namelist_OSISAF-conc 1.8 KB

  1. !! -------------------
  2. !! Namelist for SOSIE
  3. !! -------------------
  4. !!
  5. !! ***********************
  6. !! Input characteristics :
  7. !! ***********************
  8. !!
  9. &ndom_src
  10. csource = 'OSI-SAF-450'
  11. ivect = 0 ! this is not a vector interpolation
  12. l_reg_src = .false. ! input grid is not regular (lon and lat are "1D") then false.
  13. cf_src = ''
  14. cv_src = 'ice_conc'
  15. cv_t_src = 'time'
  16. cf_x_src = '' ! AD add but not sure what is it ... WARNING
  17. cv_lon_src = 'lon'
  18. cv_lat_src = 'lat'
  19. cf_lsm_src = 'missing_value' ! we use 'missing_value' of input field to determine
  20. cv_lsm_src = '' ! the land-sea-mask
  21. ewper_src = 0
  22. /
  23. !!
  24. !!
  25. !! *****************************
  26. !! Output Grid characteristics :
  27. !! *****************************
  28. !!
  29. !!
  30. !&noutput
  31. !!
  32. &ndom_trg
  33. ctarget = 'eORCA1'
  34. l_reg_trg = .false.
  35. cf_x_trg = '/gpfs/home/acad/ucl-elic/adelhass/git/EnKF/conversion_uf/'
  36. cv_lon_trg = 'nav_lon'
  37. cv_lat_trg = 'nav_lat'
  38. cf_lsm_trg = '/gpfs/home/acad/ucl-elic/adelhass/git/EnKF/conversion_uf/'
  39. cv_lsm_trg = 'tmask'
  40. ewper_trg = 2
  41. /
  42. !!
  43. !! ***********************************
  44. !! IF 3D INTERPOLATION ( jplev = 0 )
  45. !! ***********************************
  46. !!
  47. !! This namelist section is not required as we do pure 2D interpolation
  48. !!
  49. !!
  50. !!
  51. !! *****************************
  52. !! Output characteristics :
  53. !! *****************************
  54. !!
  55. !!
  56. &ninterp
  57. cmethod = 'bilin'
  58. idrown = 100,50
  59. ixtrpl_bot = 0
  60. l_save_drwn = .true.
  61. ismooth = 0
  62. jt1 = 0
  63. jt2 = 0
  64. jplev = 1
  65. vmax = 1.E6
  66. vmin = -1.E6
  67. ismooth_out = 0
  68. /
  69. !!
  70. &noutput
  71. cv_out = 'at_i'
  72. cu_out = ''
  73. cln_out = 'at_i'
  74. cv_t_out = 'time_counter'
  75. cd_out = '.'
  76. cextra = 'TTAAGG'
  77. lmout = .true.
  78. rmiss_val = -99999999.
  79. lct = .false.
  80. t0 = 0.
  81. t_stp = 0.
  82. /
  83. !!