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  1. a_i 0 0 1 Ice fractional areas (concentration)
  2. oa_i 0 0 1 Sea-Ice Age times ice area (s)
  3. sv_i Sea-Ice Bulk salinity * volume per area (pss.m)
  4. smv_i_htc1 0 0 1
  5. smv_i_htc2 0 0 1
  6. smv_i_htc3 0 0 1
  7. smv_i_htc4 0 0 1
  8. smv_i_htc5 0 0 1
  9. snwice_mass 0 0 1 mass of snow and ice at current ice time step [Kg/m2]
  10. snwice_mass_b 0 0 1 mass of snow and ice at previous ice time step [Kg/m2]
  11. e_i_l01 enthalpy ice
  12. e_i_l02
  13. e_s_l01 enthalpy snow
  14. e_s_l02
  15. tempt_il1_htc1 0 0 1
  16. tempt_il1_htc2 0 0 1
  17. tempt_il1_htc3 0 0 1
  18. tempt_il1_htc4 0 0 1
  19. tempt_il1_htc5 0 0 1
  20. tempt_il2_htc1 0 0 1
  21. tempt_il2_htc2 0 0 1
  22. tempt_il2_htc3 0 0 1
  23. tempt_il2_htc4 0 0 1
  24. tempt_il2_htc5 0 0 1
  25. tempt_sl1_htc1 0 0 1
  26. tempt_sl1_htc2 0 0 1
  27. tempt_sl1_htc3 0 0 1
  28. tempt_sl1_htc4 0 0 1
  29. tempt_sl1_htc5 0 0 1
  30. u_ice 0 0 1 Ice velocity in i-direction [m/s]
  31. v_i 0 0 1 Ice volume per unit area [m]
  32. v_ice 0 0 1 Ice velocity in j-direction [m/s]
  33. v_s 0 0 1 Snow volume per unit area [m]
  34. en 1 75 2 ?? east-north ??
  35. hdivb 1 75 2
  36. hdivn 1 75 2
  37. rhop 1 75 2 potential volumic mass [kg/m3]
  38. rotb 1 75 2
  39. rotn 1 75 2
  40. sb 1 75 2 Salinity before [PSU]
  41. sn 1 75 2 Salinity now [PSU]
  42. sshb 0 0 2 ? Sea surface height before [m]
  43. ssh_m 0 0 2 mean sea surface height [m]
  44. sshn 0 0 2 ? Sea surface height now [m]
  45. sss_m 0 0 2 mean surface sea salinity
  46. sst_m 0 0 2 mean surface sea temperature (°C)
  47. ssu_m 0 0 2 mean surface sea i-current (U-point) [m/s]
  48. ssv_m 0 0 2 mean surface sea j-current (V-point) [m/s]
  49. tb 1 75 2 ? temperature before
  50. tn 1 75 2 ? temperature now
  51. ub 1 75 2 ? i-current before
  52. un 1 75 2 ? i-current now
  53. vb 1 75 2 ? j-current before
  54. vn 1 75 2 ? j-current now