123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268 |
- ! File: m_parameters.F90
- !
- ! Created: 6 August 2010
- !
- ! Last modified: 6/8/2010
- !
- ! Author: Pavel Sakov
- !
- ! Purpose: Provide a simpl nml list-based parameter input into EnKF.
- !
- ! Description: Provides code for reading parameters from a specified
- ! parameter file.
- !
- ! Modifications: none
- module m_parameters
- #if defined(QMPI)
- use qmpi
- #else
- use qmpi_fake
- #endif
- implicit none
- integer, parameter, private :: STRLEN = 512
- integer, parameter, private :: FID = 101
- character(STRLEN), public :: PRMFNAME = "NONE"
- integer, public :: ENSSIZE = 0
- namelist /ensemble/ ENSSIZE
- character(STRLEN), public :: METHODTAG = "NONE"
- namelist /method/ METHODTAG
- real, public :: LOCRAD = 0.0d0
- character(STRLEN), public :: LOCFUNTAG = "GASPARI-COHN"
- namelist /localisation/ LOCRAD, LOCFUNTAG
- real, public :: INFL = 1.0d0
- real, public :: RFACTOR1 = 1.0d0
- real, public :: RFACTOR2 = 1.0d0
- real, public :: KFACTOR = 2.0d0
- namelist /moderation/ INFL, RFACTOR1, RFACTOR2, KFACTOR
- character(STRLEN), public :: JMAPFNAME = "NONE"
- character(STRLEN), public :: POINTFNAME = "NONE"
- character(STRLEN), public :: MEANSSHFNAME = "NONE"
- integer, parameter, private :: NPRMESTMAX = 10
- integer :: nprmest = 0
- character(STRLEN), dimension(NPRMESTMAX), public :: PRMESTNAME
- real, dimension(NPRMESTMAX), public :: PRMINFL
- namelist /prmest/ PRMESTNAME, PRMINFL
- public prm_read, prm_describe, prm_print, prm_getinfl, prm_prmestexists, ucase
- contains
- subroutine prm_read
- integer :: ios, i
- call getarg(1, PRMFNAME)
- if (master) then
- print *, 'EnKF: reading parameters from "', trim(PRMFNAME), '":'
- end if
- open(unit = FID, file = trim(PRMFNAME), form = "formatted",&
- status = "old", iostat = ios)
- if (ios /= 0) then
- if (master) then
- print *, 'ERROR: could not open "', trim(PRMFNAME), '", iostatus =', ios
- stop
- end if
- end if
- read(unit = FID, nml = method, iostat = ios)
- if (ios /= 0) then
- if (master) then
- print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "method"'
- end if
- stop
- end if
- rewind(FID)
- read(unit = FID, nml = ensemble, iostat = ios)
- if (ios /= 0) then
- if (master) then
- print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "ensemble"'
- end if
- stop
- end if
- rewind(FID)
- read(unit = FID, nml = localisation, iostat = ios)
- if (ios /= 0) then
- if (master) then
- print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "localisation"'
- end if
- stop
- end if
- rewind(FID)
- read(unit = FID, nml = moderation, iostat = ios)
- if (ios /= 0) then
- if (master) then
- print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "moderation"'
- end if
- stop
- end if
- rewind(FID)
- read(unit = FID, nml = files, iostat = ios)
- if (ios /= 0) then
- if (master) then
- print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "files"'
- end if
- stop
- end if
- rewind(FID)
- do i = 1, NPRMESTMAX
- PRMESTNAME(i) = ""
- end do
- read(unit = FID, nml = prmest, iostat = ios)
- if (ios /= 0) then
- if (master) then
- print *, 'ERROR: "', trim(PRMFNAME), '": could not read namelist "prmest"'
- end if
- stop
- end if
- do i = 1, NPRMESTMAX
- if (PRMESTNAME(i) == "") then
- nprmest = i - 1
- exit
- end if
- end do
- rewind(FID)
- close(FID)
- call ucase(METHODTAG)
- call ucase(LOCFUNTAG)
- end subroutine prm_read
- subroutine prm_describe
- if (.not. master) then
- return
- end if
- print '(a)', ' Example of EnKF parameter file:'
- print *
- print '(a)', '&method'
- print '(a)', ' methodtag = "DEnKF"'
- print '(a)', '/'
- print '(a)', '&ensemble'
- print '(a)', ' enssize = 0'
- print '(a)', '/'
- print '(a)', '&localisation'
- print '(a)', ' locfuntag = "Gaspari-Cohn"'
- print '(a)', ' locrad = 300.0'
- print '(a)', '/'
- print '(a)', '&moderation'
- print '(a)', ' infl = 1.01 (<number>)'
- print '(a)', ' rfactor1 = 1.0 (<number>)'
- print '(a)', ' rfactor2 = 2.0 (<number>)'
- print '(a)', ' kfactor = 2.0 (<number>)'
- print '(a)', '/'
- print '(a)', '&files'
- print '(a)', ' jmapfname = "jmap.txt" (<file name>)'
- print '(a)', ' pointfname = "point2nc.txt" (<file name>)'
- print '(a)', ' meansshfname = "meanssh.uf" (<file name>)'
- print *
- print '(a)', 'Parameter options:'
- print '(a)', ' method = "EnKF" | "DEnKF"*'
- print '(a)', ' enssize = <number> (0* to use all available states)'
- print '(a)', ' locfuntag = "Gaspari-Cohn"* | "Step" | "None"'
- print '(a)', ' locrad = <support radius in km>'
- print '(a)', ' infl = <multiple, for ensemble anomalies> (* 1.0)'
- print '(a)', ' rfactor1 = <obs. error variance multiple> (* 1.0)'
- print '(a)', ' rfactor2 = <additional multiple for updating ens. anomalies> (* 1.0)'
- print '(a)', ' kfactor = <max. allowed increment in terms of ensemble spread> (* 2.0)'
- print '(a)', ' jmapfname* = <file with j remapping> (* none)'
- print '(a)', ' pointfname* = <file with point coordinates> (* none)'
- print '(a)', ' meansshfname* = <file with mean SSH> (* none)'
- end subroutine prm_describe
- subroutine prm_print
- integer :: i
- if (.not. master) then
- return
- end if
- print '(a)', ' EnKF parameters:'
- print '(a)', ' method:'
- print '(a, a, a)', ' methodtag = "', trim(METHODTAG), '"'
- print '(a)', ' ensemble:'
- print '(a, i0)', ' enssize = ', ENSSIZE
- print '(a)', ' localisation:'
- print '(a, f5.0)', ' locrad = ', LOCRAD
- print '(a, a, a)', ' locfuntag = "', trim(LOCFUNTAG), '"'
- print '(a)', ' moderation:'
- print '(a, f5.3)', ' infl = ', INFL
- print '(a, f3.1)', ' rfactor1 = ', RFACTOR1
- print '(a, f3.1)', ' rfactor2 = ', RFACTOR2
- print '(a, f3.1)', ' kfactor = ', KFACTOR
- print '(a)', ' files:'
- print '(a, a, a)', ' jmapfname = "', trim(JMAPFNAME), '"'
- print '(a, a, a)', ' pointfname = "', trim(POINTFNAME), '"'
- print '(a, a, a)', ' meansshfname = "', trim(MEANSSHFNAME), '"'
- print '(a, i0, a)', ' prmest: ', nprmest, ' fields'
- do i = 1, nprmest
- print '(a, a, a, f5.3)', ' prmestname = "', trim(PRMESTNAME(i)), '", infl = ', PRMINFL(i)
- end do
- print *
- end subroutine prm_print
- function prm_getinfl(fldname)
- real :: prm_getinfl
- character(*), intent(in) :: fldname
- integer :: i
- prm_getinfl = INFL
- do i = 1, nprmest
- if (trim(fldname) == PRMESTNAME(i)) then
- prm_getinfl = PRMINFL(i)
- print '(a, a, a, f5.3)', ' "', trim(fldname), '": using inflation = ', prm_getinfl
- return
- end if
- end do
- end function prm_getinfl
- function prm_prmestexists(varname)
- logical :: prm_prmestexists
- character(*), intent(in) :: varname
- integer :: i
- prm_prmestexists = .false.
- do i = 1, nprmest
- if (trim(varname) == PRMESTNAME(i)) then
- prm_prmestexists = .true.
- return
- end if
- end do
- end function prm_prmestexists
- ! Shift a character string to upper case.
- !
- subroutine ucase(string)
- character(*) :: string
- integer :: i
- do i = 1, len(string)
- if (string(i:i) >= 'a' .and. string(i:i) <= 'z') then
- string(i:i) = achar (iachar ( string(i:i) ) - 32)
- end if
- end do
- end subroutine ucase
- end module m_parameters