123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283 |
- !KAL
- !KAL
- !KAL
- !KAL
- !KAL
- !KAL
- !KAL
- program consistency
- use mod_raw_io
- use m_parse_blkdat
- use m_get_mod_grid
- use m_get_mod_fld
- use nfw_mod
- use mod_testinfo
- implicit none
- integer*4, external :: iargc
- integer, parameter :: maxweird = 100 ! give up reporting after 100 weird values
- real, parameter :: onem=9806.0, undef=-1e14
- logical isweird ! error locally at certain i,j,k
- integer iens,i,j,k, count_weird ! counting weird values in A
- character(len=80) :: rstfile, rstbase, outfile, icerstfile
- character(len=8) :: cfld
- character(len=80) :: cmem
- real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: readfld,modlon,modlat,depths, dpsum
- real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: countprobs, dpprobs, tempprobs
- real*4, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fldr4
- logical :: process_ice
- integer :: iter
- integer :: ncid
- integer :: dimids(2)
- integer :: lon_id, lat_id, tot_id,tem_id, dp_id
- real :: bmin, bmax
- real*4 :: amin, amax, spval=0.0
- integer :: vlevel,tlevel,rstind
- logical :: readok, ex
- integer :: testindex
- integer :: idm,jdm,kdm
- integer :: ios, fnd
- integer :: imem, itime
- real :: rdummy
- real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ficem,hicem,hsnwm,ticem,tsrfm
- integer :: reclice
- type(testinfo), dimension(:), allocatable :: tests
- integer :: numtest
- character(len=80) :: ncfile
- integer :: dimx,dimy,var_id,var2d(2),ierr
- real :: mindx,meandx
- process_ice=.false.
- imem=1 ! Only really needed when reading ice restart file
- if (iargc()==1) then
- call getarg(1,rstfile)
- elseif (iargc()==3) then
- call getarg(1,rstfile)
- call getarg(2,icerstfile)
- call getarg(3,cmem)
- read(cmem,*) imem
- process_ice=.true.
- else
- print *,'Usage: consistency restartfile icerestartfile ensemble_member'
- call exit(1)
- end if
- fnd=max(index(rstfile,'.a'),index(rstfile,'.b'))
- rstbase=rstfile(1:fnd-1)
- ! Set up test info
- numtest=9
- allocate(tests(9))
- call tests_init(tests, numtest)
- !Get model dimensions -
- call parse_blkdat('idm ','integer',rdummy,idm)
- call parse_blkdat('jdm ','integer',rdummy,jdm)
- call parse_blkdat('kdm ','integer',rdummy,kdm)
- ! Allocate fields
- allocate(readfld(idm,jdm))
- allocate(fldr4 (idm,jdm))
- allocate(modlon (idm,jdm))
- allocate(modlat (idm,jdm))
- allocate(depths (idm,jdm))
- allocate(dpsum (idm,jdm))
- allocate(countprobs (idm,jdm))
- allocate(dpprobs (idm,jdm))
- allocate(tempprobs (idm,jdm))
- ! Get model grid
- call get_mod_grid(modlon,modlat,depths,mindx,meandx,idm,jdm)
- ! Loop through the file header, extract field information, then:
- ! |
- ! |
- ! |
- ! |
- outfile='consistency_'//trim(rstbase)
- open(10, file=trim(outfile), access='sequential',status='replace')
- write(10,*) '**************************************************************'
- write(10,*) 'Go to the end of this file for a summary of all errors '
- write(10,*) '**************************************************************'
- write(10,*) ''
- countprobs=0.
- dpprobs=0.
- tempprobs=0.
- rstind=1
- ios=0
- count_weird=0
- readok=.true.
- do while (readok)
- ! Get header info
- call rst_header_from_index(trim(rstbase)//'.b', &
- cfld,vlevel,tlevel,rstind,bmin,bmax,.true.)
- readok=tlevel/=-1 ! test to see if read was ok
- if (readok) then
- call matchtest(cfld,tests,numtest,testindex)
- if (testindex/=-1) then
- print *,'Checking : ',cfld,vlevel,tlevel
- call READRAW(fldr4,amin,amax,idm,jdm,.false.,spval,&
- trim(rstbase)//'.a',rstind)
- readfld=fldr4
- write(10,'(a,2i5)') 'Testing '//cfld//' at time and layer :',&
- tlevel,vlevel
- do j=1,jdm
- do i=1,idm
- if (depths(i,j)>.1) then
- isweird=.false.
- if (readfld(i,j)>tests(testindex)%max) then
- tests(testindex)%toolarge=tests(testindex)%toolarge+1
- isweird=.true.
- else if (readfld(i,j)<tests(testindex)%min) then
- tests(testindex)%toosmall=tests(testindex)%toosmall+1
- isweird=.true.
- end if
- if (tests(testindex)%toosmall + tests(testindex)%toolarge&
- <maxweird .and. isweird) then
- write(10,'(a,4i5,e14.4)') ' '//cfld//'&
- Error at i,j,z,t:',i,j,vlevel,tlevel,readfld(i,j)
- end if
- if (isweird) countprobs(i,j)=countprobs(i,j)+1
- if (isweird.and.trim(cfld)=='dp')&
- dpprobs(i,j)=dpprobs(i,j)+1
- if (isweird.and.trim(cfld)=='temp')&
- tempprobs(i,j)=tempprobs(i,j)+1
- end if
- end do
- end do
- if ( tests(testindex)%toosmall + tests(testindex)%toolarge&
- >=maxweird) then
- write(10,*) 'Found ', tests(testindex)%toosmall +&
- tests(testindex)%toolarge,' errors for ', cfld
- end if
- else
- print *,'Skipping : ',cfld,vlevel,tlevel
- end if
- end if
- rstind=rstind+1
- end do
- ! KAL
- do itime=1,2
- dpsum=0.
- do k=1,kdm
- call get_mod_fld_new(trim(rstbase),readfld,imem,'dp ',k,itime,&
- idm,jdm)
- dpsum=dpsum+readfld
- end do
- print '(a,i3)','Max difference dpsum / depths at time index ',itime
- print *,maxval(dpsum-depths*onem)/onem
- end do
- ! KAL
- if (process_ice) then
- allocate(ficem(idm,jdm))
- allocate(hicem(idm,jdm))
- allocate(hsnwm(idm,jdm))
- allocate(ticem(idm,jdm))
- allocate(tsrfm(idm,jdm))
- print *,'TODO -- check ice fields'
- inquire(iolength=reclICE)ficem,hicem,hsnwm,ticem,tsrfm !,iceU,iceV
- open(20,file=trim(icerstfile),form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclICE,status='old')
- read(20,rec=imem,iostat=ios)ficem,hicem,hsnwm,ticem,tsrfm !,iceU,iceV
- close(20)
- do iter=1,2
- if (iter==1) then
- cfld='icec'
- call matchtest(cfld,tests,numtest,testindex)
- readfld=ficem
- else if (iter==2) then
- cfld='hice'
- call matchtest(cfld,tests,numtest,testindex)
- readfld=hicem
- end if
- if (testindex/=-1) then
- write(10,'(a,2i5)') 'Testing '//cfld//' at time and layer :',&
- tlevel,vlevel
- do j=1,jdm
- do i=1,idm
- if (depths(i,j)>.1) then
- isweird=.false.
- if (readfld(i,j)>tests(testindex)%max) then
- tests(testindex)%toolarge=tests(testindex)%toolarge+1
- isweird=.true.
- else if (readfld(i,j)<tests(testindex)%min) then
- tests(testindex)%toosmall=tests(testindex)%toosmall+1
- isweird=.true.
- end if
- if (tests(testindex)%toosmall + tests(testindex)%toolarge&
- <maxweird .and. isweird) then
- write(10,'(a,4i5,e14.4)') ' '//cfld//&
- ' Error at i,j,z,t:',i,j,vlevel,tlevel,readfld(i,j)
- end if
- end if
- if (isweird) countprobs(i,j)=countprobs(i,j)+1
- end do
- end do
- if (tests(testindex)%toosmall + tests(testindex)%toolarge&
- >=maxweird) then
- write(10,*) 'Found ', tests(testindex)%toosmall + tests(testindex)%toolarge,' errors for ',cfld
- end if
- end if
- end do
- end if
- close(10)
- print *,minval(countprobs),maxval(countprobs)
- where (depths<.1)
- countprobs=undef
- dpprobs=undef
- tempprobs=undef
- end where
- print *,minval(countprobs),maxval(countprobs)
- ! Netcdf - distribution of "problematic" areas
- ncfile=trim(outfile)//'.nc'
- call nfw_create(ncfile, nf_clobber, ncid)
- call nfw_def_dim(ncfile, ncid, 'idm', idm, dimids(1))
- call nfw_def_dim(ncfile, ncid, 'jdm', jdm, dimids(2))
- call nfw_def_var(ncfile, ncid, 'lon', nf_float, 2, dimids, lon_id)
- call nfw_def_var(ncfile, ncid, 'lat', nf_float, 2, dimids, lat_id)
- call nfw_def_var(ncfile, ncid, 'tempprob', nf_float, 2, dimids, tem_id)
- call nfw_def_var(ncfile, ncid, 'totprob', nf_float, 2, dimids, tot_id)
- call nfw_def_var(ncfile, ncid, 'dpprob', nf_float, 2, dimids, dp_id)
- call nfw_enddef(ncfile, ncid)
- call nfw_put_var_double(ncfile, ncid, lon_id, modlon)
- call nfw_put_var_double(ncfile, ncid, lat_id, modlat)
- call nfw_put_var_double(ncfile, ncid, tot_id, countprobs)
- call nfw_put_var_double(ncfile, ncid, tem_id, tempprobs)
- call nfw_put_var_double(ncfile, ncid, dp_id, dpprobs)
- call nfw_close(ncfile, ncid)
- end program consistency