self->{_size}->{$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_wsrep_segment}}|| 0) +1);
+ $processed_nodes->{$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_ip}}=$self->{_size}->{$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_wsrep_segment}};
+ }
+ #assign size to HG
+ if($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} ne "OFFLINE_SOFT"
+ && defined $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_wsrep_segment}
+ ){
+ $self->{_hostgroups}->{$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups}}->{_size} = ($self->{_hostgroups}->{$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups}}->{_size}) + 1;
+ }
+ #checks for ONLINE writer(s)
+ if(defined $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_read_only}
+ && $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_read_only} eq "OFF"
+ && ($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} eq "ONLINE" || $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} eq "OFFLINE_SOFT")
+ && ($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups} == $self->hg_writer_id || $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups} == ($self->hg_writer_id +9000))
+ ){
+ if($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups} == $self->hg_writer_id
+ && $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} eq "ONLINE"
+ ){
+ $self->{_haswriter} = 1 ;
+ $self->{_writers} = $self->{_writers} +1;
+ }
+ push (@{$self->{_writer_nodes}}, "$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_ip}:$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_port}");
+ }
+ elsif(($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} eq "ONLINE" || $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} eq "OFFLINE_SOFT")
+ && ($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups} == $self->hg_reader_id || $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups} == ($self->hg_reader_id +9000))
+ ){
+ push (@{$self->{_reader_nodes}}, "$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_ip}:$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_port}");
+ }
+ else{
+ if($self->debug
+ && $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups} == $self->hg_writer_id){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Not a writer :" .$new_nodes->{$thr}->{_ip} . " HG: $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_hostgroups} \n" )
+ }
+ }
+ # check if under maintenance
+ if($new_nodes->{$thr}->{_proxy_status} eq "OFFLINE_SOFT"
+ && $new_nodes->{$thr}->{_pxc_maint_mode} eq "MAINTENANCE"){
+ $self->{_nodes_maint}->{$thr} = $new_nodes->{$thr};
+ }
+ #return $processed_nodes;
+ }
+ sub get_node_info($$){
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $nodes =shift;
+ my ( $node ) = $self->{_nodes}->{$key};
+ if(!defined $node->get_node_info()){
+ $node->{_process_status}=-100;
+ }
+ return $node;
+ }
+ package GaleraNode;
+ #Node Proxy States
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $SQL_get_variables="SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'wsrep%";
+ my $SQL_get_status="SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'wsrep%";
+ my $SQL_get_read_only="SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'read_only'";
+ # Variable section for looping values
+ #Generalize object for now I have conceptualize as:
+ # Node (generic container)
+ # Node->{name} This is the cluster name
+ # Node->{IP}
+ # Node->{hostgroups}
+ # Node->{clustername} This is the cluster name
+ # Node->{read_only} Read only node
+ # Node->{wsrep_status} node status (OPEN 0,Primary 1,Joiner 2,Joined 3,Synced 4,Donor 5)
+ # Node->{wsrep_rejectqueries} (NON, ALL,ALL_KILL)
+ # Node->{wsrep_donorrejectqueries} If true the node when donor
+ # Node->{wsrep_connected}=0; if false 1 if true meaning only one ACTIVE node in the cluster
+ # Node->{wsrep_desinccount}=0; 0 if false 1 if true at least a node is fully active as writer
+ # Node->{wsrep_ready} ON -OFF
+ my $self = {
+ _name => undef,
+ _ip => undef,
+ _port => 3306,
+ _hostgroups => undef,
+ _clustername => undef,
+ _read_only => undef,
+ _wsrep_status => -1,
+ _wsrep_rejectqueries => undef,
+ _wsrep_donorrejectqueries => undef,
+ _wsrep_connected => undef,
+ _wsrep_desinccount => undef,
+ _wsrep_ready => undef,
+ _wsrep_provider => [],
+ _wsrep_segment => 1000,
+ _wsrep_pc_weight => 1,
+ _SQL_get_variables => $SQL_get_variables,
+ _SQL_get_status=> $SQL_get_status,
+ _SQL_get_read_only=> $SQL_get_read_only,
+ _dns => undef,
+ _user => undef,
+ _password => undef,
+ _debug => 0,
+ _port => undef,
+ _proxy_status => undef,
+ _weight => 1,
+ _connections => 2000,
+ _cluster_status => undef,
+ _cluster_size => 0,
+ _process_status => -1,
+ _MOVE_UP_OFFLINE => 1000, #move a node from OFFLINE_SOFT
+ _MOVE_UP_HG_CHANGE => 1010, #move a node from HG 9000 (plus hg id) to reader HG
+ _MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE => 3001, #move a node from original HG to maintenance HG (HG 9000 (plus hg id) ) kill all existing connections
+ _MOVE_DOWN_OFFLINE => 3010 , # move node to OFFLINE_soft keep existing connections, no new connections.
+ _MOVE_TO_MAINTENANCE => 3020 , # move node to OFFLINE_soft keep existing connections, no new connections because maintenance.
+ _MOVE_OUT_MAINTENANCE => 3030 , # move node to OFFLINE_soft keep existing connections, no new connections because maintenance.
+ _INSERT_READ => 4010, # Insert a node in the reader host group
+ _INSERT_WRITE => 4020, # Insert a node in the writer host group
+ _DELETE_NODE => 5000, # this remove the node from the hostgroup
+ _SAVE_RETRY => 9999, # this reset the retry counter in the comment
+ #_MOVE_SWAP_READER_TO_WRITER => 5001, #Future use
+ #_MOVE_SWAP_WRITER_TO_READER => 5010, #Future use
+ _retry_down_saved => 0, # number of retry on a node before declaring it as failed.
+ _retry_up_saved => 0, # number of retry on a node before declaring it OK.
+ _comment => undef,
+ _gtid_port => 0,
+ _compression => 0,
+ _use_ssl => 0,
+ _ssl_certificates_path => undef,
+ _max_latency => 0,
+ _max_replication_lag => 0,
+ _wsrep_gcomm_uuid => undef,
+ _wsrep_local_index => 0,
+ _pxc_maint_mode => undef,
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub ssl_certificates_path{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_ssl_certificates_path} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_ssl_certificates_path};
+ }
+ sub max_replication_lag{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_max_replication_lag} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_max_replication_lag};
+ }
+ sub max_latency{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_max_latency} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_max_latency};
+ }
+ sub use_ssl{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_use_ssl} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_use_ssl};
+ }
+ sub compression{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_compression} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_compression};
+ }
+ sub gtid_port{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_gtid_port} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_gtid_port};
+ }
+ sub pxc_maint_mode{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_pxc_maint_mode} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_pxc_maint_mode};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_local_index{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_local_index} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_local_index};
+ }
+ sub comment{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_comment} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_comment};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_gcomm_uuid{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_gcomm_uuid} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_gcomm_uuid};
+ }
+ sub retry_down_saved{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_retry_down_saved} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_retry_down_saved};
+ }
+ sub retry_up_saved{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_retry_up_saved} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_retry_up_saved};
+ }
+ sub process_status {
+ my ( $self, $process_status ) = @_;
+ $self->{_process_status} = $process_status if defined($process_status);
+ return $self->{_process_status};
+ }
+ sub debug{
+ my ( $self, $debug ) = @_;
+ $self->{_debug} = $debug if defined($debug);
+ return $self->{_debug};
+ }
+ sub SAVE_RETRY {
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_SAVE_RETRY};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_MOVE_UP_OFFLINE};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_MOVE_UP_HG_CHANGE};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_MOVE_DOWN_OFFLINE};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_MOVE_TO_MAINTENANCE};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_MOVE_OUT_MAINTENANCE};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_DELETE_NODE};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_INSERT_READ};
+ }
+ my ( $self) = @_;
+ return $self->{_INSERT_WRITE};
+ }
+ sub cluster_status {
+ my ( $self, $status ) = @_;
+ $self->{_cluster_status} = $status if defined($status);
+ return $self->{_cluster_status};
+ }
+ sub cluster_size {
+ my ( $self, $size ) = @_;
+ $self->{_cluster_size} = $size if defined($size);
+ return $size->{_cluster_size};
+ }
+ sub weight {
+ my ( $self, $weight ) = @_;
+ $self->{_weight} = $weight if defined($weight);
+ return $self->{_weight};
+ }
+ sub connections {
+ my ( $self, $connections ) = @_;
+ $self->{_connections} = $connections if defined($connections);
+ return $self->{_connections};
+ }
+ sub proxy_status {
+ my ( $self, $status ) = @_;
+ $self->{_proxy_status} = $status if defined($status);
+ return $self->{_proxy_status};
+ }
+ sub dns {
+ my ( $self, $dns ) = @_;
+ $self->{_dns} = $dns if defined($dns);
+ return $self->{_dns};
+ }
+ sub user{
+ my ( $self, $user ) = @_;
+ $self->{_user} = $user if defined($user);
+ return $self->{_user};
+ }
+ sub password {
+ my ( $self, $password ) = @_;
+ $self->{_password} = $password if defined($password);
+ return $self->{_password};
+ }
+ sub name {
+ my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
+ $self->{_name} = $name if defined($name);
+ return $self->{_name};
+ }
+ sub ip {
+ my ( $self, $ip ) = @_;
+ $self->{_ip} = $ip if defined($ip);
+ return $self->{_ip};
+ }
+ sub port {
+ my ( $self, $port ) = @_;
+ $self->{_port} = $port if defined($port);
+ return $self->{_port};
+ }
+ sub hostgroups {
+ my ( $self, $hostgroups ) = @_;
+ $self->{_hostgroups} = $hostgroups if defined($hostgroups);
+ return $self->{_hostgroups};
+ }
+ sub clustername {
+ my ( $self, $clustername ) = @_;
+ $self->{_clustername} = $clustername if defined($clustername);
+ return $self->{_clustername};
+ }
+ sub read_only {
+ my ( $self, $read_only ) = @_;
+ $self->{_read_only} = $read_only if defined($read_only);
+ return $self->{_read_only};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_status {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_status ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_status} = $wsrep_status if defined($wsrep_status);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_status};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_rejectqueries {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_rejectqueries ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_rejectqueries} = $wsrep_rejectqueries if defined($wsrep_rejectqueries);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_rejectqueries};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_donorrejectqueries {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_donorrejectqueries ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_donorrejectqueries} = $wsrep_donorrejectqueries if defined($wsrep_donorrejectqueries);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_donorrejectqueries};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_connected {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_connected ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_connected} = $wsrep_connected if defined($wsrep_connected);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_connected};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_desinccount {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_desinccount ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_desinccount} = $wsrep_desinccount if defined($wsrep_desinccount);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_desinccount};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_ready {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_ready ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_ready} = $wsrep_ready if defined($wsrep_ready);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_ready};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_segment {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_segment ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_segment} = $wsrep_segment if defined($wsrep_segment);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_segment};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_pc_weight {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_pc_weight ) = @_;
+ $self->{_wsrep_pc_weight} = $wsrep_pc_weight if defined($wsrep_pc_weight);
+ return $self->{_wsrep_pc_weight};
+ }
+ sub wsrep_provider {
+ my ( $self, $wsrep_provider ) = @_;
+ my ( @array)= @{$wsrep_provider} ;
+ my %provider_map ;
+ foreach my $item (@array){
+ my @items = split('\=', $item);
+ $provider_map{Utils::trim($items[0])}=$items[1];
+ }
+ ($self->{_wsrep_provider}) = {%provider_map} ;
+ $self->wsrep_segment($provider_map{"gmcast.segment"});
+ $self->wsrep_pc_weight($provider_map{"pc.weight"});
+ return $self->{_wsrep_provider};
+ }
+ sub get_node_info($$){
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ if($self->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(4," Node check START "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}
+ ."\n" );
+ }
+ if($self->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(4," Getting connection START "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}." \n" );
+ }
+ my $dbh = Utils::get_connection($self->{_dns},$self->{_user},$self->{_password},' ');
+ if(!defined $dbh){
+ print Utils->print_log(1," Node is not responding setting it as SHUNNED (internally) (ProxySQL bug - #2658)"
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}." \n" );
+ $self->{_proxy_status} = "SHUNNED";
+ return $self ;
+ }
+ if($self->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(4," Getting connection END "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}." \n" );
+ }
+ if($self->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(4," Getting NODE info START "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}." \n" );
+ }
+ my $variables = Utils::get_variables($dbh,0);
+ my $status = Utils::get_status_by_name($dbh,0,"wsrep_%");
+ my $pxc_view = Utils::get_pxc_clusterview($dbh, $status->{wsrep_gcomm_uuid} );
+ if($self->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(4," Getting NODE info END "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}." \n" );
+ }
+ $self->{_name} = $variables->{wsrep_node_name};
+ $self->{_clustername} = $variables->{wsrep_cluster_name};
+ $self->{_read_only} = $variables->{read_only};
+ $self->{_wsrep_rejectqueries} = $variables->{wsrep_reject_queries};
+ #print "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA $self->{_ip} $self->{_wsrep_rejectqueries} \n";
+ $self->{_wsrep_donorrejectqueries} = $variables->{wsrep_sst_donor_rejects_queries};
+ my ( @provider ) = split('\;', $variables->{wsrep_provider_options});
+ $self->{_pxc_maint_mode} = $variables->{pxc_maint_mode};
+ $self->wsrep_provider( [ @provider]) ;
+ $self->{_wsrep_status} = $status->{wsrep_local_state};
+ $self->{_wsrep_connected} = $status->{wsrep_connected};
+ $self->{_wsrep_desinccount} = $status->{wsrep_desync_count};
+ $self->{_wsrep_ready} = $status->{wsrep_ready};
+ $self->{_cluster_status} = $status->{wsrep_cluster_status};
+ $self->{_cluster_size} = $status->{wsrep_cluster_size};
+ $self->{_wsrep_gcomm_uuid} = $status->{wsrep_gcomm_uuid};
+ $self->{wsrep_segment} = ($self->{_wsrep_provider}->{"gmcast.segment"} );
+ $self->{wsrep_segment} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $self->{_wsrep_local_index} = $pxc_view->{local_index};
+ if($self->{wsrep_segment} == 0){
+ $self->{_wsrep_segment} = $pxc_view->{segment};
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect if (defined $dbh);
+ #sleep 5;
+ $self->{_process_status} = 1;
+ if($self->debug>=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(4," Node check END "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}
+ ."\n" );}
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub set_retry_up_down(){
+ my ( $self, $hg ) = @_;
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(4,"Calculate retry from comment Node:".$self->ip." port:".$self->port . " hg:".$self->hostgroups ." Time IN \n");}
+ my %comments = split /[;=]/, $self->{_comment};
+ if(exists $comments{$hg."_retry_up"}){
+ $self->{_retry_up_saved} = $comments{$hg."_retry_up"};
+ }
+ else{
+ $self->{_retry_up_saved} = 0;
+ }
+ if(exists $comments{$hg."_retry_down"}){
+ $self->{_retry_down_saved} = $comments{$hg."_retry_down"};
+ }
+ else{
+ $self->{_retry_down_saved} = 0;
+ }
+ my $removeUp=$hg."_retry_up=".$self->{_retry_up_saved}.";";
+ my $removeDown=$hg."_retry_down=".$self->{_retry_down_saved}.";";
+ $self->{_comment} =~ s/$removeDown//ig ;
+ $self->{_comment} =~ s/$removeUp//ig ;
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(4,"Calculate retry from comment Node:".$self->ip." port:".$self->port . " hg:".$self->hostgroups ." Time OUT \n");}
+ }
+ sub get_retry_up(){
+ my ( $self,$in) = @_;
+ $self->{_retry_up_saved} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_retry_up_saved};
+ }
+ sub get_retry_down(){
+ my ( $self,$in) = @_;
+ $self->{_retry_down_saved} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_retry_down_saved};
+ }
+ sub promote_writer(){
+ my ( $self,$proxynode,$Galera_cluster,$exclude_delete ) = @_;
+ if($self->{_hostgroups} > 8000){
+ print Utils->print_log(3,"Special Backup - Group found! I am electing a node to writer following the indications\n This Node Try to become the new"
+ ." WRITER for HG $proxynode->{_hg_writer_id} Server details: "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}
+ ."\n" );
+ }
+ print Utils->print_log(3,"This Node Try to become a WRITER promoting to HG $proxynode->{_hg_writer_id} "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG ".$self->{_hostgroups}
+ ."\n" );
+ #my $dbh = Utils::get_connection($self->{_dns},$self->{_user},$self->{_password},' ');
+ #if(!defined $dbh){
+ # return undef;
+ #}
+ #(9000 + $proxynode->{_hg_writer_id})
+ my $proxy_sql_command= "INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,max_connections,use_ssl,compression,max_latency_ms) VALUES ('$self->{_ip}',$proxynode->{_hg_writer_id},$self->{_port},$self->{_weight},$self->{_connections},$self->{_use_ssl},$self->{_compression},$self->{_max_latency});";
+ if($Galera_cluster->{_singlewriter} > 0){
+ my $delete = "DELETE from mysql_servers where hostgroup_id in ($proxynode->{_hg_writer_id},".(9000 + $proxynode->{_hg_writer_id}).") AND STATUS = 'ONLINE'".$exclude_delete;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," DELETE from writer group as: "
+ ." SQL:" .$delete
+ ."\n" );
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($delete) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ }
+ #if the writer is NOT a reader by default remove it from reader groups also the
+ if($Galera_cluster->{_writer_is_reader} < 1 ){
+ my $delete = "DELETE from mysql_servers where hostgroup_id in ($proxynode->{_hg_reader_id},".(9000 + $proxynode->{_hg_reader_id}).") and hostname = '$self->{_ip}' and port=$self->{_port} ";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($delete) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ }
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("SAVE MYSQL SERVERS TO DISK") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:"
+ .$self->{_ip}.":"
+ .$self->{_port}
+ .$self->{_weight}
+ .$self->{_connections}
+ .$proxynode->{hg_writer_id}
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub move_to_writer_hg(){
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ print Utils->print_log(3,"This Node Try to become a WRITER set READ_ONLY to 0 "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}
+ ."\n" );
+ my $dbh = Utils::get_connection($self->{_dns},$self->{_user},$self->{_password},' ');
+ if(!defined $dbh){
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if($dbh->do("SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY=0")){
+ print Utils->print_log(3,"This Node NOW HAS READ_ONLY = 0 "
+ .$self->{_ip}
+ .":".$self->{_port}
+ .":HG".$self->{_hostgroups}
+ ."\n" );
+ }
+ else{
+ die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $dbh->errstr;
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect if (defined $dbh);
+ #or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $dbh->errstr;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ package ProxySqlNode;
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $SQL_get_monitor = "select variable_name name,variable_value value from global_variables where variable_name in( 'mysql-monitor_username','mysql-monitor_password','mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout' ) order by 1";
+ my $SQL_get_hostgroups = "select distinct hostgroup_id hg_isd from runtime_mysql_servers order by 1;";
+ my $SQL_get_rep_hg = "select writer_hostgroup,reader_hostgroup from mysql_replication_hostgroups order by 1;";
+ my $SQL_get_pxc_cluster_view = "select * from performance_schema.pxc_cluster_view order by SEGMENT, LOCAL_INDEX;";
+ # Variable section for looping values
+ #Generalize object for now I have conceptualize as:
+ # Proxy (generic container)
+ # Proxy->{DNS} conenction reference
+ # Proxy->{PID} processes pid (angel and real)
+ # Proxy->{hostgroups}
+ # Proxy->{user} This is the user name
+ # Proxy->{password}
+ # Proxy->{port} node status (OPEN 0,Primary 1,Joiner 2,Joined 3,Synced 4,Donor 5)
+ my $self = {
+ _dns => undef,
+ _pid => undef,
+ _hostgroups => undef,
+ _hg_writer_id => 0,
+ _hg_reader_id => 0,
+ _user => undef,
+ _password => undef,
+ _port => undef,
+ _monitor_user => undef,
+ _monitor_password => undef,
+ _SQL_get_monitor => $SQL_get_monitor,
+ _SQL_get_hg=> $SQL_get_hostgroups,
+ _SQL_get_replication_hg=> $SQL_get_rep_hg,
+ _dbh_proxy => undef,
+ _check_timeout => 800, #timeout in ms
+ _action_nodes => {},
+ _retry_down => 0, # number of retry on a node before declaring it as failed.
+ _retry_up => 0, # number of retry on a node before declaring it OK.
+ _status_changed => 0, #if 1 something had happen and a node had be modify
+ _require_failover => 0, # Valid values are:
+ # 0 [default] do not make failover
+ # 1 make failover only if HG 8000 is specified in ProxySQL mysl_servers
+ # 2 use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW to identify a server in the same segment
+ # 3 do whatever to keep service up also failover to another segment (use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW)
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub require_failover{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_require_failover} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_require_failover};
+ }
+ sub hg_reader_id{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_hg_reader_id} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_hg_reader_id};
+ }
+ sub status_changed{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_status_changed} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_status_changed};
+ }
+ sub retry_down{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_retry_down} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_retry_down};
+ }
+ sub retry_up{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_retry_up} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_retry_up};
+ }
+ sub debug{
+ my ( $self, $debug ) = @_;
+ $self->{_debug} = $debug if defined($debug);
+ return $self->{_debug};
+ }
+ sub action_nodes {
+ my ( $self, $action_nodes ) = @_;
+ $self->{_action_nodes} = $action_nodes if defined($action_nodes);
+ return $self->{_action_nodes};
+ }
+ sub dns {
+ my ( $self, $dns ) = @_;
+ $self->{_dns} = $dns if defined($dns);
+ return $self->{_dns};
+ }
+ sub dbh_proxy{
+ my ( $self, $dbh_proxy ) = @_;
+ $self->{_dbh_proxy} = $dbh_proxy if defined($dbh_proxy);
+ return $self->{_dbh_proxy};
+ }
+ sub pid {
+ my ( $self, $pid ) = @_;
+ $self->{_pid} = $pid if defined($pid);
+ return $self->{_pid};
+ }
+ sub hg_writer_id {
+ my ( $self, $pid ) = @_;
+ $self->{_hg_writer_id} = $pid if defined($pid);
+ return $self->{_hg_writer_id};
+ }
+ sub hostgroups {
+ my ( $self, $hostgroups ) = @_;
+ if (defined $hostgroups){
+ my @HGIds=split('\,', $Param->{hostgroups});
+ foreach my $hg (@HGIds){
+ my $proxy_hg = ProxySqlHG->new();
+ my $proxy_hgM = ProxySqlHG->new();
+ my $proxy_hgB = ProxySqlHG->new();
+ my ($id,$type) = split /:/, $hg;
+ $proxy_hg->id($id);
+ $proxy_hg->type(lc($type));
+ if(lc($type) eq 'w'){
+ $self->hg_writer_id($id);
+ }
+ if(lc($type) eq 'r'){
+ $self->hg_reader_id($id);
+ }
+ $self->{_hostgroups}->{$id}=($proxy_hg);
+ $proxy_hgM->id(($id + 9000));
+ $proxy_hgM->type("m".lc($type));
+ $self->{_hostgroups}->{$proxy_hgM->id(($id + 9000))}=($proxy_hgM);
+ #add a special group in case of back server for failover
+ if(lc($type) eq "w"){
+ $proxy_hgM->id(($id + 8000));
+ $proxy_hgM->type("b".lc($type));
+ $self->{_hostgroups}->{$proxy_hgM->id(($id + 8000))}=($proxy_hgM);
+ }
+ if(lc($type) eq "r"){
+ $proxy_hgM->id(($id + 8000));
+ $proxy_hgM->type("b".lc($type));
+ $self->{_hostgroups}->{$proxy_hgM->id(($id + 8000))}=($proxy_hgM);
+ }
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Inizializing hostgroup " . $proxy_hg->id ." ".$proxy_hg->type . "with maintenance HG ". $proxy_hgM->id ." ".$proxy_hgM->type."\n") ; }
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{_hostgroups};
+ }
+ sub user{
+ my ( $self, $user ) = @_;
+ $self->{_user} = $user if defined($user);
+ return $self->{_user};
+ }
+ sub password {
+ my ( $self, $password ) = @_;
+ $self->{_password} = $password if defined($password);
+ return $self->{_password};
+ }
+ sub monitor_user{
+ my ( $self, $monitor_user ) = @_;
+ $self->{_monitor_user} = $monitor_user if defined($monitor_user);
+ return $self->{_monitor_user};
+ }
+ sub monitor_password {
+ my ( $self, $monitor_password ) = @_;
+ $self->{_monitor_password} = $monitor_password if defined($monitor_password);
+ return $self->{_monitor_password};
+ }
+ sub port {
+ my ( $self, $port ) = @_;
+ $self->{_port} = $port if defined($port);
+ return $self->{_port};
+ }
+ sub check_timeout{
+ my ( $self, $check_timeout ) = @_;
+ $self->{_check_timeout} = $check_timeout if defined($check_timeout);
+ return $self->{_check_timeout};
+ }
+ #Connect method connect an populate the cluster returns the Galera cluster
+ sub connect{
+ my ( $self, $port ) = @_;
+ my $dbh = Utils::get_connection($self->{_dns}, $self->{_user}, $self->{_password},' ');
+ $self->{_dbh_proxy} = $dbh;
+ # get monitor user/pw
+ my $cmd = $self->{_SQL_get_monitor};
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+ $sth->execute();
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ if($ref->{'name'} eq 'mysql-monitor_password' ){$self->{_monitor_password} = $ref->{'value'};}
+ if($ref->{'name'} eq 'mysql-monitor_username' ) {$self->{_monitor_user} = $ref->{'value'};}
+ #This is for now comment out.
+ # this is related to issue #10, where the node is not answering in time to the check.
+ # The timeout cannot be the same of the the ProxySQL read_only check
+ #if($ref->{'name'} eq 'mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout' ) {$self->{_check_timeout} = $ref->{'value'};}
+ }
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Connecting to ProxySQL " . $self->{_dns}. "\n" ); }
+ }
+ sub disconnect{
+ my ( $self, $port ) = @_;
+ $self->{_dbh_proxy}->disconnect;
+ }
+ sub get_galera_cluster{
+ my ( $self, $in ) = @_;
+ $self->{_galera_cluster} = $in if defined($in);
+ return $self->{_galera_cluster};
+ }
+ sub set_galera_cluster(){
+ my ( $self, $port ) = @_;
+ my $galera_cluster = Galeracluster->new();
+ $galera_cluster->hostgroups($self->hostgroups);
+ $galera_cluster->dbh_proxy($self->dbh_proxy);
+ $galera_cluster->check_timeout($self->check_timeout);
+ $galera_cluster->monitor_user($self->monitor_user);
+ $galera_cluster->monitor_password($self->monitor_password);
+ $galera_cluster->debug($self->debug);
+ $galera_cluster->hg_writer_id($self->hg_writer_id);
+ $galera_cluster->hg_reader_id($self->hg_reader_id);
+ $galera_cluster->singlewriter($Param->{single_writer});
+ $galera_cluster->writer_is_reader($Param->{writer_is_reader});
+ $galera_cluster->ssl_certificates_path($Param->{ssl_certs_path});
+ $self->get_galera_cluster($galera_cluster);
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Galera cluster object created " . caller(3). "\n" ); }
+ }
+ sub evaluate_nodes{
+ my ($proxynode,$GGalera_cluster) = @_ ;
+ my ( $nodes ) = $GGalera_cluster->{_nodes};
+ my $action_nodes = undef;
+ #Rules:
+ #see rules in the doc
+ #do the checks
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state \n" ) }
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %{$nodes}){
+ if(defined $nodes->{$key} ){
+ #only if node has HG that is not maintenance it can evaluate to be put down in some way
+ if($nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups} < 8000
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_process_status} > 0){
+ #Check major exclusions
+ # 1) wsrep state
+ # 2) Node is not read only
+ # 3) at least another node in the HG
+ if( $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status == 2
+ && $nodes->{$key}->read_only eq "OFF"
+ #&& $GGalera_cluster->{_main_segment} != $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_segment
+ && $nodes->{$key}->proxy_status ne "OFFLINE_SOFT"
+ ){
+ if($GGalera_cluster->{_hostgroups}->{$nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups}}->{_size} <= 1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Node ".$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups."; Is in state ".$nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status
+ .". But I will not move to OFFLINE_SOFT given last node left in the Host group \n");
+ next;
+ }
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_OFFLINE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down + 1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_OFFLINE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ if( $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status ne 4
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status ne 2){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down + 1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ #3) Node/cluster in non primary
+ if($nodes->{$key}->cluster_status ne "Primary"){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down + 1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ # 4) wsrep_reject_queries=NONE
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_rejectqueries ne "NONE" && $nodes->{$key}->proxy_status ne "OFFLINE_SOFT"){
+ my $inc =0;
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_rejectqueries eq "ALL"){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ $inc=1;
+ }else{
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ $inc=1;
+ }
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0 && $inc > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down + 1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ #5) Donor, node reject queries =1 size of cluster > 2 of nodes in the same segments
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status eq 2
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_donorrejectqueries eq "ON"){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down + 1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ #Set OFFLINE_SOFT a writer:
+ #1) donor node reject queries - 0
+ #2)size of cluster > 2 of nodes in the same segments
+ #3) more then one writer in the same HG
+ #4) Node had pxc_maint_mode set to anything except DISABLED, not matter what it will go in OFFLINE_SOFT
+ if(
+ $nodes->{$key}->read_only eq "ON"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups} == $GGalera_cluster->{_hg_writer_id}
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_donorrejectqueries eq "OFF"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->proxy_status ne "OFFLINE_SOFT"
+ ){
+ ## In case READ_ONLY is OFF and we have only a node left but desync do not put it down
+ #if( $GGalera_cluster->{_size}->{$nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_segment}} == 1
+ # &&$nodes->{$key}->read_only eq "OFF"){
+ # next;
+ #}
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_OFFLINE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down + 1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_DOWN_OFFLINE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ #4) Node had pxc_maint_mode set to anything except DISABLED, not matter what it will go in OFFLINE_SOFT
+ if( defined $nodes->{$key}->pxc_maint_mode
+ && $nodes->{$key}->pxc_maint_mode ne "DISABLED"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->proxy_status ne "OFFLINE_SOFT"){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_TO_MAINTENANCE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down($proxynode->retry_down ); # this is a known state and we do not want any delay set the retry to his max
+ }
+ if(
+ $nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups} == $GGalera_cluster->{_hg_writer_id}
+ && $GGalera_cluster->{_singlewriter} > 0
+ ){
+ $GGalera_cluster->{_haswriter} = $GGalera_cluster->{_haswriter} -1;
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_TO_MAINTENANCE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ # Node must be removed if writer is reader is disable and node is in writer group
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status eq 4
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_rejectqueries eq "NONE"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->read_only eq "OFF"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->cluster_status eq "Primary"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->hostgroups == $proxynode->{_hg_reader_id}
+ && $GGalera_cluster->{_writer_is_reader} < 1
+ && $nodes->{$key}->proxy_status eq "ONLINE"
+ ){
+ #my $nodes_read_ips = join(',', @{$GGalera_cluster->{_reader_nodes}});
+ my $nodes_write_ips = join(',', @{$GGalera_cluster->{_writer_nodes}});
+ my $ip = "$nodes->{$key}->{_ip}:$nodes->{$key}->{_port}";
+ if($nodes_write_ips =~ m/$ip/ ){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_DELETE_NODE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up +1);
+ }
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Writer is also reader disabled removing node from reader Hostgroup "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_DELETE_NODE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up."\n" );
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #Node comes back from offline_soft when (all of them):
+ # 1) Node state is 4
+ # 3) wsrep_reject_queries = none
+ # 4) Primary state
+ # 5) pxc_maint_mode is DISABLED or undef
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status eq 4
+ && $nodes->{$key}->proxy_status eq "OFFLINE_SOFT"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_rejectqueries eq "NONE"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->read_only eq "OFF"
+ &&$nodes->{$key}->cluster_status eq "Primary"
+ &&(!defined $nodes->{$key}->pxc_maint_mode || $nodes->{$key}->pxc_maint_mode eq "DISABLED")
+ && $nodes->{$key}->hostgroups < 8000
+ ){
+ if($GGalera_cluster->haswriter > 0
+ && $GGalera_cluster->singlewriter > 0
+ && $nodes->{$key}->hostgroups == $GGalera_cluster->hg_writer_id
+ ){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_DELETE_NODE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up +1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug <=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3, " Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_DELETE_NODE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ else{
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_UP_OFFLINE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up +1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug <=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3, " Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_UP_OFFLINE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Node comes back from maintenance HG when (all of them):
+ # 1) node state is 4
+ # 3) wsrep_reject_queries = none
+ # 4) Primary state
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status eq 4
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_rejectqueries eq "NONE"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->cluster_status eq "Primary"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->hostgroups >= 9000
+ ){
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_UP_HG_CHANGE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up +1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_UP_HG_CHANGE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ #Special case when a node goes down it goes through several state and the check disable it moving form original group
+ #This is to remove it to his original HG when is not reachable
+ if($nodes->{$key}->{_process_status} < 0
+ && $nodes->{$key}->hostgroups >= 9000
+ ){
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up +1);
+ }
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_UP_HG_CHANGE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_MOVE_UP_HG_CHANGE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up."\n" ) }
+ next;
+ }
+ #Check if any node that is in the read backup host group is not present in the readhostgroup while it should.
+ #If identify it will add to the read HG
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status eq 4
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_rejectqueries eq "NONE"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->cluster_status eq "Primary"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->hostgroups == (8000 + $proxynode->{_hg_reader_id})
+ ){
+ my $nodes_read_ips = join(',', @{$GGalera_cluster->{_reader_nodes}});
+ my $nodes_write_ips = join(',', @{$GGalera_cluster->{_writer_nodes}});
+ my $ip = "$nodes->{$key}->{_ip}:$nodes->{$key}->{_port}";
+ if($nodes_read_ips =~ m/$ip/
+ || ( $nodes_write_ips =~ m/$ip/
+ && $GGalera_cluster->{_writer_is_reader} < 1)){
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Node already ONLINE in read hg "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";\n" ) }
+ }else{
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_INSERT_READ}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up +1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_INSERT_READ}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up."\n" )
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ #Check if any node that is in the write backup host group is not present in the WRITE hostgroup while it should WHEN MULTIPLE WRITERS.
+ #If identify it will add to the read HG
+ if($nodes->{$key}->wsrep_status eq 4
+ && $nodes->{$key}->wsrep_rejectqueries eq "NONE"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->read_only eq "OFF"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->cluster_status eq "Primary"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->hostgroups == (8000 + $proxynode->{_hg_writer_id})
+ && $GGalera_cluster->{_singlewriter} < 1
+ ){
+ #my $nodes_read_ips = join(',', @{$GGalera_cluster->{_reader_nodes}});
+ my $nodes_write_ips = join(',', @{$GGalera_cluster->{_writer_nodes}});
+ my $ip = "$nodes->{$key}->{_ip}:$nodes->{$key}->{_port}";
+ if($nodes_write_ips =~ m/$ip/
+ && $GGalera_cluster->{_single_writer} < 1){
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Node already ONLINE in write hg "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";\n" ) }
+ }else{
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_INSERT_WRITE}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ #if retry is > 0 then it's managed
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up($nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up +1);
+ }
+ if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(3," Evaluate nodes state "
+ .$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_INSERT_WRITE}
+ ." Retry #".$nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up."\n" )
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # in the case node is not in one of the declared state
+ # BUT it has the counter retry set THEN I reset it to 0 whatever it was because
+ # I assume it is ok now
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0
+ && $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_up(0);
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_SAVE_RETRY}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ }
+ if($proxynode->retry_down > 0
+ && $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down > 0){
+ $nodes->{$key}->get_retry_down(0);
+ $action_nodes->{$nodes->{$key}->ip.";".$nodes->{$key}->port.";".$nodes->{$key}->hostgroups.";".$nodes->{$key}->{_SAVE_RETRY}}= $nodes->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $proxynode->action_nodes($action_nodes);
+ #failover has higher priority BUT if it happens before other action will interfere with recovery and move nodes that may prevent the failover to happen
+ # and it will ends the script work (if successful)
+ #if($GGalera_cluster->{_writers} > 1
+ # && $GGalera_cluster->{_singlewriter} > 0)
+ #{
+ # $proxynode->{_require_failover} = 1;
+ #}
+ if($proxynode->require_failover > 0
+ && !defined $action_nodes
+ ){
+ if($GGalera_cluster->haswriter < 1
+ || ( $GGalera_cluster->{_writers} > 1 && $GGalera_cluster->{_singlewriter} > 0)
+ ){
+ print Utils->print_log(2,"Fail-over in action Using Method = $proxynode->{_require_failover}\n" );
+ if($proxynode->initiate_failover($GGalera_cluster) >0){
+ #if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(2,"!!!! FAILOVER !!!!! \n Cluster was without WRITER I have try to restore service promoting a node\n" );
+ #exit 0;
+ #}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($proxynode->require_failover > 0
+ && $GGalera_cluster->haswriter < 1){
+ print Utils->print_log(2,"PXC maintenance on single writer, is asking for failover. Fail-over in action Using Method = $proxynode->{_require_failover}\n" );
+ $proxynode->push_changes;
+ if($proxynode->initiate_failover($GGalera_cluster) >0){
+ #if($proxynode->debug >=1){
+ print Utils->print_log(2,"!!!! FAILOVER !!!!! \n Cluster was without WRITER I have try to restore service promoting a node\n" );
+ #exit 0;
+ #}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub push_changes{
+ my ($proxynode) = @_ ;
+ my $node = GaleraNode->new();
+ my $SQL_command="";
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %{$proxynode->{_action_nodes}}){
+ my ($host, $port, $hg, $action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ if ($action == $node->MOVE_DOWN_OFFLINE) { if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_down >= $proxynode->retry_down){$proxynode->move_node_offline($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})}; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($action == $node->MOVE_DOWN_HG_CHANGE) { if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_down >= $proxynode->retry_down){ $proxynode->move_node_down_hg_change($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})}; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($action == $node->MOVE_UP_OFFLINE) { if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_up >= $proxynode->retry_up){ $proxynode->move_node_up_from_offline($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})}; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($action == $node->MOVE_UP_HG_CHANGE) { if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_up >= $proxynode->retry_up){$proxynode->move_node_up_from_hg_change($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})}; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($action == $node->MOVE_TO_MAINTENANCE) { if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_down >= $proxynode->retry_down){$proxynode->move_node_to_maintenance($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})}; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($action == $node->DELETE_NODE) {
+ if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_up >= $proxynode->retry_up){
+ $proxynode->delete_node_from_hostgroup($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})}; last SWITCH; }
+ if($action == $node->INSERT_READ){if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_up >= $proxynode->retry_up){
+ $proxynode->insert_reader($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})
+ }; last SWITCH;
+ }
+ if($action == $node->INSERT_WRITE){if($proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key}->get_retry_up >= $proxynode->retry_up){
+ $proxynode->insert_writer($key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key})
+ }; last SWITCH;
+ }
+ }
+ if($proxynode->retry_up > 0 || $proxynode->retry_down > 0){
+ save_retry($proxynode,$key,$proxynode->{_action_nodes}->{$key});
+ }
+ }
+ $proxynode->{_action_nodes} = undef;
+ }
+ sub save_retry{
+ #this action will take place only if retry is active
+ my ($self,$key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(4,"Check retry Node:".$host." port:".$port . " hg:".$hg ." Time IN \n");}
+ my $sql_string = "UPDATE mysql_servers SET comment='"
+ .$node->{_comment}
+ .$self->get_galera_cluster->cluster_identifier."_retry_up=".$node->get_retry_up
+ .";".$self->get_galera_cluster->cluster_identifier."_retry_down=".$node->get_retry_down
+ .";' WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $self->{_dbh_proxy}->do($sql_string) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $self->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ $self->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $self->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(2," Reset retry to UP:".$node->get_retry_up." Down:".$node->get_retry_down."for node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$sql_string
+ ."\n")} ;
+ if($self->debug >=1){print Utils->print_log(4,"Check retry Node:".$host." port:".$port . " hg:".$hg ." Time OUT \n");}
+ }
+ sub move_node_offline{
+ #this action involve only the proxy so we will
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ my $proxy_sql_command= " UPDATE mysql_servers SET status='OFFLINE_SOFT' WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n") ;
+ }
+ sub move_node_to_maintenance{
+ #this action involve only the proxy so we will
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ my $proxy_sql_command= " UPDATE mysql_servers SET status='OFFLINE_SOFT' WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n") ;
+ }
+ #remove a node from an hostgroup
+ sub delete_node_from_hostgroup{
+ #this action involve only the proxy so we will
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ my $proxy_sql_command= " DELETE from mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," DELETE node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n") ;
+ }
+ #move a node to a maintenance HG ((9000 + HG id))
+ sub move_node_down_hg_change{
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ if($hg > 9000) {return 1;}
+ my $node_sql_command = "SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY=1;";
+ my $proxy_sql_command =" UPDATE mysql_servers SET hostgroup_id=".(9000 + $hg)." WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n" );
+ }
+ #Bring back a node that is just offline
+ sub move_node_up_from_offline{
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ my $proxy_sql_command= " UPDATE mysql_servers SET status='ONLINE' WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ my $error_code = $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->err();
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n" );
+ }
+ #move a node back to his original HG ((HG id - 9000))
+ sub move_node_up_from_hg_change{
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ #my $node_sql_command = "SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY=1;";
+ my $proxy_sql_command =" UPDATE mysql_servers SET hostgroup_id=".($hg - 9000)." WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or warn "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ my $error_code = $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->err();
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n" ) ;
+ }
+ #move a node back to his original HG ((HG id - 9000))
+ sub add_node_to_readers{
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ my $node_sql_command = "SET GLOBAL READ_ONLY=1;";
+ my $proxy_sql_command =" UPDATE mysql_servers SET hostgroup_id=".($hg - 9000)." WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ my $error_code = $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->err();
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n" ) ;
+ }
+ sub insert_reader{
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ my $proxy_sql_command ="INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostgroup_id, hostname,port,gtid_port,status,weight,compression,max_connections,max_replication_lag,use_ssl,max_latency_ms,comment) ".
+ " VALUES($proxynode->{_hg_reader_id}" .
+ ",'$node->{_ip}'" .
+ ",$node->{_port} " .
+ ",$node->{_gtid_port} " .
+ ",'$node->{_proxy_status}' " .
+ ",$node->{_weight}" .
+ ",$node->{_compression}" .
+ ",$node->{_connections}" .
+ ",$node->{_max_replication_lag}" .
+ ",$node->{_use_ssl}" .
+ ",$node->{_max_latency}" .
+ ",'$node->{_comments}')" ;
+ #my $proxy_sql_command =" UPDATE mysql_servers SET hostgroup_id=".($hg - 9000)." WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or warn "Couldn't execute statement: $proxy_sql_command" . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ my $error_code = $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->err();
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or warn "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n" ) ;
+ }
+ sub insert_writer{
+ my ($proxynode, $key,$node) = @_;
+ my ($host, $port, $hg,$action) = split /s*;\s*/, $key;
+ my $proxy_sql_command ="INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostgroup_id, hostname,port,gtid_port,status,weight,compression,max_connections,max_replication_lag,use_ssl,max_latency_ms,comment) ".
+ " VALUES($proxynode->{_hg_writer_id}" .
+ ",'$node->{_ip}'" .
+ ",$node->{_port} " .
+ ",$node->{_gtid_port} " .
+ ",'$node->{_proxy_status}' " .
+ ",$node->{_weight}" .
+ ",$node->{_compression}" .
+ ",$node->{_connections}" .
+ ",$node->{_max_replication_lag}" .
+ ",$node->{_use_ssl}" .
+ ",$node->{_max_latency}" .
+ ",'$node->{_comments}')" ;
+ #my $proxy_sql_command =" UPDATE mysql_servers SET hostgroup_id=".($hg - 9000)." WHERE hostgroup_id=$hg AND hostname='$host' AND port='$port'";
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do($proxy_sql_command) or warn "Couldn't execute statement: $proxy_sql_command" . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ my $error_code = $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->err();
+ $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->do("LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME") or warn "Couldn't execute statement: " . $proxynode->{_dbh_proxy}->errstr;
+ print Utils->print_log(2," Move node:" .$key
+ ." SQL:" .$proxy_sql_command
+ ."\n" ) ;
+ }
+ sub initiate_failover{
+ my ($proxynode,$Galera_cluster) = @_ ;
+ my ( $nodes ) = $Galera_cluster->{_nodes};
+ my ( $nodes_maint ) = $Galera_cluster->{_nodes_maint};
+ my $failover_node;
+ my $candidate_failover_node;
+ my $min_index = 100;
+ my $max_weight=0;
+ my $cand_min_index = 100;
+ my $cand_max_weight=0;
+ my $local_node;
+ my $hg_writer_id=0;
+ my $exclude_delete="";
+ #Valid values are:
+ # 0 [default] do not make failover
+ # 1 make failover only if HG 8000 is specified in ProxySQL mysl_servers
+ # 2 use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW to identify a server in the same segment
+ # 3 do whatever to keep service up also failover to another segment (use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW)
+ #
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %{$nodes}){
+ if(defined $nodes->{$key} ){
+ #only if node has HG that is not maintenance it can be evaluated to be put down in some way
+ #Look for the node with the lowest weight in the same segment
+ if($nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups} < 9000
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_proxy_status} eq "ONLINE"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_process_status} > 0
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_status} == 4
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_rejectqueries} eq "NONE"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_donorrejectqueries} eq "OFF"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_pxc_maint_mode} eq "DISABLED"
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_read_only} eq "OFF"
+ ){
+ #IN case failover option is 1 we need to have:
+ #The failover group defined in Proxysql (8xxx + id of the HG)
+ #Node must be of HG 8XXXX id
+ #And must be in the same segment of the writer
+ if(
+ $proxynode->{_require_failover} == 1
+ # && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_segment} == $Galera_cluster->{_main_segment}
+ && $Galera_cluster->{_has_failover_node} >0
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_hostgroups} == (8000 + $Galera_cluster->{_hg_writer_id})
+ ){
+ if($nodes->{$key}->{_weight} > $max_weight
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_segment} == $Galera_cluster->{_main_segment}
+ ){
+ $max_weight= $nodes->{$key}->{_weight};
+ #$min_index = $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index};
+ $failover_node = $nodes->{$key};
+ }
+ elsif($nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_segment} != $Galera_cluster->{_main_segment}
+ && !defined $failover_node
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_weight} > $cand_max_weight){
+ $cand_max_weight= $nodes->{$key}->{_weight};
+ # $cand_min_index = $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index};
+ $candidate_failover_node = $nodes->{$key};
+ }
+ #if($nodes->{$key}->{_weight} > $max_weight){
+ # $max_weight= $nodes->{$key}->{_weight};
+ # $failover_node = $nodes->{$key};
+ #}
+ }
+ #IN case failover option is 2 we need to have:
+ # must be in the same segment of the writer
+ #and be in the PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW
+ elsif(
+ $proxynode->{_require_failover} == 2
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_segment} == $Galera_cluster->{_main_segment}
+ ){
+ if($nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index} < $min_index
+ ){
+ $min_index = $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index};
+ $failover_node = $nodes->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($proxynode->{_require_failover} == 3){
+ if($nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_segment} == $Galera_cluster->{_main_segment}
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index} < $min_index){
+ $min_index = $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index};
+ $failover_node = $nodes->{$key};
+ }
+ elsif($nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_segment} != $Galera_cluster->{_main_segment}
+ && !defined $failover_node
+ && $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index} < $cand_min_index){
+ $cand_min_index = $nodes->{$key}->{_wsrep_local_index};
+ $candidate_failover_node = $nodes->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $nodes_maint ){
+ my $exclude_id = "";
+ my $exclude_port = "";
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %{$nodes_maint}){
+ if(defined $nodes_maint->{$key}){
+ if(length($exclude_id) > 1){
+ $exclude_id = $exclude_id . ",";
+ $exclude_port = $exclude_port . ",";
+ }
+ $exclude_id = $exclude_id ."'". $nodes_maint->{$key}->{_ip} ."'";
+ $exclude_port = $exclude_port.$nodes_maint->{$key}->{_port} ;
+ }
+ }
+ if(length($exclude_id) > 1){
+ $exclude_delete = $exclude_delete . " AND (hostname not in (".$exclude_id.") AND port not in (".$exclude_port."))" ;
+ }
+ }
+ #if a node was found, try to do the failover removing the READ_ONLY
+ if(defined $candidate_failover_node && $failover_node){
+ return $failover_node->promote_writer($proxynode,$Galera_cluster,$exclude_delete);
+ }
+ elsif(defined $candidate_failover_node && !defined $failover_node){
+ return $candidate_failover_node->promote_writer($proxynode,$Galera_cluster,$exclude_delete);
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!defined $failover_node){
+ if ($proxynode->{_require_failover} == 1) { print Utils->print_log(1,"!!!! No node for failover found , try to use active_failover=2 OR add a valid node to the 8000 HG pool \n" ) ; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($proxynode->{_require_failover} == 2) { print Utils->print_log(1,"!!!! No node for failover found , try to use active_failover=3 But that may move production to the other segment.\n" ); last SWITCH; }
+ if ($proxynode->{_require_failover} == 3) { print Utils->print_log(1,"!!!! No node for failover found also in the other segments, I cannot continue you need to act manually \n" ); last SWITCH; }
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $failover_node){
+ return $failover_node->promote_writer($proxynode,$Galera_cluster,$exclude_delete);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ package ProxySqlHG;
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {
+ _id => undef, #
+ _type => undef, # available types: w writer; r reader ; mw maintance writer; mr maintenance reader
+ _size => 0,
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub id {
+ my ( $self, $id ) = @_;
+ $self->{_id} = $id if defined($id);
+ return $self->{_id};
+ }
+ sub type {
+ my ( $self, $type ) = @_;
+ $self->{_type} = $type if defined($type);
+ return $self->{_type};
+ }
+ sub size {
+ my ( $self, $size ) = @_;
+ $self->{_size} = $size if defined($size);
+ return $self->{_size};
+ }
+ package Utils;
+ use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
+ #============================================================================
+ ## get_connection -- return a valid database connection handle (or die)
+ ## $dsn -- a perl DSN, e.g. "DBI:mysql:host=ltsdbwm1;port=3311"
+ ## $user -- a valid username, e.g. "check"
+ ## $pass -- a matching password, e.g. "g33k!"
+ sub get_connection($$$$) {
+ my $dsn = shift;
+ my $user = shift;
+ my $pass = shift;
+ my $SPACER = shift;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass , {
+ PrintError => 0,
+ PrintWarn => 0,
+ RaiseError => 0});
+ if (!defined($dbh)) {
+ #die
+ print Utils->print_log(1, "Cannot connect to $dsn as $user\n");
+ # Should not die and instead return undef so we can handle this shit
+ #die();
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $dbh;
+ }
+ ######################################################################
+ ## collection functions -- fetch status data from db
+ ## get_status -- return a hash ref to SHOW GLOBAL STATUS output
+ ## $dbh -- a non-null database handle, as returned from get_connection()
+ ##
+ sub get_status($$) {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $debug = shift;
+ my %v;
+ my $cmd = "show /*!50000 global */ status";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+ $sth->execute() or warn "Couldn't execute statement: $cmd" . $dbh->errstr ." \n";
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ my $n = $ref->{'Variable_name'};
+ $v{"\L$n\E"} = $ref->{'Value'};
+ if ($debug>0){print "MySQL status = ".$n."\n";}
+ }
+ return \%v;
+ }
+ ######################################################################
+ ## collection functions -- fetch status data from db
+ ## get_status -- return a hash ref to SHOW GLOBAL STATUS output
+ ## $dbh -- a non-null database handle, as returned from get_connection()
+ ##
+ sub get_status_by_name($$) {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $debug = shift;
+ my $name = shift ;
+ my %v;
+ my $cmd = "show /*!50000 global */ status like '$name'";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+ $sth->execute();
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ my $n = $ref->{'Variable_name'};
+ $v{"\L$n\E"} = $ref->{'Value'};
+ if ($debug>0){print "MySQL status = ".$n."\n";}
+ }
+ return \%v;
+ }
+ ##
+ ## get_variables -- return a hash ref to SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES output
+ ##
+ ## $dbh -- a non-null database handle, as returned from get_connection()
+ ##
+ sub get_variables($$) {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $debug = shift;
+ my %v;
+ my $cmd = "select * from performance_schema.global_variables";
+ $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 0;
+ $dbh->{LongTruncOk} = 0;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+ $sth->execute() or warn "Couldn't execute statement: $cmd" . $dbh->errstr ." \n";
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ my $n = $ref->{'VARIABLE_NAME'};
+ $v{"\L$n\E"} = $ref->{'VARIABLE_VALUE'};
+ # print STDERR "$n : ".$v{$n}. " ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ". $ref->{'Value'} ."\n";
+ }
+ return \%v;
+ }
+ ##
+ ## get_variables -- return a hash ref to SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES output
+ ##
+ ## $dbh -- a non-null database handle, as returned from get_connection()
+ ##
+ sub get_variablesByName($$) {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $variableName = shift;
+ #my $debug = shift;
+ my %v;
+ my $cmd = "show variables like '$variableName'";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+ $sth->execute() or warn "Couldn't execute statement: $cmd" . $dbh->errstr ." \n";
+ while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ my $n = $ref->{'Variable_name'};
+ $v{"\L$n\E"} = $ref->{'Value'};
+ }
+ return \%v;
+ }
+ ##
+ ## get_variables -- return a hash ref to SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES output
+ ##
+ ## $dbh -- a non-null database handle, as returned from get_connection()
+ ##
+ sub get_pxc_clusterview($$) {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my $variableName = shift;
+ #my $debug = shift;
+ my %v;
+ my $cmd = "select * from performance_schema.pxc_cluster_view where UUID = '$variableName'";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($cmd);
+ $sth->execute() or warn "Couldn't execute statement: $cmd" . $dbh->errstr ." \n";
+ my $ref;
+ while ( $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ foreach my $name ('HOST_NAME', 'UUID','STATUS','LOCAL_INDEX','SEGMENT'){
+ my $n = lc $name;
+ $v{$n} = $ref->{$name};
+ }
+ }
+ return \%v;
+ }
+ #Print time from invocation with milliseconds
+ sub get_current_time{
+ use POSIX qw(strftime);
+ my $t = gettimeofday();
+ my $date = strftime "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime $t;
+ $date .= sprintf ".%03d", ($t-int($t))*1000; # without rounding
+ return $date;
+ }
+ #prit all environmnt variables
+ sub debugEnv{
+ my $key = keys %ENV;
+ foreach $key (sort(keys %ENV)) {
+ print $key, '=', $ENV{$key}, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ #Print a log entry
+ sub print_log($$){
+ my $log_level = $_[1];
+ my $text = $_[2];
+ my $log_text = "[ - ] ";
+ if ($log_level == 1) { $log_text= "[ERROR] "; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($log_level == 2) { $log_text= "[WARN] "; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($log_level == 3) { $log_text= "[INFO] "; last SWITCH; }
+ if ($log_level == 4) { $log_text= "[DEBUG] "; last SWITCH; }
+ }
+ return Utils::get_current_time.":".$log_text.$text;
+ }
+ #trim a string
+ sub trim {
+ my $s = shift;
+ $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ return $s
+ };
+# ############################################################################
+# Documentation
+# #################
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 OPTIONS
+galera_check.pl -u=admin -p=admin -h= -H=500:W,501:R -P=3310 --main_segment=1 --debug=0 --log <full_path_to_file> --help
+sample [options] [file ...]
+ Options:
+ -u|user user to connect to the proxy
+ -p|password Password for the proxy
+ -h|host Proxy host
+ -H Hostgroups with role definition. List comma separated.
+ Definition R = reader; W = writer [500:W,501:R]
+ --main_segment If segments are in use which one is the leading at the moment
+ --retry_up The number of loop/test the check has to do before moving a node up (default 0)
+ --retry_down The number of loop/test the check has to do before moving a node Down (default 0)
+ --log Full path to the log file ie (/var/log/proxysql/galera_check_) the check will add
+ the identifier for the specific HG.
+ --active_failover A value from 0 to 3, indicating what level/kind of fail-over the script must perform.
+ active_failover
+ Valid values are:
+ 0 [default] do not make failover
+ 1 make failover only if HG 8000 is specified in ProxySQL mysl_servers
+ 2 use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW to identify a server in the same segment
+ 3 do whatever to keep service up also failover to another segment (use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW)
+ --single_writer Active by default [single_writer = 1 ] if disable will allow to have multiple writers
+ Performance parameters
+ --check_timeout This parameter set in ms then time the script can alow a thread connecting to a MySQL node to wait, before forcing a returnn.
+ In short if a node will take longer then check_timeout its entry will be not filled and it will eventually ignored in the evaluation.
+ Setting the debug option =1 and look for [WARN] Check timeout Node ip : Information will tell you how much your nodes are exceeding the allowed limit.
+ You can use the difference to correctly set the check_timeout
+ Default is 800 ms
+ --help help message
+ --debug When active the log will have a lot of information about the execution. Parse it for ERRORS if you have problems
+ --print_execution Active by default, it will print the execution time the check is taking in the log. This can be used to tune properly the scheduler time, and also the --check_timeout
+ --development When set to 1 you can run the script in a loop from bash directly and test what is going to happen
+ --development_time Time in seconds that the loop wait to execute when in development mode (default 2 seconds)
+ SSL support
+ Now the script identify if the node in the ProxySQL table mysql_servers has use_ssl = 1 and will set SSL to be used for that specific entry.
+ This means that SSL connection is by ProxySQL mysql_server entry NOT by IP:port combination.
+ --ssl_certs_path This parameter allow you to specify a DIRECTORY to use to assign specific certificates.
+ At the moment is NOT possible to change the files names and ALL these 3 files must be there and named as follow:
+ - client-key.pem
+ - client-cert.pem
+ - ca.pem
+ Script will exit with an error if ssl_certs_pathis declared but not filled properly
+ OR if the user running the script doesn't have acces.
+ !!NOTE!! SSL connection requires more time to be established. This script is a check that needs to run very fast and constantly.
+ force it to use ssl WILL impact in the performance of the check. Tune properly the check_timeout parameter.
+Galera check is a script to manage integration between ProxySQL and Galera (from Codership).
+Galera and its implementations like Percona Cluster (PCX), use the data-centric concept, as such the status of a node is relvant in relation to a cluster.
+In ProxySQL is possible to represent a cluster and its segments using HostGroups.
+Galera check is design to manage a X number of nodes that belong to a given Hostgroup (HG).
+In Galera_check it is also important to qualify the HG in case of use of Replication HG.
+galera_check works by HG and as such it will perform isolated actions/checks by HG.
+It is not possible to have more than one check running on the same HG. The check will create a lock file {proxysql_galera_check_${hg}.pid} that will be used by the check to prevent duplicates.
+Galera_check will connect to the ProxySQL node and retrieve all the information regarding the Nodes/proxysql configuration.
+It will then check in parallel each node and will retrieve the status and configuration.
+At the moment galera_check analyze and manage the following:
+Node states:
+ read_only
+ wsrep_status
+ wsrep_rejectqueries
+ wsrep_donorrejectqueries
+ wsrep_connected
+ wsrep_desinccount
+ wsrep_ready
+ wsrep_provider
+ wsrep_segment
+ Number of nodes in by segment
+ Retry loop
+- Number of nodes in by segment
+If a node is the only one in a segment, the check will behave accordingly.
+IE if a node is the only one in the MAIN segment, it will not put the node in OFFLINE_SOFT when the node become donor to prevent the cluster to become unavailable for the applications.
+As mention is possible to declare a segment as MAIN, quite useful when managing prod and DR site.
+-The check can be configure to perform retry in a X interval.
+Where X is the time define in the ProxySQL scheduler.
+As such if the check is set to have 2 retry for UP and 4 for down, it will loop that number before doing anything. Given that Galera does some action behind the hood.
+This feature is very useful in some not well known cases where Galera bhave weird.
+IE whenever a node is set to READ_ONLY=1, galera desync and resync the node.
+A check not taking this into account will cause a node to be set OFFLINE and back for no reason.
+Another important differentiation for this check is that it use special HGs for maintenance, all in range of 9000.
+So if a node belong to HG 10 and the check needs to put it in maintenance mode, the node will be moved to HG 9010.
+Once all is normal again, the Node will be put back on his original HG.
+This check does NOT modify any state of the Nodes.
+Meaning It will NOT modify any variables or settings in the original node. It will ONLY change states in ProxySQL.
+The check is still a prototype and is not suppose to go to production (yet).
+=item 1
+Note that galera_check is also Segment aware, as such the checks on the presence of Writer /reader is done by segment, respecting the MainSegment as primary.
+=head1 Configure in ProxySQL
+INSERT INTO scheduler (id,active,interval_ms,filename,arg1) values (10,0,2000,"/var/lib/proxysql/galera_check.pl","-u=remoteUser -p=remotePW -h= -H=500:W,501:R -P=6032 --retry_down=2 --retry_up=1 --main_segment=1 --debug=0 --active_failover=1 --single_writer=1 --log=/var/lib/proxysql/galeraLog");
+To activate it
+update scheduler set active=1 where id=10;
+To update the parameters you must pass all of them not only the ones you want to change(IE enabling debug)
+update scheduler set arg1="-u=remoteUser -p=remotePW -h= -H=500:W,501:R -P=6032 --retry_down=2 --retry_up=1 --main_segment=1 --debug=1 --active_failover=1 --single_writer=1 --log=/var/lib/proxysql/galeraLog" where id =10;
+delete from scheduler where id=10;
+=head1 Rules:
+=item 1
+Set to offline_soft :
+ any non 4 or 2 state, read only =ON
+ donor node reject queries - 0 size of cluster > 2 of nodes in the same segments more then one writer, node is NOT read_only.
+ Changes to pxc_maint_mode to anything else DISABLED
+=item 2
+change HG t maintenance HG:
+ Node/cluster in non primary
+ wsrep_reject_queries different from NONE
+ Donor, node reject queries =1 size of cluster
+=item 3
+Node comes back from offline_soft when (all of them):
+ 1) Node state is 4
+ 3) wsrep_reject_queries = none
+ 4) Primary state
+=item 4
+ Node comes back from maintenance HG when (all of them):
+ 1) node state is 4
+ 3) wsrep_reject_queries = none
+ 4) Primary state
+=item 5
+ active_failover
+ Valid values are:
+ 0 [default] do not make failover
+ 1 make failover only if HG 8000 is specified in ProxySQL mysl_servers
+ 2 use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW to identify a server in the same segment
+ 3 do whatever to keep service up also failover to another segment (use PXC_CLUSTER_VIEW)
+=item 6
+ PXC_MAIN_MODE is fully supported.
+ Any node in a state different from pxc_maint_mode=disabled will be set in OFFLINE_SOFT for all the HostGroup.
+=item 7
+ internally shunning node.
+ While I am trying to rely as much as possible on ProxySQL, given few inefficiencies there are cases when I have to set a node to SHUNNED because ProxySQL doesn't recognize it correctly.