Tools from NERSC to run the Ensemble Kalman Filter, adapted to NEMO.
hai 1 ano | |
EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ | hai 1 ano | |
conversion_uf | hai 1 ano | |
interpolate_observations | %!s(int64=6) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
sanity_check | %!s(int64=3) %!d(string=hai) anos | | | %!s(int64=6) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
enkf_modules_to_load.txt | %!s(int64=3) %!d(string=hai) anos |
November 2016 Updated November 2017 Updated March 2019 at UCL
François Massonnet
Everything available to set up the Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) for NEMO and EC-Earth
Go to the HPC
Clone the git repository (some HPCs don't allow communication with the web, in this case clone locally and rsync the git project to HPC)
git clone
Compile the EnKF code
The folder EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ is a modified copy of the source code found at NERSC (
It has been modified as to work with NEMO and LIM, by F. Massonnet and C. König Beatty. The code itself should not be modified, unless there are good reasons to do so.
make clean
An executable EnKF should be produced. Try to run it to see if you get the following information message:
bsc32526@login2:/gpfs/projects/bsc32/bsc32526/enkf/EnKF-assimilation/EnKF-MPI-TOPAZ> ./EnKF Inne i start_mpi: qmpi_proc_num = 0 master = T MPI started with 1 processors Usage: EnKF
EnKF -h
-h -- describe parameter fie format
cd ../conversion_uf/ make clean source ../enkf_modules_to_load.txt make
Two executables named prep_obs_ORCA1 and prep_obs_ORCA25 should be created. Try them:
(prep_obs) takes a real obs, extracts the desired variable and outputs it in a format that the EnKF can read & treat ('observations.uf').
A file named containing the variables tmaskutil, nav_lon and nav_lat is expected to be in the current directory (ORCA-file)
Three command line arguments are expected:
Hope to see you again soon.
(prep_obs): Stopped.
The folder sanity_check is a set of routines that make sure that the restarts provided by the EnKF can be read by NEMO. These are home-made (François Massonnet, see also description in
cd ../sanity_check/ make clean source ../enkf_modules_to_load.txt make
An executable named sanity_checked is created, try it:
sanity_check_LIM3 needs arguments: -analysis_file_ice -forecast_file_ice -analysis_file_oce -forecast_file_oce Checks NEMO-LIM3 ice and ocean analyses restarst (netcdf) file for sanity and fixesthem if necessary.
Sanity means for now: Strongly follow limupdate.F90 Files and need to be in the current directory
Hope to see you again soon.
Chris König Beatty Francois Massonnet -- Last update: 2013 Last update: 2016 (to work with NEMO3.6) (sanity_check): Stopped.
cd ../conversion_uf/
open convert.bash, check it, and run it (always on HPC)