!! ------------------- !! Namelist for SOSIE !! ------------------- !! !! *********************** !! Input characteristics : !! *********************** !! &ninput ivect = 0 ! this is not a vector interpolation lregin = F ! input grid is regular (lon and lat are "1D") cf_in = 'mask_in_HHEEMMII-TTAAGG.nc' cv_in = 'mask' cv_t_in = 'time' jt1 = 0 ! we want to interpolate each time record jt2 = 0 ! // jplev = 1 cf_x_in = 'mask_in_HHEEMMII-TTAAGG.nc' cv_lon_in = 'lon' cv_lat_in = 'lat' cf_lsm_in = 'missing_value' ! we use 'missing_value' of input field to determine cv_lsm_in = '' ! the land-sea-mask ldrown = F ! we want to propagate sea values onto the land-sea mask ewper = -1 ! input field does have east-west periodicity with 0 overlapping point vmax = 1 vmin = 0 / !! !! !! !! !! *********************************** !! IF 3D INTERPOLATION ( jplev = 0 ) !! *********************************** !! !! This namelist section is not required as we do pure 2D interpolation !! !! !! !! ***************************** !! Output Grid characteristics : !! ***************************** !! !! &noutput lregout = F cf_x_out = 'mask_out.nc' cv_lon_out = 'nav_lon' cv_lat_out = 'nav_lat' cf_lsm_out = 'mask_out.nc' cv_lsm_out = 'tmask' lmout = T rmaskvalue = -99999999. lct = F ! we use time from input file t0 = 0 t_stp = 0 / !! !! !! !! !! ******************************* !! Netcdf output characteristics : !! ******************************* !! &nnetcdf cmethod = 'bilin' cv_l_out = 'nav_lon' cv_p_out = 'nav_lat' cv_t_out = 'time_counter' cv_out = 'tmask' cu_out = '' cu_t = '' cln_out = 'tmask' cd_out = '.' csource = 'OSISAF-HHEEMMII' ctarget = 'TTAARRGGEETT' cextra = 'TTAAGG' / !!