123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # This computes a climatology of restarts.
- #
- # History : Virginie Guemas - Initial version - April 2014
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Arguments
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Name of the experiment from which to compute the climatology
- expin='i00v'
- # Name tag given to the output climatology
- expout='chis'
- # Start month : MMDD
- MM=1031
- # First year used to compute climatology
- year0=1981
- # Last year used to compute climatology
- yearf=2010
- # ocean or ice ?
- typ='ice'
- # configuration : ORCA1_LIM2, ORCA1_LIM3, ORCA025_LIM2, ORCA025_LIM3 for ice
- # ORCA1, ORCA1L46, ORCA025L46, ORCA025L75 for ocean
- config='ORCA1_LIM2'
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- case $typ in
- 'ocean') suf='.nc' ;;
- 'ice') suf='_ice.nc' ;;
- esac
- for ((jmemb=0;jmemb<=4;jmemb++)) ; do
- for ((year=$year0;year<=$yearf;year++)) ; do
- cp /cfu/releases/ic/$typ/${config}/${expin}/${expin}_fc${jmemb}_${year}${MM}_restart${suf}.gz .
- gunzip ${expin}_fc${jmemb}_${year}${MM}_restart${suf}.gz
- done
- ncea ${expin}_fc${jmemb}_*${MM}_restart${suf} ${expout}_fc${jmemb}_${MM}_restart${suf}
- gzip ${expout}_fc${jmemb}_${MM}_restart${suf}
- mv ${expout}_fc${jmemb}_${MM}_restart${suf}.gz /cfu/releases/ic/$typ/${config}/${expout}/
- rm -f ${expin}_fc${jmemb}_*${MM}_restart${suf}
- done