In this directory, you can find: 1) a bash script to interpolate horizontally : interp This script relies on the SCRIP (Spherical Coordinate Remapping and Interpolation Package) for the computation of the interpolation weights and on a fortran executable written by Virginie Guemas and added to the SCRIP package to apply these weights : scrip_use You can also extrapolate after interpolating with scrip_use_extrap 2) the fortran sources from SCRIP are also available in case you need to compute new interpolation weights. 3) a python script to interpolate vertically : 4) a python script to extrapolate vertically : 5) a python script to extrapolate horizontally a 3d field : 6) a python script to extrapolate horizontally a 2d field : 7) the fortran sources to rotate the U and V components on the ORCA irregular grid. More information can be found here: