1234567891011121314151617 |
- TMPDIR IS >>>>>> /gpfs/home/acad/ucl-elic/adelhass/scratch_limhr/sosie/TMP_19210 <<<<<<<
- 1983
- 19831231
- Two files were found for the time stamp 19831231!
- Resources Used
- Total Memory used - MEM : 0B
- Total CPU Time - CPU_Time : 00:00:04
- Execution Time - Wall_Time : 00:00:04
- total programme cpu time - Total_CPU : 00:01.762
- Total_CPU / CPU_Time (%) - ETA : 25%
- Number of alloc CPU - NCPUS : 1
- Number of Mobilized Resources per Job - NCPUS_EQUIV_PJOB : 5
- Mobilized Resources x Execution Time - R_Wall_Time : 00:00:20
- CPU_Time / R_Wall_Time (%) - ALPHA : 20%