program comp_rhop ! ! ============================================================================= ! ! This program computes the potential density rhop based on the equation ! used in NEMO. Beware that the configuration is hard-coded. LX, LY ! LZ, LT need to be changed for each new configuration and the program ! needs to be recompiled with the makefile provided. ! ! Usage ./comp_rhop with a namelist called namelist_rhop: ! &density ! input_file = '' ! input_Tvar = '' ! input_Svar = '' ! input_Dvar = '' ! outfile = '' ! / ! ! History : Virginie Guemas - Initial version PhD tools - February 2008 ! - Namelist and remove hard-coding - April 2014 ! ! ============================================================================= ! USE eosbn2 ! Routine from NEMO to compute rhop IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE '' CHARACTER(80) :: & & input_file, & ! Input netcdf file name & input_Tvar, & ! Input netcdf potential temperature variable name & input_Svar, & ! Input netcdf salinity variable name & input_Dvar, & ! Input netcdf depth variable name & outfile ! Ouput netcdf file name NAMELIST/density/input_file,input_Tvar,input_Svar,input_Dvar,outfile INTEGER,PARAMETER :: inam=1 INTEGER :: ncid, varid, istat INTEGER,DIMENSION(4) :: dimoutids INTEGER,PARAMETER :: LX=1442,LY=1021,LZ=46,LT=1 ! These dimensions need to be changed also in eosbn2.f90 for each new ! configuration DOUBLE PRECISION,DIMENSION(LX,LY,LZ,LT) :: PT,PS DOUBLE PRECISION,DIMENSION(LZ) :: PD DOUBLE PRECISION,DIMENSION(LX,LY,LZ,LT) :: PRHO DOUBLE PRECISION,DIMENSION(LX,LY,LZ) :: MASK DOUBLE PRECISION,DIMENSION(LX,LY,LZ,LT) :: Zrho_smow,PO INTEGER :: JI,JJ,JK,JT ! ! ============================================================================= ! ! Read the namelist ! ================== OPEN(UNIT=inam,FILE='namelist_rhop',FORM='FORMATTED',ACCESS=& &'SEQUENTIAL',STATUS='OLD',IOSTAT=istat) IF (istat /=0 ) THEN PRINT*,'IOSTAT = ',istat STOP"Problem opening namelist_rhop" END IF REWIND(inam) READ(UNIT=inam,NML=density) ! Read input thermodynamic fields ! ================================= ! istat = NF_OPEN (input_file,0,ncid ) call check_stat(istat,'Opening input file') istat = NF_INQ_VARID(ncid,input_Tvar,varid) call check_stat(istat,'Finding input temperature variable') istat = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(ncid,varid,PT) call check_stat(istat,'Reading input temperature') istat = NF_INQ_VARID(ncid,input_Svar,varid) call check_stat(istat,'Finding input salinity variable') istat = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(ncid,varid,PS) call check_stat(istat,'Reading input temperature') istat = NF_INQ_VARID(ncid,input_Dvar,varid) call check_stat(istat,'Finding input depth variable') istat = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(ncid,varid,PD) call check_stat(istat,'Reading input depth') istat = NF_CLOSE ( ncid ) call check_stat(istat,'Closing input file') ! ! compute potential density ! MASK = 1. WHERE(PT(:,:,:,1) > 1e19 .or. PT(:,:,:,1)< -9e30) MASK = 0. END WHERE DO JT = 1,LT call eos_insitu_pot( PT(:,:,:,JT), PS(:,:,:,JT), PD, MASK, & &PRHO(:,:,:,JT) ) WHERE (MASK < 0.5) PRHO(:,:,:,JT) = 1e20 END WHERE END DO ! ! Write outputs ! ============== ! istat = NF_CREATE(outfile,NF_NOCLOBBER,ncid) call check_stat(istat,'Opening output file') istat = NF_DEF_DIM(ncid,'x',LX,dimoutids(1)) call check_stat(istat,'Defining x dimension in output file') istat = NF_DEF_DIM(ncid,'y',LY,dimoutids(2)) call check_stat(istat,'Defining y dimension in output file') istat = NF_DEF_DIM(ncid,'z',LZ,dimoutids(3)) call check_stat(istat,'Defining z dimension in output file') istat = NF_DEF_DIM(ncid,'t',LT,dimoutids(4)) call check_stat(istat,'Defining t dimension in output file') istat = NF_DEF_VAR(ncid,'rhop',NF_DOUBLE,4,dimoutids,varid) call check_stat(istat,'Defining rhop variable in output file') istat = NF_PUT_ATT_DOUBLE(ncid,varid,'missing_value',NF_DOUBLE,1,DBLE(1e20)) call check_stat(istat,'Defining missing value for rhop') istat = NF_ENDDEF(ncid) call check_stat(istat,'Closing output file definition') istat = NF_PUT_VAR_DOUBLE(ncid,varid,PRHO) call check_stat(istat,'Writing rhop in output file') istat = NF_CLOSE ( ncid ) call check_stat(istat,'Closing output file') end program comp_rhop