123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- module m_pivotp
- use m_confmap
- implicit none
- contains
- ! This subroutine computes the pivot point of each of the observations
- ! in the temporary array tmpobs of type observation. The pivot point
- ! is the biggest i and the biggest j, (i,j) is the computation points/
- ! the grid, that is less than the position of the observation.
- !
- subroutine pivotp(lon, lat, ipiv, jpiv)
- real, intent(in) :: lon, lat
- integer, intent(out) :: ipiv, jpiv
- real :: tmptan
- real :: lontmp
- if (.not. confmap_initialised) then
- print *, 'ERROR: oldtonew(): confmap not initialised'
- stop
- end if
- ! fix for wrap-around
- ! Knut: For some exotic grids the wrap-around
- ! is not needed. By exotic grid I mean Conman,
- ! where the poles are on the other side of the earth,
- ! and the eastern limit is actually WEST of the western
- ! limit.... (di < 0)
- !if (lon < wlim) then
- if (lon < wlim .and. di > 0. ) then
- lontmp = lon + 360.0
- else
- lontmp = lon
- endif
- ipiv = int((lontmp - wlim) / di) + 1
- if (mercator) then
- if (abs(lat) < 89.999) then
- tmptan = tan(0.5 * rad * lat + 0.25 * pi_1)
- jpiv = int((log(tmptan) - slim * rad) / (rad * dj)) + 1
- else
- jpiv= - 999
- endif
- else
- jpiv = int((lat - slim) / dj) + 1
- endif
- end subroutine pivotp
- end module m_pivotp