slurm_conversion-4651418.out 1.0 KB

  1. 3
  2. Handling sic
  3. (prep_obs) Extracting sic from /gpfs/scratch/acad/limhr/adelhass/obs/OSI-450-430-a/interpo/
  4. varname=sic
  5. OK varsic
  6. cvarerror=sic_sd
  7. (prep_obs) Using data >40N and <45S
  8. Nb obscnt: 7148
  9. (prep_obs) Wrote out this many obs: 7148
  10. (prep_obs) Number of ocean points : 65087
  11. (prep_obs) End successfully reached
  12. conversion 19900201 DONE!
  13. Resources Used
  14. Total Memory used - MEM : 0B
  15. Total CPU Time - CPU_Time : 00:00:02
  16. Execution Time - Wall_Time : 00:00:02
  17. total programme cpu time - Total_CPU : 00:01.050
  18. Total_CPU / CPU_Time (%) - ETA : 50%
  19. Number of alloc CPU - NCPUS : 1
  20. Number of Mobilized Resources per Job - NCPUS_EQUIV_PJOB : 34
  21. Mobilized Resources x Execution Time - R_Wall_Time : 00:01:08
  22. CPU_Time / R_Wall_Time (%) - ALPHA : 2%